Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 349 Looking at each other from afar

[The moonlight gathers, the thoughts of lamentation cut off the heaven and the earth, when the moon is full. 】

Literally speaking, the general meaning should be that the Shenyue Sword is affected by the moon. When the moon is full, the moonlight is the strongest. Of course, its power will reach its peak.

However, Xia Feng felt that cutting off the world was still a bit too exaggerated.

In addition, the difficulty of controlling this full moon is even more difficult than that of the black and white twins. To be honest, Xia Feng has never seen a real full moon since he came to the world of Terra.

Therefore, if you want to see the full moon, in addition to waiting patiently like the black and white twins, you must also check the weather forecast. If it happens to be cloudy that night, there will be no solution.

But, Xia Feng, who has a full moon, doesn't care at all now. Getting the Shenyue Sword and the Red Demon Sword is already twice as happy as expected. As long as he has the magic weapon in hand, sooner or later he will be able to master it skillfully. all their properties.

Seeing that Xia Feng finally succeeded, Brother ACE from a distance came over with a smile.

Xia Feng, well done.


Xia Feng smiled happily, but this smile was obviously a little forced. He was so excited that he forgot his current state. Now he relaxed, and the manic black power in his body immediately stirred up his liver and gallbladder. Today is the black and white twin. Day 30.


Exhausted, Xia Feng fell to the ground. Seeing that Brother ACE wanted to help him, Xia Feng raised his head with difficulty and said with the last bit of strength.

Brother ACE, don't worry about me, stay away from me. This is the backlash of the black and white twins on their last day.

ACE had already understood this physical characteristic of his. After hearing his words, ACE could only retreat far away and let Xia Feng get through it on his own.

Xia Feng temporarily handed the Shenyue Sword to Brother ACE and told him to keep it far away. He would be knocked back to his original shape anyway, so don't waste the energy of the Origin Stone inside. He just made a rough estimate, and the Shenyue Sword absorbed The energy of Source Stone is almost equivalent to about 30 Source Stones.

Xia Feng lay on the ground like a dead dog. There was nothing he could do. This was something he had to experience every 30 days. To be honest, he was even a little used to this heartbreaking pain.

Without the support of the Source Stone energy, the violent black power began to erode his flesh and blood. Countless wounds exploded strangely on his skin, and the scene was extremely bloody.


Xia Feng's whole body was twitching on the ground like a salted fish that still had dreams. Brother ACE in the distance couldn't bear to look away.

This intense pain tortured Xia Feng to the point where he almost collapsed. Just when he felt like he was going to die in the next second, finally, that familiar white light appeared in his right eye.

The world is quiet.

The milky white light spread rapidly, covering everything in sight.

After a while, the white light dissipated.

The golden sunshine shines on the top of the snow-capped mountains, and the sky above is already an endless blue.

The 5th cycle of the black and white twins is completed.

Everything returns to the starting point.

Xia Feng was lying on the ground in a large shape. The clothes on his body were damaged, but the skin inside was as new as rebirth.


Looking at the blue sky above, Xia Feng couldn't help laughing.

At home in Huangxuan Mountain at the foot of the mountain.

Old Huang sat by the stove, holding the exquisite Shenyue Sword carefully in his hand, and was already crying.

Finally. Finally, I can finally go see my ancestors with peace of mind.

Xia Feng patted Lao Huang's shoulder and comforted him.

Don't say such unlucky things. With your physique, I think it's okay to live another thirty to fifty years.

Huang Xuanshan gently brushed the blade of the Shenyue Sword, and the emotion in his eyes could no longer be described in words. The Shenyue Sword in front of him was not only his personal concern, but also something that his Huang family had protected for generations.

After seven generations of guarding, Huang Xuanshan finally saw the true appearance of the Shenyue Sword today.

It's so beautiful. This is a masterpiece that mortals can't make. These artifacts must have come from the hands of gods.

The Shenyue Sword is indeed extremely delicate. After absorbing the energy of the Origin Stone, the whole thing is as crystal clear as a handicraft.

In particular, the complex pattern on the handle of the knife makes it impossible to tell whether it is carved or inlaid. The fine lines intersect and are arranged in a certain pattern, like some kind of spell or some kind of ancient writing, and its meaning is fundamental. Unreadable.

Putting down the Shenyue Sword, Huang Xuanshan ran to taste the Red Demon Sword in Xia Feng's hand, but the weight of the Red Demon Sword was too heavy. Although the old man was in good health, he still couldn't hold it, so he could only observe and admire it.

It is a magical craftsmanship, majestic, solid when defended, and unstoppable when moved. I am really lucky to see two magical weapons today, Huang Xuanshan.

Huang Xuanshan's admiration is not unreasonable. Unlike the compact Shenyue Sword, the Red Demon Sword is more than one meter long and has a broad blade. When it is not activated, it is dark red in color and looks wild and domineering.

Huang Xuanshan had no children in his life, but Xia Feng felt that the old man was happier to see these two weapons now than to see his own grandson, but he was happy because he couldn't leave the Shenyue Sword and the Red Demon Sword to Old Huang Tiantian Watch.

Master Huang, I fulfilled my previous promise and pulled out the sword. Your task of guarding the Huang family for generations has been completed. I will take them away later.

Huang Xuanshan did not show any reluctance.

This is natural. When you pull out the sword, it means that you have been recognized by the sword. You are their new owner, and you can naturally take them away.

Thank you.

Before leaving, Xia Feng wanted to leave some money to Lao Huang, but he strongly refused. Lao Huang said that the money left to him last time was enough and he could not ask for more.

In the end, Huang Xuanshan decided to make a scabbard for the Shenyue Sword with his own hands, which was regarded as fulfilling his last wish.

I will use what I have learned throughout my life to complete this scabbard. It is roughly estimated that it will be completed in about a month. You can pick it up then.

thank you.

Huang Xuanshan smiled happily.

I should thank you. Guarding the Sword Tomb is a promise made by my ancestors, but I didn't know what the reason was at that time. Now that you have pulled out the sword, this can be regarded as a kind of relief for me.

Xia Feng understood Huang Xuanshan's last words. Old Huang didn't know what happened to the ancestors of the Huang family and the previous owner of the sword. This kind of protection passed down from generation to generation may be regarded as a manifestation of keeping a promise, but to future generations, this is more like A yoke that cannot be disobeyed.

Affected by this yoke, even if the Huang family fell into decline, Huang Xuanshan never left Syracuse in his life.

After saying goodbye to Lao Huang, Xia Feng took the Shenyue Sword in his right hand and the Red Demon Sword in his left hand, and got on the jeep home with Brother ACE.

He finally got this thing that worried him so much, and his whole body changed from feeling uncomfortable to feeling comfortable.

Now that everything is ready, it's time for him to make great changes throughout southern Victoria.

Northern Victoria.

The capital city is Londinium.

Vina was sitting in an office on the top floor of a skyscraper. There was a newspaper on the desk in front of her, and a message at the top of the newspaper was clearly visible.

[The Fredo Chamber of Commerce in the southern city of Notting was suddenly acquired by a foreign businessman and was renamed the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce overnight. No news came out before this. Is this a secret operation of interests or a change of power behind the scenes? 】

Ordinary people would not care about this bad news at all. For civilians outside Notting City, they have heard of the Freddo Chamber of Commerce, but few people know what it does. It is a local enterprise. Or the transfer of a consortium, to put it bluntly, it doesn’t make any difference at all.

However, no one in the circle like Wei Na knows what the five words Fredo Chamber of Commerce represent. This is the largest gang in southern Victoria.

Wei Na picked up the wine glass next to her and took a sip. Under her golden hair, her deep eyes were fixed on the name she had never heard of in the newspaper, Black Feather Chamber of Commerce.

Dong dong dong!

Come in.

Kate walked in from outside wearing a black suit.

Vina looked up.

How about it, have you checked it out?

Kate held a piece of information in her hand and said with a somewhat uncertain expression.

This is the information found by Morgan. The forces of the Frido Chamber of Commerce were attacked by a group of mysterious armed forces five nights ago. This group was suspected of being assisted by the garrison. The specific process is unknown, but judging from the results, it is obvious that An overwhelming victory, the Frido Chamber of Commerce changed its name the next day, and the body of Frido himself was found outside the city.”

Vina raised an eyebrow.

Is that old guy Fredo just dead?


Wei Na stood up from behind the desk, put on a black jacket and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looking thoughtful.

Then, have you found out the information about the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce?

Only a little was found.


Kate took the information and replied in a deep voice.

According to the information found by Morgan, the president of the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce is a man nicknamed Nanfeng. This man used to be Fredo's gold medal thug. On the surface, he should be seeking power and usurping the throne.

Seeking power and usurping the throne? Does Morgan really think that he is seeking power and usurping the throne?

Kate looked away from the information.

No, Morgan and I have the same view. Apart from this person named Nanfeng, there should be a real ruler behind the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce.

What do you think about this?

Kate's expression showed a hint of gloom.

I think it's too dangerous. The Freddo Chamber of Commerce can be replaced silently overnight. Although it has not extended its claws to the north, this kind of existence has already posed a threat to us.

Vina nodded. Kate was right. In fact, she had noticed the signs of this two months ago. A fire broke out in the chemical plant in Happy City, and the Blood Harbor Gang in the southern coastal town was suddenly wiped out. Looking at the current Frido Chamber of Commerce incident, it is not difficult to imagine that these are most likely caused by the same group of people.

A new group of mysterious forces is gradually encroaching on the underground structure of southern Victoria. At this moment, this force has almost grown to the point where it is eye-to-eye with the Glasgow Gang.

Kate, you personally go to the south tomorrow and find the mastermind behind the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce. I want to know clearly who this person is and what he wants to do.


Thanks to the big boss Deep Sea Admiral Poi for being directly promoted to the Hall Master of Fengfeng. Thanks for the support and adding a 3000+ chapter. I am completely Poi.

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