Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 330 Black Raiders

Notting City, District B.

Half past nine in the evening.

Unlike other urban areas, the Frido Chamber of Commerce's influence in District B does not include entertainment industries such as bars. The industries that the boss of District B is responsible for are in remote suburbs.

This is a huge cargo transportation company, and it is also the core of smuggling in the southern interior of Victoria, centered on the city of Notting.

Dozens of large trucks were parked in the tens of thousands of square meters of the courtyard. In the center of the courtyard, on the top floor of a nine-story building, many people gathered.

A big hand covered with calluses slammed the table.

Damn it, why are the troops blocking the gate?

The man who was getting angry had a beard on his face and a sturdy figure like a little buffalo. He was Quint, the boss of the Frido Chamber of Commerce in charge of District B.

At this time, there are more than twenty people gathered on the top floor of this building. These people are all the core brothers of Quint. Unlike other urban areas, there are not so many entertainment industries in B City that need manpower. Quint’s direct subordinates only have no more than a hundred people. .

However, the combat strength of less than a hundred people cannot be ignored by anyone.

Quint once served as a soldier for seven or eight years, and after retiring, he worked as a mercenary for several years. Many of his brothers now are his comrades in arms in those days. As the saying goes, the more valuable you are, the more valuable you are. Although he has retired for many years, these brothers under him are The brothers are all top ten fighting elites.

One of the sinister-looking guys spoke out.

Brother Kun, something seems to have happened in Notting City tonight.

Quint squinted his eyes.

Please sort out the current situation for me.

Yes, just after 9 o'clock in the evening, Boss Vic in Area E called for help, saying that Area E had been attacked. Then he also called from Area D, saying that Boss Loba in Area D had been killed and his body was in He was found in his home, and the murderer has long gone.

Quint gritted his teeth.

Then what.

Then the boss of Rutgers in Area C didn't answer the phone. None of his men's calls could be reached, and Desi in Area A couldn't be contacted either. Just now, his men heard a loud noise and a big fire in the distance. The direction of Area A.

At this point, all fools know that something big has happened in Nordin. Now the door of the transportation company has been sealed by the army. Quint and a large group of brothers can only stay in the building and stare.

Damn it, contact the bosses of Area F and Area G quickly and ask them what the situation is.

Boss, boss, the phone can't be connected now. It seems that the signal is interfered with by something.

Fuck, damn it.

After a brief silence, Quint couldn't sit still anymore. Notting City was the foundation of the Freddo Chamber of Commerce, and many of the businesses he was responsible for had colluded with people within the Security Bureau. It was hard for him to imagine that such a big thing was happening to him now. No inside information at all.

Obviously, the security of the entire city of Notting has now been taken over by the garrison, and the Security Bureau has completely put out the fire.

Quint weighed it in his mind. There were hundreds of boys in this building at this time. He could no longer be kept in the dark. He had to do something.

Quint slapped the table.

Brothers, whatever garrison they are, kill them. I want to see what happened in E City.



At this moment, all the lights in the entire building suddenly went out, the light disappeared instantly, and the entire building fell into endless darkness.

Quint pulled out the machete from under the table in the dark and cursed loudly.

Damn, what's going on? Why did the lights suddenly go out?

Before he finished speaking, several sounds of glass breaking were heard.

Snap, snap, snap!

More than a dozen figures hung on ropes and smashed the glass, crashing in from the outside like a surprise attack from the sky. Quint and his men were stunned. He was on the top floor!

Without any pause or any unnecessary words, these dozen people, wearing uniform black combat uniforms and tactical night vision goggles, rolled after landing and directly drew out their weapons.

Swish, swish, swish!

In the darkness, the sound of blades cutting through bodies and bursts of wailing could be heard constantly. With tacit cooperation and the support of sophisticated equipment, this raid turned into a one-sided massacre.

Who are you, ah!

Hey, turn on the light quickly, ah!

Damn it, you cut one of your own.

Boss, boss, we can't hold it anymore, ah!

Normally, Quint's men would all be top ten masters, but in the face of darkness and chaos, these masters were cut down to the ground without even using 10% of their usual skills.

After a brief blindness, Quint quickly adapted to the darkness with the racial characteristics of the Felin tribe, but at this time, the brothers around him had been cut down like wheat.

The anger of the sneak attack went to Quint's mind. He did not choose to escape, but locked his bloodthirsty eyes on the person in black closest to him. This person was not tall and looked like a woman. At that time, she was holding a strange, slender sword-shaped weapon in her hand, and she could feel the intense heat emanating from the sword.

Damn it, I'm going to have someone to support me until I die!

Quint rolled on the spot and quickly approached the man in black holding a sword at a tricky angle. The machete in his hand slashed towards her waist.


There was a dull gunshot not far away, and Quint's movements froze in place, and a blood hole appeared on his forehead.

As Quint was killed with one shot, all the top gang members were wiped out, and the whole process took less than half a minute.

In the darkness, a short figure retrieved a pistol-type Originium gun, and a serious and calm voice came from her mouth.

Franka, the target has been cleared.

Franka put the slender blade back into the sheath on her waist.

Oh, isn't this a matter of course, Razer, don't be so nervous.

Razer remains on high alert.

Franka, don't relax, there are more than just enemies in this building.

I know, I know, then go and solve it quickly. After we solve it, we have to go to the next location.

The dozen Black Steel members next to them shook their heads. They were obviously two newcomers, but how could they fight more efficiently than the old guys like them?

Hearing the noise upstairs, people on the lower floors of the building immediately rushed up in the dark, but what greeted them were Originium bullets containing penetrating and explosive power.

The small Originium gun is a necessary equipment for Black Steel's assault operations. Especially in the darkness at this moment, the high-speed flying bullets are even more difficult to avoid. Of course, it is also very difficult to operate the Originium gun for accurate shooting. , often requires extremely high talent and a lot of training.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The first dozen or so people who rushed up were all knocked down, and they rolled down the stairs wailing.

Originium ammunition was ridiculously expensive, but Razer and the others clearly had no intention of saving. The mission assigned by the boss was very clear. They were to eliminate the enemies in the building in City B as quickly as possible, and then rush to City G.

Black Steel's operations captain immediately issued combat orders.

Razer, advance downward in Y-shaped formation.


Franka, watch out for enemies close by.

give it to me.

Attention everyone, clear this building quickly. Kill the enemy immediately if you find it. Don't save ammunition, take action!

The deep and neat voice of the Black Steel Team came out.


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