Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 311 Top of Snow Mountain

The jeep kept heading east at a very high speed, encountering very few vehicles along the way, and the scenery outside the car window remained unchanged and desolate.

After chatting for several hours, Aguang said he was tired. After drinking half a bottle of mineral water, he started driving honestly. On the surface, Xia Feng was chatting with Aguang without saying a word, but in fact, he was thinking about it in his heart. When he thought about how to talk to General Grissom, his head hurt.

After A Guang shut up, Xia Feng also stretched greatly. Then, he looked back at Hong Dao who was sitting behind him.

Hongdao, what are you thinking about?


No matter where he went, Hong Dao's long knife was always with him, which made Xia Feng a little curious about the origin of his knife. Since he was idle anyway, he asked tentatively.

Red Knife, that knife of yours is quite special. It can also emit fire. How do you do that?

Hong Dao's voice didn't change much.

That's a special Origin Stone technique that can only be activated when paired with my sword.

No wonder, I couldn't set off the fire no matter what I tried before. I thought it was because my posture was wrong.

Hong Dao continued.

Actually, this is a kind of magic, but I combined it with Origin Stone skills. Outsiders will not succeed if they don't master the know-how.

Where did you get this knife?

Hong Dao gently stroked the handle of the knife, with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

It was given to me by a senior when I was very young.

Hong Dao's real name is Xiao Qing. Judging from this name, he is likely to come from the Yan Kingdom. The Yan Kingdom is very vast, almost as big as Ursus. In that country with a very rich culture, it is even more popular. There are many strange things.

Mentioning swords, Xia Feng couldn't help but think of the sword used by Tallulah. Tallulah said that she came from the east. In the world of Terra, the only countries that can be called the east are Yan Kingdom, Dong Kingdom, and Longmen Special Zone. If Hong Dao is from the Yan Kingdom, so he might know the legend about the sword.

Red Sword, have you ever heard of a sword that can absorb the energy of the Source Stone?

Absorb Source Stone energy?

Yes, it can be stored after absorption, and then through some guidance from the sword holder, the energy in the sword can be used at will, just like a portable power bank.

Hong Dao thought thoughtfully.

Are you talking about the magic sword?

Xia Feng's eyes lit up. Tallulah seemed to have mentioned it before. She said that there was more than one such sword, and she indeed called it a magic sword.

Hearing Hong Dao say the word Devil Sword, Xia Feng immediately asked excitedly.

Yes, yes, do you know the information about the magic sword?

Hong Dao held the handle of his knife and said in a deep voice.

My senior once told me that there is a kind of weapon circulating in this world, and the magic sword is just a general name for them. In fact, the magic sword-level weapons are not limited to swords, they may be knives, or other things .”

After hearing the information about the magic sword, from his perspective, besides wanting to get the magic sword, Xia Feng also cared about another thing.

Red Sword, why are there magic swords in the world, and what is their origin?

Hong Dao shook his head slightly.

The origin of the magic sword is nowhere to be found. My seniors said that the magic sword is not a product of this era. The uncanny forging technique cannot be imitated, as if it was really made by the hands of gods. Moreover, every magic sword has It all blends into something special.”

Something special?

Yes, no one knows what it is. If you want to describe it, it is like an obsession, a soul, and a past event that was sealed in the magic sword before dissipating. The holder of the magic sword will know it clearly. It feels like it’s alive.”

This statement is obviously very unscientific, but based on Xia Feng's understanding of Hong Dao, he is not a person who likes to exaggerate.

Red Sword, have you seen this kind of magic sword?

Hong Dao nodded.

In my hometown, there is a magic sword passed down in an ancient family. It is said that the sword can instantly burst out with enough power to cut off mountains. The name of the sword is [Chixiao].

What family? Does it still exist?

I have been away from my hometown for a long time. I don't know if it still exists. I only know that the family's surname is Chen.

Your hometown is probably Yan Country.

That's right.

Yanguo is too far away from Victoria, and this kind of magic sword must be a family treasure. It is probably difficult to even take a look at it. Even if Xia Feng finds the Chen family, if he proposes to buy it, they will probably beat him out with a pole. .

The [Red Sky] in the red knife's mouth has its own owner, and it is impossible for him to get it, but this also proves that Tallulah did not lie to him. There is indeed more than one magic sword in this world.

Seeing Xia Feng's mixed expression of joy and sorrow, Hong Dao thought deeply for a moment and said.

Actually, I also know the existence of a magic sword, and that sword has no owner.


Xia Feng couldn't believe his ears.

Red knife, what did you say!

I saw it a long time ago. I'm not sure if it's a magic sword, but it feels right.

A long time ago, how long?

Seven years ago.

Xia Feng's excitement was immediately extinguished.

Seven years ago? It's been so long. Where can I find it now?

No, it's definitely still there and no one can move it an inch.

Xia Feng was surprised.


A snowy mountain at the junction of Syracuse and Minoan.

Isn't Syracuse in the south? It's all forest. How can there be snow-capped mountains?

Yes, believe me.

Xia Feng knew that Hong Dao would not lie to him, so he nodded and continued to ask.

Okay, so how can you be sure that sword is still there?

Hong Dao explained in a deep voice.

The name of that snow-capped mountain is Wangyue Mountain, and that magic sword is embedded in the rock on the top of the snow-capped mountain. Decades ago, an adventurer accidentally discovered the existence of that sword. This news was not widely circulated. Only a few people know that later, some masters who wanted to get the magic sword climbed to the remote snow mountain one after another, but in the end they all found nothing.


Because no one can pull out the sword. The magic sword is stuck straight on the top of the snow mountain. It is so strong that it seems to be integrated with the entire mountain range. It feels unshakable, as if it is guarding something.

Xia Feng frowned.

So evil?

Well, it is said that in addition to experts from all walks of life, even scientific researchers came. The snow-capped mountains are very steep, and large mechanical equipment cannot be transported up at all. And judging from the marks on the sword body, the sword has been severely decayed. According to the analysis of the scientific researchers, That sword has been stuck there for at least hundreds of years, and may even have exceeded the existence of contemporary civilization.

and after?

Later, people gave up on the unshakable magic sword. Since no one could pull it out, they could only let it sleep quietly. As time went by, the existence of that sword was gradually forgotten.

After listening to Hong Dao's description, Xia Feng's curiosity has undoubtedly been piqued. In fact, apart from the magic sword, he is more concerned about phenomena that cannot be analyzed, such as why he appears in this world, because he believes that all There will be some potential correlation between the unreasonableness.

Red Sword, have you seen that sword with your own eyes?

Well, I climbed that snow-capped mountain 7 years ago, and the sword is still there.

Why on the snowy mountain?

No one knows this, but according to Tianshan scientists who came to investigate, the peak of the snow mountain is the closest place to the moon in the world.

Although most people should know it, Fengfeng still wants to remind him that when Xia Feng traveled through, Chapter 5 of the Ark had not yet been opened, so he didn’t know much about Chen. He only knew that he was from the Longmen Guards Bureau and Xing Xiong. The best friend is just a plot character who briefly appears in the plot, but this does not prevent Chen Sir from appearing later in the book and becoming an important character.

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