Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1222 Island of Death

Large isolated islands in the sea are often rich in natural resources. Not only do they inhabit a large number of wild animals, they must at least have lush vegetation.

But the second island they were passing by now was completely opposite.

On the deck, facing the strange images transmitted back by the Mimi, Nanfeng looked solemn.

Xia Feng, do you want to stop the boat and go to the island to have a look? This doesn't feel right.

Withdrawing his gaze, Xia Feng lowered his head and looked at the map in his hand quietly.

This is only the second island they pass, there are 11 more in front of them, and this phenomenon is not incomprehensible.

Volcanic eruptions, crustal movements, and even natural disasters may cause the island's vegetation to fail to survive.

No, just move on.

All right.

In the fog, the 10 ships did not stop and continued to sail southwest according to the signs on the map.

The fog was not too thick, but the summer breeze on the deck forcibly cheered me up.

The nervous external environment made him subconsciously put aside his previous trance, and the ethereal voice also disappeared.

South wind, slow down all ships. The reef area ahead should be marked on the map.


Captain Roger's map is very detailed. In addition to the final goal, it also marks a clear and detailed route. As long as you follow this route, you should be able to avoid the reef.

The roads are all made by people. It is conceivable that the completion of this map is the product of many failures.

Of course, the ships they were traveling on at this time were among the best in the world in terms of quality and functionality. Unless there was a violent collision, the ship would almost never sink due to scratches.

Mel's Mimi was conducting reconnaissance, and there were many people standing on the observation deck on the deck. The entire fleet moved forward cautiously.

In order to minimize accidents, the 10 ships moved forward almost in a straight line. This way, if the ship in the front hits a reef, the ships behind can immediately change direction.

Xia Feng's ship was in the second half of the fleet. Because of its slow speed, it would take at least several hours to cross this rocky sea area.

Lifting his wrist, Xia Feng glanced at the time on his bracelet.

1:40 p.m.

Although the white fog blocked the view, at least there was still light in the sky. If everything went well, they had better be able to leave the reef before dark.

As we go deeper and deeper, the raging waves become quieter, the wind stops, and there is deathly silence all around.

On the deck, everyone was working hard, trying to detect the possible collision with the reef in advance.

1 hour later.


The ship at the front of the fleet responsible for opening the way came into contact with a reef that was not discovered in advance under the sea surface.

After a quick inspection, it was found that although there was no water leakage at the bottom of the hull, one of the power units was damaged due to the collision.

The first ship that collided could barely move forward, but then, many more collisions occurred.

Of course, this situation was completely expected. Just because there would be an accident, ten ships were prepared.

After a tragic foggy voyage, in the end, three ships lost the ability to move forward due to serious damage.

Because they were fully prepared, each ship had sufficient supplies. According to Nanfeng's order, the three ships anchored at the edge of the reef and were repaired on site by the engineers on board. They also served as a support for the fleet on its way back.

The seven ships that were still capable of sailing at full speed continued to move towards the end of the map.

After leaving the reef area, the fleet's formation changed back to a triangle formation, with Xia Feng's ship at the front of the team.

Gradually, the fog on the sea dispersed.

Before setting off, the sky above the sea was gray, but as they got deeper and deeper into the center of the sea, after getting out of the fog, the sun unexpectedly appeared in the sky.

The sun poured down from above, shining warmly on the deck.

Because of the change in weather, the view has become wider.

The tense atmosphere on the ship has been alleviated. At present, it seems that their operation is going smoothly, at least there are no casualties.

According to this trend, we should be able to go straight to the finish line.


Lowering his head, Xia Feng looked at his watch again. Only more than 2 hours had passed from the time they entered the reef area to the time they left the reef area, which was much faster than expected.

At this time, Nanfeng, who was also relieved, stood beside him.

Xia Feng, how are you? There's nothing wrong with it.

Xia Feng nodded.

Well, it went more smoothly than I expected. The weather is good now and the view is wide. Let the fleet increase its speed and we buy time.


The ship driven by the Origin Stone sails very fast at full speed. Although the wind it brings is very cold, it does not feel uncomfortable because of the sunshine.

Soon, they passed the third island marked on the map.

From a distance, the island is also lifeless, with no vegetation, no living things, and no trace of anything alive.

However, they are not geological experts, nor are they here to conduct environmental inspections. They only need to confirm that there is no danger.

As for why the island became like this, there may be many reasons, but at the moment, they did not care about it.

The fleet quickly left the waters of the third island without any pause, leaving it far behind until it disappeared.

A long time passed.

Clouds began to appear in the northern sky, but they were still some distance away from covering the sun.

Since leaving the reef area, everyone's depressed mood has been relieved to a certain extent. At this moment, many people gathered on the deck, talking and laughing to relieve each other's tension.

Xia Feng put his hands on the guardrail and breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

He figured out that this operation seemed to be all-or-nothing, but in fact it did not need to be so persistent. Just like Nanfeng said before, even if there are only some discoveries, it can be regarded as a gain.

As long as they can determine the location of the God of the Deep Sea, they will have taken the first step to success. At least they can prove that what Kuroyukihime said is true.

As long as this is true, then the world can be redeemed and all efforts will be meaningful.

Xia Feng, look, the fourth island has appeared!

At this time, the call of his companion came. Xia Feng heard the sound and looked carefully. Sure enough, on the right front of the sea, the prototype of the island appeared.

Keep this speed. If there is no problem, we will pass directly without stopping.


As the fleet sailed at full speed, the distance to the fourth island was gradually getting closer.

Xia Feng stood on the edge of the deck, picked up the telescope, and began to observe the island. At the same time, Mel also sent out her Mimi.

The island passing by at this time was far larger in scale than all the previous islands. Moreover, this island was not barren, but was covered with lush vegetation and looked full of vitality.

Through the telescope, Xia Feng subconsciously smiled with relief after seeing this natural state on the island.

As long as there are traces of life survival, it can be proved that the danger is far away. This is a basic probabilistic common sense.

However, the next second, the smile on his face froze.

As the summer breeze adjusts the telescope's focal length, the scenery on the island becomes clearer.

On the rocks at the edge of the island, thousands of creatures that resemble a sea of ​​sandworms burst into view.

The head like a dead fish, the sharp claws, the high spine, and the frightening dark green skin all reveal signals of terror and terror.

Plop! Plop! Plop! Plop! Plop! Plop! Plop! Plop! Plop!

As the distance between the fleet and the island got closer and closer, the densely packed [dark green] on the rocks jumped into the sea.

On the sea surface, the running waves are rolling, and the dorsal fin jumps out of the water from time to time, like a deep-sea predator locking onto the prey that has entered the hunting range.

The vast and terrifying army is gathering towards the fleet's position at an extremely fast speed.

The relaxed atmosphere collapsed instantly.

Putting down the telescope, Xia Feng stared and pulled out the Shenyue Sword from his waist.

The whole person shouted almost with all his strength.

There is danger, hurry! Everyone is ready for battle!

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