Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 363 Self-promotion

Second uncle, I got you some firewood.

Hurd watched Xia Feng and A Guang come in from the gate carrying several large sacks, and stopped watering the flowers.

You kid, there is a lot of firewood at home, why did you go all the way to bring it home?

Xia Feng put the sack in the corner of the yard.

This kind of firewood is called red cedar. It is said that it is fragrant when burned. People usually use it to make Christmas trees. It is very expensive.

Ah? Then how come you were chopped into firewood?

No way, there's not enough space.

Regarding Xia Feng's barbecue restaurant, my second uncle used to go there often, and every time he helped sweep the floor, pick vegetables, etc., but he hasn't been there since there were more people.

He only knew that Xia Feng also ran many other businesses besides barbecue restaurants, and they seemed to be quite prosperous. However, he didn't really understand the world of young people nowadays.

The second uncle put the watering can on the windowsill.

Xia Feng, have you contacted Hemo recently?


The call still hasn't gone through?

Well, I can't get through.

Really? This kid doesn't know what's going on.

Xia Feng has not heard Hemo's voice since Rhine's death. Of course, this is also part of the plan. Hemo said that there is no need to worry about her safety unless she takes the initiative to contact him.

Xia Feng knew Hemo's concerns. If he contacted Hemo without authorization, the location of Ifrit might be exposed. With Rhine Life's technological means, he would definitely be able to find it. No one who has contacted Ifrit now knows that she is Rhein Life. As an experimental subject, she was only regarded as an infected person with superb Originium skills.

In theory, there is no need to worry about Hemer's personal safety. The famous Dr. Hemer is only half a public figure in the industry, and there are also close people like White-faced Owl and Mel, as well as Aina, who took care of him at the beginning. These people all support Hemmer, even if the worst happens, there is still Seria.

However, despite what he said, Xia Feng couldn't help but feel a little worried after not contacting him for several months. What happened to the Gugu beasts at Rhine Life.

Seeing that Xia Feng also looked a little disappointed, Hurd smiled kindly.

Xia Feng, I'm not worried, and you don't need to worry too much. In fact, Hemo has been like this since she was a child. She would forget to call when she was busy. I remember when she was in college, she didn't call me for a whole semester. The phone was out of service a long time ago and she didn’t even know it.”

Xia Feng nodded.

Well, that's how she is. She takes her work seriously and rigorously, but she is very sloppy in her own affairs.

Hurd smiled in agreement.

Okay, you haven't been back for a long time. Come inside and sit for a while.

I haven't been busy lately. Come into the house. Second uncle, you go first.

The feeling that his second uncle gave him has not changed from the beginning. Although there is no blood relationship, he feels friendly.

At this time, a middle-aged woman's voice came from the door, and a woman carrying a vegetable basket poked her head in.

Lao He, do you have relatives coming to your home?

Hurd said casually after seeing this person.

Oh, this is a distant nephew of mine who lived in my house before.

Hey, the young man looks quite energetic.

Xia Feng didn't know who this old woman was, but he still nodded to her politely.

Hello, aunt.

Hurd introduced him.

Xia Feng, this is our neighbor next to our house. Sister An, you have to call me aunt.

Oh, hello Aunt An, my name is Xia Feng.

Sister An looked Xia Feng up and down.

Hello, hello, Lao He, is this kid on vacation from college?

Hurd looked a little embarrassed.

No, this kid didn't go to college.

Hey, what can young people do if they don't go to college? They won't even be able to find a good job in the future.

Hurd could only say with a dry smile.

That's right, it's always good to learn more.

Sister An stood in the yard with a vegetable basket and started talking to herself with a proud look on her face.

Look at my son, he went to the Royal Victoria College and studied business administration. He will graduate soon this year. Let's not talk about work. His temperament will change after he goes to university and he will not be arrogant. of.

While talking, Sister An glanced at Xia Feng.

Xia Feng finally understood. This neighbor, Sister An, is the legendary king of street gossip. She not only gossips about others, but also shows off her own family affairs to her neighbors. As long as she finds an entry point, she will completely let herself go. .

My son did well in college. He ranked among the top 500 in the final exam for the whole school year. Hey, you don't know how fiercely competitive the Royal College is. Those who can go to that kind of school are the top ones. The top 500 for the school year is already very impressive. .”

Oh, that's that.

No one except Sister An herself cares about her son's academic qualifications. To put it bluntly, her behavior is no different from that of a seal showing off his cards.

The second uncle is a retired teacher who has never had children. Now that the niece Hemo who brought him up since childhood is not around, only an illiterate like Xia Feng stands there like a telegraph pole, listening to neighbors praise his son's academic qualifications.

To be honest, Xia Feng felt that he had embarrassed his second uncle.

My son is a righteous man and looks very talented. He even made a girlfriend on campus. Haha, this kid has grown up before he knows it.

Sister An is like the Tang Monk in Journey to the West. She doesn't care whether others can bear it or not. She is not in a hurry to go home and cook while carrying the vegetable basket. She just keeps selling herself and boasting about how wonderful her son is.

It is true that Xia Feng has never attended a university in this world, but he can't stand listening to it.

Royal College dares to be ranked in the top 500 in the academic year. Xia Feng remembers seeing Nancy's resume before. Nancy is also in business administration, but she has always been in the top 10 in the academic year.

Listening to Sister An's words, just when Xia Feng had stabbed her to death several times in his heart, he finally heard a piece of information worth noting.

After talking for a long time, Sister An also felt that her second uncle was losing face, so she said sarcastically.

Hi, actually, it can't be said that everything is smooth sailing for my son. Education is only one aspect. The key is ability. Although my son is not bad at ability, he still has to pass the hurdle of graduation. Now our whole family is trying to find ways to help him. I have obtained the internship certificate from the Royal College, and I have also found a lot of connections recently, but there is nothing I can do. There are only a few big companies in Hapi City, and it is difficult to get into it.

The second uncle did not lose his integrity because of the frustration. When he heard what Sister An mentioned, he smiled and consoled her.

It's okay. If you have the ability, you won't have to worry about finding it. If you search slowly, you will definitely find a suitable internship company.

That's right, our whole family thinks so too. If it doesn't work out, I plan to ask my son to go to Notting City to look for it. After all, there are many choices in big cities.

Sister An looked at the time.

Oh, stop talking, I have to go home and cook.

Wait a moment.

Xia Feng almost suffered internal injuries after holding it in for a long time, and now it was finally his performance time.

Sister An, please wait a moment.

What's the matter, little nephew, do you have anything else to do?

Xia Feng crossed his arms and felt confident instantly.

Sister An, I should be able to help with your son's internship company you just mentioned.

Sister An's eyes lit up, but then she looked at Xia Feng's disgraced appearance just because of chopping firewood, and immediately showed an expression of Stop talking nonsense, do you know what an internship certificate is?

Xiao Xia, do you have a friend who runs a company?

It's not a friend, I drove it myself.

Seeing the disbelief on Sister An's face, the second uncle next to her explained loudly.

Actually, it's like this. Xia Feng opened a barbecue restaurant in Area C. When I went there last time, I remember there was a signboard of some kind of limited company, Blackbird?

Second uncle, this is Heiyu.

Oh yes.

When she heard about the barbecue restaurant, and it was located in Area C of Kilt, Sister An immediately looked scornful.

Xiao Xia, I appreciate your kindness, but my son goes to the Royal Academy. For top talents like my son, the school requires the internship company to have a registered capital of at least 2 million.

Xia Feng blinked.

I know this. The registered capital of my barbecue restaurant is 2 million.

Hehehe, you kid really knows how to joke.

Aguang next to him was eating a persimmon that his second aunt had just given him, and said vaguely.

Who are you kidding? Brother Feng's barbecue restaurant was registered for 2 million, and I got the money from the casino at that time.

Seeing Aguang's decisive words, Sister An's expression immediately changed, and she asked with some uncertainty.

Xiaoxia, does your store really have a registered capital of 2 million?

Xia Feng nodded calmly.

That's right, but if your son doesn't want to intern in a small city like this, I have other options. I also have a chamber of commerce in Notting City that can help your son make arrangements. Hey, we are all neighbors.

Sister An was already a little confused when she heard this.

Xiaoxia, is that chamber of commerce you mentioned also a registered company?

Yes, it's a legal company, mainly engaged in transportation, and its business scope also covers many fields. I just don't know what your son is capable of.

Then let me ask, what is the registered capital of your chamber of commerce?

Xia Feng touched his chin.

I just took over from someone else. Let me think about it. I remember reading the information before. It's not a lot. Well, it seems to be 500 million.

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