
Just hearing the name, Xia Feng felt it was somewhat familiar, but combined with other information from Kane's mouth, he immediately thought of it.

Ursus, Chernobog, illegal clinic providing aid to infected people.

Xia Feng doesn’t think there will be many clinics for infected people in Chernobog. Even if there are, they will maintain some kind of contact to a certain extent, because as Kane said, this is on the basis of Usa The existence of opposites.

Azazel is undoubtedly the clinic that appeared in the plot three years later, and with the destruction of Chernobog, this clinic also disappeared under the natural disaster.

Xia Feng looked at Kane's face, and a complex emotion suddenly arose in his heart.

Maybe this is the so-called destiny.

Dr. Kane is actually a former employee of Azazel, and the private clinic he now operates in Area C of Kilt undoubtedly has some connection with Azazel. He also said just now that this is in line with a certain The will of a senior, the senior he mentioned should be Azazel's manager.

Three years later, Amiya led the Rhode Island members to appear in Chernobog and passed by the abandoned clinic. According to Amiya, Azazel had refused to cooperate with Rhode Island. Cooperation.

Azazel not only rejected the cooperation of Rhode Island, but also rejected the integration movement. Perhaps due to some reasons before the disaster, he might have exposed something, or suffered retaliation from the integration movement and the Ursus country. The clinic was already empty before the natural disaster struck.

Xia Feng didn't know why Azazel rejected Rhode Island, but he could guess a rough idea based on his imagination.

If something is too complicated, try to make it as simple as possible. In the final analysis, Rhode Island's will is to save everyone, whether they are infected or ordinary people. Amiya wants to create a world of harmonious coexistence.

The idea of ​​the Integration Movement is to gather infected people, let them join the fight, use violent means to take revenge on the world, and set off a revolution of resistance.

Azazel doesn't want to save everyone, nor does it want to start a war. They just want to save the infected and provide medical assistance to those infected who have suffered injustice and are in pain. They have no other purpose than that. They are unarmed. power, and does not want the rescued infected to join.

This belief can be seen from Kane. As a doctor who saves the lives of others, he will not be shaken by temptation or threats, nor will he be afraid of death.

At this moment, Xia Feng had an illusion-like idea. Azazel was an existence that would have a significant impact on the development of history. If he wanted to change history, this was what he needed to grasp at this moment.

Xia Feng organized his thoughts.

Dr. Kane, is the clinic in Kilt Block also of the same nature as Azazel?

It can be said that my abilities are limited.

Are you the only one in your clinic?

Yeah, it's just me.

Xia Feng thought for a while and said frankly.

Dr. Kane, in fact, I have also been to Chernobog, and I contracted ori disease in Ursus. Can I ask why you left Chernobog and ran alone? Go to other countries to open clinics.”

Kane found out some details from Xia Feng's eyes. When he mentioned the word ore disease, there was no regret or despair in this young man's eyes. Instead, it seemed that the reason for contracting ore disease was a matter of course.

I can tell you, but before I do that I want to know why you're asking.

Dr. Kane, maybe I can help you, no, I should say help each other.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and during the process, there was no unnecessary twinkle in their eyes.

All right.

Later, Xia Feng learned some information from Kane.

According to Kane, his predecessor, the current manager of Azazel, had a premonition of something. Although there was no evidence, he felt that major events would happen in Chernobog in the near future.

Xia Feng didn't know what he had in mind.

Perhaps what he foresaw was the riot launched by the integration movement three years later, or other things that happened before that, such as the forced intervention of the Ursus military.

In order to ensure the continuation of Azazel, he told the members of the clinic about this premonition. If Azazel in Chernobog disappeared, he hoped that Azazel's will would still exist in the world.

In fact, this was not the manager's request, but Kane's own decision. With the will of inheritance, he left Ursus alone.

But the road is hard.

Although Kane is an infected person, he cannot use Originium skills other than medical treatment, and he does not have any force. It is very difficult to walk in the world as an infected person.

Later, after many twists and turns, he came to Victoria, and accidentally discovered Hapi City, a city with privileges for infected people. In this city, there are a large number of infected people living. Unlike the selfish and cold-blooded Ursus, this place is like It is the home of the infected.

Soon, Kane's private clinic was established. He told Azazel's administrators the news and received support.

Simple medical equipment and drugs were transported here after thousands of miles, and he was finally able to provide assistance to the local infected people. However, as time passed, the problems he faced gradually came to light.

The drug delivery channel was not stable. As the situation in Ursus became tense, Azazel no longer had the time to take care of the clinic in Victoria.

And due to limitations of money, personnel, and environment, Kane was unable to conduct any research on ore disease. He had no equipment, no experimental materials, and no helpers.

He could only stay in a small clinic and use the remaining medicines to provide the infected with the best assistance he could.

After listening to Kane's account of his own experience, Xia Feng immediately had high respect for him.

Will can overcome the difficulties that stand in front of him. Dr. Kane's will supported him to leave the familiar environment and find the place where he is needed in the world.

However, will cannot overcome all the difficulties in the world, so now it is his turn to lend a hand.

Xia Feng took a deep breath and said seriously.

Dr. Kane, I have a suggestion.

What advice?

I want you to join my organization.

Kane looked at Xia Feng with some confusion.

Your organization? Don't be kidding me. I'm just a doctor. I rarely even cook, let alone make barbecue.

No, Black Feather's existence is not just a barbecue stall.

Later, Xia Feng told Kane in detail about the significance of Black Feather's existence and the help he could currently provide.

Kane is not only a doctor, but he is also a senior researcher in the field of mineral sickness. Xia Feng feels that this talent should not be wasted. He will try his best to get the medicines that Kane needs, as well as construct the medical treatment and experiments that he needs. equipment.

Money, manpower, venues, security, he can provide all these, but what Black Feather needs Kane to do is to provide medical treatment for the members. At the same time, Xia Feng will not interfere with what Kane insists on, because this is inconsistent with Black Feather's will. consistent.

Perhaps Heiyu is not yet capable of doing all this, but Xia Feng believes that this promise will soon be fulfilled, or that it will become the motivation for his efforts.

Xia Feng's words made Kane think.

Then, he raised his head and replied solemnly.

Sorry, to be honest, I believe you are determined to create such conditions for me, but I still have a lot of concerns.

Xia Feng was a little puzzled.

What concerns?

Although this city is very friendly to the infected, its structure is too complicated. I have some understanding of this. The gangs in this city are deeply rooted, and the nobles also control huge wealth. The official attitude It’s very subtle, and even several major forces have secretly reached a certain consensus.”

Dr. Kane, are you worried?

Yes, if it is just a small and insignificant clinic, I can hide it very well, but if it turns into a huge infected patient assistance organization, and even shows a tendency to study oriosis, the things involved are... It will draw attention from many sides. You should know that studying ore disease is basically equivalent to studying the source stone. Even for Victoria, the source stone is a very sensitive thing.

Xia Feng completely understood Kane's concerns.

To put it bluntly, he is a conservative. His will is to continue, not to carry forward. Of course, this has something to do with Azazel's presence in Ursus for many years, so he does not want to take risks or expose himself to the sun. .

Compared to the threats posed by growth, he would rather maintain only a small clinic and secretly provide a small amount of help to the infected.

However, on the path of Black Feather's development, this will no longer be a threat.

Xia Feng patted Kane's shoulder.

The structure of Hapi City is indeed very complicated. Many forces are entangled together, and there are constant overt and covert fights. But don't worry, in the near future there will be only one person who has the final say in Hapi City, and that is me, Xia Feng. Not only Hapi City, I want no one in southern Victoria to threaten the rise of Black Feather.


Xia Feng smiled at Kane.

It doesn't matter. You don't have to promise me anything now. You can make your choice again when I truly unify this city.

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