Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 342 The rising sun

Hearing Xia Feng's completely unclear words, Fredo wanted to say something more, but he stopped talking. Finally, his expression showed a hint of relief.

So that's it, I seem to understand.

It is impossible for Fredo to fully understand. He does not know the meaning of Fire Feather Xia Feng, and has never heard of Arknights. The only thing he understands is that Xia Feng is a real madman.

With only a few dozen people, he dared to shake up his huge Frido Chamber of Commerce, and when he achieved a status that ordinary people could not reach, he was willing to sacrifice his life for important people. Normal people would not be able to do such a thing, nor would they be able to say such things. Yes, only a madman can.

But the truth is the same. Intelligence and reason will also become limitations. Those things that are important enough to subvert the world are often only done by madmen.

Seeing Fredo's darkening expression, Xia Feng's heart was actually very complicated.

Fredo forced Derek to abdicate when he was young. He seemed to be a despicable person who abandoned his loyalty. But to take a step back, this was a dispute from the previous era and had nothing to do with him.

To put it bluntly, both Richie and Fredo, including the city boss and the younger brother he killed tonight, are just strangers to him.

At this moment, his body was stained with blood, some of which was his own, but most of which were those of strangers. In order to achieve a certain goal, he would not hesitate to sacrifice unrelated strangers. He seemed to have become what he once hated. .

Just like those vicious incidents reported in the news, from an objective point of view, the audience will grit their teeth against the extremely vicious criminals. If the judge gives a lenient sentence, they will all want to go up and take the gun to shoot the criminal in person.

But the reason why the audience thinks so is because they are bystanders. Out of sympathy for the victim and the blessing of the moral high ground, they will have a deep sense of involvement, but if they are really asked to pick up a gun and kill Criminals, how many of them will pull the trigger without changing their composure?

Like a soldier enforcing justice, this is justice work, but it also requires a lot of courage because no matter what that criminal has done, he is a stranger to you.

From the perspective of a bystander, people will not feel the slightest sense of guilt, they will only feel happy.

Xia Feng is not a noble person. He showed no mercy in the battle just now. It was true stupidity for him to lead to irreversible consequences out of pity and guilt.

But when it was all over, he felt that no matter what, he was a plunderer, and he plundered everything from Frido.

This is the psychological barrier that he must overcome at this moment, because he knows that if it were Amiya, she would not do this, even if it would be closer to her ideal.

But he is not Amiya.

Yes, he will not feel guilty for plundering. Even if he does, he will crush these emotions in his heart, because he will still plunder a lot in the future. He is not a hero who saves the world, let alone save everyone. He just wants to protect those who are important to him.

This is a characteristic that a qualified ruler must possess.

However, he cannot fully do it now.

Along with the noisy sound of rain, Xia Feng lowered his head and said.

You go.

Frido didn't look very surprised.

Let your enemies go, are you pitying me?


Xia Feng raised his head and took a deep breath.

If I thought you were still a threat to me, I would kill you without hesitation, but now you are just a stranger to me.

Xia Feng felt that Fredo's heart was dead. He could not make a comeback or even have the thought of revenge. Just like Derek back then, after understanding how powerful his opponent was, he would never be able to. To make a comeback, he must have known with his intelligence that it was impossible.


Fredo turned around and took one last look at Derek in the distance with his dull eyes. Then, under the pouring rain, he walked slowly towards the end of the street.

The gang members who passed by watched Fredo's leaving figure. The steel is easy to break. This is the truth that Fredo once taught Xia Feng. But from the standpoint of the two of them, Fredo is the stronger one. Of course, he also broke it off completely.

The heavy rain washed over Fredo's body, and a deep coldness surrounded his heart.

He walked alone in the rain, walked through the streets, walked through the square, walked through his former private residence, walked through the slums on the outskirts of the city, and finally walked out of the city.

In a daze, he no longer knew how long he had been walking until the lights disappeared and he was far away from the city of Notting.

The rain stopped, and the night wind blew through his soaked clothes, and an even stronger chill hit him immediately. However, the reason why he could feel the cold just proved that he was still alive. Perhaps for him, this was the only thing in despair. Something to be thankful for.

In the end, Xia Feng let him live.


The scraping sound of the blade came from behind. Fredo stopped and was startled. Then, he turned around slowly and stiffly.

In her sight, Lapland's wolf-like eyes shone brightly in the darkness, and one of the knives from her waist had been drawn out by her.

The heavy rain just now did not completely wash away the smell of blood on Lapland. Just like she was once hunted by a red figure, she will not stop hunting. As long as she judges that there is still a threat, it is her. prey.

Lapland was once a qualified hunter and killer, but now, she also wants to become a qualified employee.

Sorry, the boss still has a kind heart, but I don't.

Frido stood there blankly, the long knife that had killed countless of his younger brothers slowly approaching him.

Xia Xiafeng didn't say let me go.

Yes, the boss thinks you are no longer a threat, but I don't think so.

Lapland raised his sword expressionlessly.

The enemy is an enemy after all. Even if your threat is only one in 10,000, I will eliminate it on behalf of the boss.

Fredo didn't kill Derek back then, because only in that way could he win people's hearts after he succeeded him. Xia Feng also didn't kill him. In addition to the so-called kindness, his thoughts were also obvious.

But it is a pity that Fredo is not as lucky as Derek. He was not killed by Xia Feng himself, but he could not escape the sweep of the black wings in the dark. People will make mistakes and make wrong decisions. However, Xia Feng is no longer alone, and his companions will make up for all his mistakes.

A cold light flashed, and Fredo's body fell into a pool of blood.

The next day, the sun rises.

The residents of Notting opened their eyes as usual and started their busy day.

The garrison that blocked the streets has withdrawn. Except for the vague blood stains that have not been cleaned on the streets, the residents of the entire city have no idea what happened last night.

At noon.

Vehicles passing through the city center suddenly noticed something surprising.

On the Frido headquarters building located in the city center, the huge signboard has been removed and replaced by four new large black characters.

【Black Feather Chamber of Commerce】.

Woohoo, this paragraph is finally finished. Congratulations, congratulations. It is necessary to replace the Frido Chamber of Commerce. Only with this foundation as a support can subsequent things be introduced. I actually thought a lot about Xia Feng's final psychological description. If I just briefly mention it and don't mention the feeling of killing, it would be a bit far-fetched. My portrayal of Xia Feng has not changed from the beginning. He is not a murderer. He is not a hemp demon, nor is he a compassionate Madonna. He is just a growing ordinary person. He learns to make the right choices and tempers his heart to be as powerful as the black and white twins. This is my original intention and what I am. think the most true. Okay, there are still many big things that Xia Feng has to do next, but after achieving this achievement, his vision will be improved again, and the obstacles caused by lack of strength before will become simpler. The most direct effect is that he has money. La la la!

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