Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1234 If possible

Royal Academy, a classroom of Origin Stone.

The teacher used chalk to draw a fairly standard map of the world of Terra on the blackboard.

Students, today we are going to learn about the origin of Source Stone technology. Do you know who was the first person in the world to discover the energy of Source Stone?

A girl below raised her hand.

Teacher, is this Mr. Chevger?

The teacher shook his head.

No, Mr. Chevger was the first person in the world to pioneer the processing technology of finished Origin Stones, but he was not the first person to discover the energy of Origin Stones.

The students below were all very curious.

Teacher, who is this person?

The teacher turned around and wrote a name on the blackboard, Tullerman.

According to verifiable history, Mr. Tullerman discovered the energy in the source stone about 600 years ago. However, he was neither a geologist nor a scientist. He was just a shepherd.

Teacher, how did Tullerman discover the energy of the Origin Stone?

According to his own account, a stranger told him this.


The teacher said that when Tullerman entered his old age, he told his children and grandchildren all the events of that year.

He spent his whole life searching for the stranger but could not find him.

When his grandson asked what the man looked like, he replied.

[The man looked very young, without any racial characteristics on his body. At the same time, he only had one eye to use. For some unknown reason, he lost his right eye forever. 】

Tullerman's description was later confirmed by Chevger, who stated that Tullerman had mentioned to him more than once the stranger who had lost his right eye.

It’s just that in the development of a country, there is no need for such ethereal truths.

Shepherd Tullerman is defined as the first person in the world to discover the energy of the Source Stone.

Chevge is defined as the father of the finished Source Stone.

As for the stranger who lost his right eye, he disappeared into the long river of history like a gust of wind.

Year 1093 of the Terran calendar.

The black wings grew and grew into a tree large enough to shade the entire Victorian night.

Joining forces with the Glasgow gang in the north, Xia Feng and Weina easily dominate the country's underground structure.

However, the sprouts of darkness have already begun to take shape.

In Londinium, Verin stopped Xia Feng who voluntarily gave up his noble status and decided to return to the south.

On the city wall at night.

Even though there were dozens of elites of the Royal Knights standing beside him, including the Imperial Sword Teleg, Xia Feng didn't have any precautions.

Because he couldn't feel any killing intent from Wei Lin at this moment.

Some are just a kind of loneliness that no one can understand, and a confusion that doesn't want outsiders to see through.

Xia Feng, you know, I like this place.

City wall?


After walking out of the shelter, Wei Lin gently placed her hand on the stone bricks covered with traces of time.

“In this day and age, with the technology to move cities and the military to operate efficiently, the purpose of city walls has been diluted and could even have been dismantled long ago.”

Then why not tear it down.

I said it because I like it here.

Verin gently stroked the cold stone bricks.

Do you know who built this city wall? Yes, he is the ancestor of my royal family and the first king who conquered this land.

Verin talked to him a lot, even more than the total number of conversations they had had since he first met Verin.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, and the snowflakes floating in the air are getting denser.

Xia Feng listened quietly to Wei Lin's story about the city wall. For some reason, he seemed to see a heart eager to live.

Verin, why.

At this moment, Wei Lin's eyes staring at the night sky became more and more confused, but in the confusion, there was also a trace of tired determination.

Yeah, why.

Verin did not tell him the so-called truth.

She had no intention of explaining, and Xia Feng didn't ask any further questions.

There was only one thing he needed to confirm with Verin.

Verin, do you want to protect this country?


And also protect your people?

The people are the foundation of the country. Without the people, the country will cease to exist.

Under the night sky and on top of the city wall, Xia Feng asked the last question.

Do the people in your heart include the infected?

Suddenly, a strong wind blew over the city wall, and the coat draped on Verin's shoulders was blown up by the strong wind, and her golden hair flew in all directions.

The wind was very loud, and Xia Feng saw Wei Lin's lips move slightly. Although it was blurry, he did hear Wei Lin's answer.

I'd like to include that if I can.

The difference in stance has destined that their future paths will diverge.

But at least for now, they can still chat face to face, of course, only now, at this moment, only at this point in time, on this city wall under the night sky.

Stretching out his hand, Xia Feng caught Wei Lin's coat that was blown away by the wind.

Under the watchful eyes of dozens of elite Royal Knights, Xia Feng walked slowly to Weilin and put the coat on her shoulders again.


You're welcome.

Are you going back south?


You will come back.


A strange look flashed in Wei Lin's eyes. She closed her eyes gently and raised the corners of her mouth.

Is it because of her, my sister?

Seeing that Xia Feng didn't answer, Wei Lin tightened the coat around her shoulders, sniffed, and then pretended to breathe a sigh of relief.

I don't know if it was because of the cold, but the circles under her eyes were a little red.

Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Xia Feng, do you want to have a drink together? Just think of it as a farewell drink with you.

My pleasure.

After giving up his position in the Supervisory Office and his status as a noble, Xia Feng returned to the south.

A few days later, a natural disaster struck the city of Notting, and Xia Feng, who was in a hurry, experienced another assassination attempt by an Eastern Kingdom assassin at a barbecue restaurant.

That morning.

Xia Feng had just received the text message Wei Na sent him, but he hadn't had time to read it yet.

At this time, a staggering figure rushed into the lobby of the barbecue restaurant from outside the door.

Mesha was wearing a military uniform and ran in front of Xia Feng in a panic.

Summer breeze, summer breeze, summer breeze.

Xia Feng still held the phone with the text message page in his hand. Seeing Meisha's appearance at this moment, an unknown premonition arose in his heart.

Mesa, what's wrong?

General. General him.

What happened to General Gleason?

Mesha's voice was out of breath because of the intense running.

I just received news that the general was assassinated in Yehua City last night.

Hearing these words, Xia Feng's heart felt like a bolt from the blue. A numbness spread from his toes throughout his body, and his palms softened.

How is he doing, General?

After taking a few breaths, Mesa's voice finally became normal.

Because the guards are of high quality, General, he only suffered some minor injuries and is not seriously injured.

The Dark Ages of Victoria broke out, and the empire issued an order to kill the infected. At this point, the south and the north were divided into opposing battlefields.

Fortunately, the two veteran generals who had the world at their heart knew how to distinguish right from wrong and immediately organized a line of defense. They were respectively.

General Aumont, Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Military District, and General Gleeson, Commander-in-Chief of the Border Military District.

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