Xia Feng, please sit down.

You're welcome, please sit down.

There were not many people at the reception banquet prepared by Lin Hai. Apart from him, there were only two gang leaders. The deputy gang leader was not present because of something else.

Xia Feng originally had no interest in this kind of dinner. Eating was secondary, and the main thing was talking about things. But this time, the content of the dishes exceeded his expectations.

Red crustaceans, flaky creatures with tail fins, this is seafood!

Xia Feng picked up a thumb-thick pliers.

Brother Lin, is this a crab?

This is lobster.

Eating seafood in a coastal city should be a very reasonable thing, but Xia Feng, who has learned about Terra's world view, knows that fishing at sea is prohibited by all countries in the world, and the most you can catch is sandworms.

The reason for the ban on fishing is not a secret in the industry. It is the disappearance of the cruise ship decades ago. It was precisely because of that incident that the ocean in the world of Terra became a restricted area.

Over the past few years, maritime development has almost come to a standstill. Even world powers like Victoria and Colombia have only retained two or three ports at most.

Most people related to shipping are aware of the horrific incident, but few know the real cause. They only regard it as a ghost or the wrath of Poseidon.

Of course, there is nothing we can do about it, because no one who has actually experienced such an incident can survive, and they cannot tell others the truth about what they saw. Even if they do survive, most of them will be frightened to the point of mental breakdown. I guess no one would believe it.

However, others didn't know it, but Xia Feng knew that it was not a supernatural event like a ghost at all, but a servant of the deep sea disaster.

Although he still knew little about the secrets in the deep sea, he had already learned the tip of the iceberg from Skadi. The descendants of the deep sea disaster would attack the ship, use a special ability to control the thinking of the people on the ship, and lead the ship to the mystery at the end of the ocean. island.

Xia Feng looked at the lobster claws in his hand in confusion.

Brother Lin, as far as I know, fishing at sea is prohibited in Victoria.

That's right.

Then these

Lin Hai saw Xia Feng's doubts.

In the whole of Victoria, this is the only restaurant where you can eat seafood. It is also a direct property of the Haimen Gang. Apart from here, it is probably only available in the palace. Of course, the seafood in the palace is also bought from me. .”

Huh? Then where does your seafood come from?

Haha, of course they are caught. I have four medium-sized fishing boats.

Xia Feng's expression was very surprised.

You dare to fish?

Lin Hai laughed.

Hahaha, of course I dare. It's normal for you to be surprised. After all, this is something prohibited by the country. However, the reason for this prohibition is a bit subtle. If you noticed this, you should be able to figure it out.

The reason why the state bans fishing is that boats will go missing. Missing boats means death and property damage, and can also cause panic.

Nowadays, the country has stopped even the development of maritime transportation. This kind of regulation is almost a decoration. To put it bluntly, if you can guarantee that the ship will not disappear, that all crew members will be safe, and that similar incidents that cause panic will not occur, then the country will turn a blind eye. Even the royal family secretly ate seafood.

Xia Feng quickly figured it out.

Brother Lin, has your fishing boat never had an accident at sea?

Lin Hai said leisurely.

No one can guarantee that nothing will happen to the ship. There are no absolutes on the vast sea. Just two months ago, I sank a ship due to a storm.

and you.

Lin Hai knew what Xia Feng wanted to ask.

I cannot avoid emergencies at sea, but I can try to overcome them with my rich experience at sea. However, no matter what happens, I will never encounter that kind of thing. You should know what I am talking about.

Xia Feng stared at Lin Hai with wide eyes.

Disaster of the Deep Sea?

That's right.

Lin Hai's expression was very confident, without any suspicion of bragging.

After listening to his words, Xia Feng felt as if he had discovered a new continent. Lin Hai actually knew how to avoid disasters in the deep sea?

Brother Lin, to be honest, I'm very curious. Can you tell me how you did it?

Lin Hai picked up the sobered red wine and helped Xia Feng fill a small half cup.

Haha, it's hard to explain this sentence clearly. Even if I can explain it clearly, you may not be able to understand it. Come on, let's eat first.

After saying that, Lin Hai raised his cup and gave a toast.

Brothers of Black Feather, you are welcome to come from afar. This is my territory, Lin Hai. You are welcome. You can eat and drink as you please. Come on, I will do it first.

Xia Feng picked up the cup and took a sip with him, but his mind was still on the topic just now.

Lin Hai deliberately wanted him to know that the Haimen Gang had a way to avoid disasters in the deep sea, but how to do it, whether it was a subtle route, the use of props or scientific instruments, or some kind of mysterious ritual, Lin Hai did not want to reveal these to him.

Xia Feng opened the lobster and took a bite. The meat was tender and delicious.

Brother Lin, this tastes really good.

If it's good, eat more. If you leave me, it will be difficult for you to eat again.

Xia Feng asked casually while eating.

By the way, Brother Lin, do you know what the deep sea disaster is?

I really don't know this, after all, I haven't really seen it.

You haven't seen it? Then you have seen its servants.

What servant? The Scourge of the Deep is alive?

The conversation between the two was not on the same channel at all.

Later, after talking in detail, Xia Feng confirmed that Lin Hai was not faking, and he really didn't know what the deep sea disaster was.

It is understandable that he knows how to avoid disasters at sea, but he does not know what the disaster is, and he has not even seen it with his own eyes.

If you think about it carefully, this is actually not a contradiction. Lin Hai has never seen the servants of the deep sea disaster, that is, the huge fish-headed monster. This just proves that his evasion method is effective.

Even if Lin Hai is a battle-experienced mercenary, it is impossible to repel that kind of monster on the vast sea. Even he and Ifrit survived thanks to Skadi. If Lin Hai really I guess it’s impossible to sit here and eat now.

Lin Hai's purpose in revealing this information to him was obvious.

That is to prove to him that the Haimen Gang has enough shipping experience to minimize risks. This is a very good bargaining chip to use to increase one's worth.

Of course, this is very useful for the sea smuggling channel envisioned by Xia Feng. If it is true as Lin Hai said, as long as the interaction between the two sides is opened up and the safety after landing is ensured, then the sea will no longer be a problem.

However, Xia Feng's focus has now shifted away from smuggling, putting aside all business, interests, safety and other issues.

The method of avoiding disasters mentioned by Lin Hai may have deeper value.

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