(Fengfeng chat, has nothing to do with the main text, free chapter)

Thank you [Mo Zhen] for spending a lot of money to become another leader of Fengfeng. To be honest, this really surprised and shocked me. It’s more of a surprise. Thank you for the fourth update today. I hope everyone will help me to thank the cute leader. Great support.

At first, I didn’t know who the big guy Mo Zhen was. Of course, he was just an ordinary book friend. There were some things I didn’t want to talk about in a single chapter, but I thought I’d still say it this time.

Before I gave the reward, it was the first time for Mozhao to use Qidian. This surprised me. Later I learned that he had been reading my books on WeChat Reading. Of course, WeChat Reading is also an official channel, but I didn’t know it at all. There is this channel.

Yuewen Group has many channels, including many reading software for IOS. There may be more than a dozen in total. Apart from the starting point of the main website, the only one I am familiar with is QQ Reading, and I often read the news on QQ Reading. and leave a message.

After learning about it yesterday, I went to WeChat to read for the first time. I saw a few messages, one of which was posted in August. Old book friends who have followed me all the way should know that Fengfeng was in August. I got sick once and stopped updating for a few days. The book friend left a message in August saying that he was very happy to see me resume updating, but he was worried about my health and hoped that I would send a notice when I recovered.

I just saw this message yesterday after a few months. If it hadn’t been for the stupid boss from WeChat Reading who came to Qidian to support me, I might never have seen it. I recovered not long after I fell ill. I also posted a message on Writer's Comments to reassure everyone, but the Writer's Comments I posted can only be seen on the main site, including the Chapter Comments everyone posted. Although it may not make sense, I still explain it to everyone, at the starting point You can’t see what this chapter says in QQ Reading. If you log in with your QQ account, you can see what this chapter says in QQ Reading. I currently only know that these two sites are interoperable to a certain extent.

So I think it is necessary to post a single chapter today. I don’t know if the book friend who reads on WeChat is still reading this book. I want to say to him that my illness has been cured. Thank you for your concern. This sentence I can only tell it through a single chapter. If I send it to the writer and he still can’t see it, hehe, it feels so strange, a bit like the way of communication in a parallel world.

This is what I want to say. Dear book friends, when you read these words, you may be on different reading platforms. Some platforms I don’t know about, so Fengfeng would like to say thank you for your attention and attention. support.

Of course, this is my wish, and it is also the wish of every author friend. I hope you can read on the genuine platform, not just my books, but also the works written by all author friends seriously. This is not just a matter of subscription coins. In fact, many author friends I know have said that they hope others will read their books through genuine channels, because only in this way can they know how many people are reading them, and it will also give themselves the motivation to work hard.

Fengfeng has no right to ask everyone to read the original version, let alone the ability. I am not a great author, I am just a loyal little Ark player who is seriously writing his own story, but I think the awareness of original version is a noble thing. As a networker, Literary lovers, everyone should be proud of this.

Fengfeng has never done so-called anti-piracy chapters, but the disadvantages of piracy still exist, such as confusing chapters, typos, small advertisements interspersed in the middle, etc. I won’t go into details. The most important thing when reading novels is to be happy, and happiness is priceless.

Hehe, that’s all for the serious stuff. In fact, I often post some notices, journeys, plot summaries and previews in the writer’s blog, and sometimes I’ll just make fun of it. I started to think that all channels can do it. I saw it, but it doesn’t seem to be the case. Well, no matter where you saw what Fengfeng said, thank you for your attention. There are now more than 300 chapters. Those who can read this should be interested in this book. I have become interested, well, Fengfeng will definitely not let you down. I hope you will continue to support, support the genuine version, and support every author friend who works hard.

By the way, if you think about it carefully, this should be the first time that I didn’t complain about not having Miss Wang in the chat. The European energy I had been sucked away by everyone finally came back. Hehe, someone as bad as me finally got the operator I like. As long as we don't give up, we will definitely meet one day. The moment you open the zipper, it will be your own miracle for everyone.

Finally, I would like to thank Mr. [Mo Zhen] again for the great reward. The fourth update is over. Let’s see you tomorrow.

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