Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 383 Greystone Metallurgy

The place where Xia Feng and the others are going today is a small town called Gaya Town located near the city of Gaya in eastern Victoria.

Geyere is one of the four largest cities in southern Victoria, along with Saint Dee, Notting and Yehua.

Santee City is the most important port city, Yehua City is a strategic border town, Notting City is the most important trade hub in the south, and Geyere City is almost the economic backbone of the entire south.

To put it bluntly, cities are rich in money.

Gaya City, like Hapi City, has city privileges specially approved by the royal family, but this is not a privilege for infected people, but an economic privilege.

A series of preferential measures such as tariff reduction and exemption, entrepreneurship support, and security guarantees have created a good investment environment for Gayare City, and many foreign businessmen from neighboring countries can freely enter the city.

Although they both belong to the south of Victoria, the city of Geyere is very far from the city of Notting. Its geographical location belongs to the border area. Strictly speaking, it should be at the junction of the north and the south. Because it is close to Yehua City, it is also one of the few large-scale cities not controlled by gangs. City.

Xia Feng is not interested in Gayaer City itself. He doesn't know much about the special economic zone. It feels similar to Noxia City. Although it is profitable, it is not very attractive.

What he was going to today was Gaya Town, a small town 20 kilometers west of Gaya City. Here was one of the two private Originium processing plants that Wei Na had told him about before.

Private processing of Origin Stone is a high-risk industry and the most serious illegal industry.

Of course, this den is not only very hidden, but also changes periodically. Almost only people in the circle know about it, and there is no contact information at all.

Xia Feng didn't know much about this industry. According to Wei Na, the processing price is not fixed. They will set the price based on the customer's demand and strength. If they feel that they cannot be trusted, they will even directly refuse to cooperate.

Black Feather's strength cannot be said to be the best now, but it is definitely good enough. This is not a one-time deal. If both parties accept the price, it will be a stable long-term cooperation, so Xia Feng still has high hopes for this negotiation. Sincerely.

In the afternoon of the next day, the jeep drove on the road for almost two days and one night, and finally arrived at Gaya Town.

In terms of town size, this place is similar to Sanna Town.

There are no high-rise buildings. Except for the occasional civilian areas, you can occasionally see a few four- and five-story buildings. Several important roads in the central area of ​​the town are cement roads, and the rest are all dirt roads.

When the window was rolled down, the air was filled with a faint sour smell, which was slightly pungent.

Not caring about resting, the jeep wandered around the town. According to the address on the business card, it finally found a small factory in the outer suburbs with a sign of Grey Stone Metallurgy.

The jeep was parked outside the factory, and the pungent smell became slightly stronger. Through the car window, Xia Feng saw that almost all the workers passing by in the factory yard were wearing masks.

Brother ACE, Aguang, please stay in the car and don't get out. Find your mask and put it on. Although it's very light, there are pathogenic substances in the air nearby.

ACE nodded.

If there is any situation, I will go in and respond.


Pushing open the car door, Hong Dao took down the large suitcase from the trunk and walked into the factory gate with Xia Feng.

Wei Na said that the nickname of the boss of this Originium private processing den is Gray Stone, and the [Grey Stone Metallurgy] hanging at the door of the factory proves that he is looking in the wrong place.

Judging from the scale, this is a standard small metallurgical factory. There are many finished and semi-finished steel products piled in the yard, and several large trucks are parked. However, it seems that these things have not been moved for a long time.

Limestone Metallurgy may have professional steelmaking equipment and may also receive orders from steel mills, but these should be props to conceal their real operations.

Entering the yard of the factory, Xia Feng and Hong Dao were quickly stopped by someone. After expressing their intention, they were led to a small building behind the factory.

10 minutes later.

In a dirty and dilapidated reception room, Xia Feng met the owner of the factory, a man nicknamed Gray Stone.

This is a fat middle-aged man, estimated to be about 40 years old, but judging from his behavior and eyes, this fat body is not bloated.

Hello, Boss Gray.


Hui Shi simply responded, then sat on a chair and crossed his legs.

People who work in this industry will inevitably be wary of strangers. At the same time, as one of the only two private processing channels for Source Stone in Victoria, after eliminating the danger, no matter how awesome the identity of the person who comes to the door is, Gray Stone will not Take it seriously.

Afterwards, Xia Feng sat opposite the gray stone and expressed his intention to come, and reported the number of Origin Stone clusters he temporarily owned.

Hong Dao took two steps forward, placed the large suitcase in his hand on the table and opened it, revealing a box full of Origin Stones.

Gray Stone crossed his legs and stretched out his hand to the boy next to him, and a cigar was immediately handed over.

He was not cautious about the natural source stone cluster close at hand. It seemed that he should be an infected person.

Lighting the cigar, Hui Shi said slowly.

So, you still have three boxes of Source Stone clusters of this quality?

Xia Feng's attitude was very polite.

Yes, I want to talk to you about the price now.


Gray Stone took out a piece of paper and was calculating something on the paper while smoking a cigar.

After a moment, he pushed the paper in front of Xia Feng.

This amount of Origin Stones can eventually be processed into about 300 S-grade Origin Stones. The specifics will depend on the actual output. The price is what I wrote.

There were more than a dozen raw materials and their prices written on the paper. Xia Feng saw that they included light manganese ore, but the final total price surprised him.




Oh, of course it's 1, otherwise what do you think?

This price greatly exceeded Xia Feng's previous estimate. To put it bluntly, this was not outrageously expensive, it was simply a steal.

Xia Feng held the note.

Boss Gray, this price seems a bit high to me. I can provide the light manganese ore you listed above myself. Do you think you can lower the price?

Are you offering light manganese ore? Okay, then 125,000 pieces.

This time, even Hong Dao next to him couldn't sit still. Although he had never participated in the smuggling of Origin Stones, the infected organization [Hessen] he worked for before had also purchased Origin Stones from others due to strategic needs. The approximate price was that he Still know.

Xia Feng's expression did not show any change. He looked at Gray Stone quietly.

Boss Gray, this price is too high for me. I am not a small business owner. I want to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with you.

Gray Stone took a puff of his cigar.

Long-term cooperation is not just words. I am not a businessman, and I hate bargaining the most. In this way, I will give you the lowest price, and you can consider it yourself.

Please say.

120,000 pieces per piece, regardless of the quantity, is the price. Of course, if our cooperation goes smoothly, I will consider lowering the price in the future.

Xia Feng narrowed his eyes, and his voice had lost its politeness.

Do you know what the organization behind me is? This channel was introduced to me by the King of Advancement of the Glasgow Gang. Boss Gray, you should have heard of the newly rising Black Feather Chamber of Commerce in the south.

Gray Stone smoked a cigar like a cultured gangster and didn't care at all about Xia Feng's words.

Boy, this is not a valuable bargaining chip. It doesn't matter to me whether it's black feather or white feather. I only want this meal. 120,000 pieces, this is the going price.

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