Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1218 The world I once existed

If he were gone, Turtle might be the one he worried about the most, because Turtle lacked the most basic ability to survive in this world.

Of course, with the existence of the backpack, she would not die easily, but life would not always be so smooth.

He didn't know what would happen in the future, so sending Turtle to Kjerag was the safest plan.

As for Kuroyu's other companions, they all have the ability to deal with emergencies, and he no longer wants to influence them too much.

After separating from Guigui, Xia Feng did not go back to the barbecue restaurant, but walked towards the house opposite.

Even now when he thinks back to what Styx said, there are some things that he still doesn't quite understand, but that doesn't stop him from feeling unhappy now.

This unhappiness is not directed at anyone else, but only at Styx.

The snow in front of Styx's house was neatly covered with not even a single footprint, but this time Xia Feng no longer cared about any manners.

Raising his hand, he slapped it directly and vigorously.


He slapped the door with his palm, but the door was unlocked and pushed open a gap.

Styx's home was as dark and cold as ever, but this time, Xia Feng didn't see anyone on the first floor.

Neither Ming Shuang nor Ming Xue, including Xina, was on the first floor, and the whole house was completely silent.

At this moment, Xia Feng just glanced at the unchanged living room, then walked up the stairs to the second floor with a sullen face. He didn't care about others, all he was looking for was Styx.

Passing through the corridor on the second floor, Xia Feng went straight to the innermost room.


Pushing the door open, a thin figure came into view.

Styx was still sitting by the window, as if he would never move. Faced with Xia Feng's sudden intrusion, he didn't even look back.

Just in his thin palm, he gently fiddled with a silver coin.

On the table by the window, there is also a simple clock.

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock

The hands of the clock were turning moment by moment, and the crisp sound they made was particularly clear in the dead silence of the room.

Because the movement up the stairs was relatively large, Xia Feng's chest rose and fell slightly.

Staring at the River Styx, he took the lead in breaking the silence with a gloomy expression.

Where are the people, where are the people in your house.


Where are you going?

Go where they belong.

By now, Xia Feng had had enough of Styx's incomprehensible and mysterious attitude.

Taking two steps forward, he grabbed Styx by the collar and said coldly.

Do you have anything to say?

No matter how he held it, Styx was like a light pillow, showing no resistance, and its responding voice was as light as a buzzing.


Only then did Xia Feng realize that Styx's body under Styx's clothes had dried up to the point that it almost looked like a mummy.

He let go of his hand and forced himself to calm down his excitement.

Don't tell me you're going to die soon.

Are you worried about me?

Fuck, it's none of my business whether you die or not.

Then, a chair was pulled over and Xia Feng sat down in front of Styx.

Why did you hide it from me? Did you already know the secret of the Agor Deep Sea? You already fucking knew why the natural disasters and the Origin Stone came from, didn't you?


Xia Feng slammed the table.

Then why the hell didn't you tell me sooner!

Facing his questioning, Styx was unusually calm, and his entire body seemed to have lost the ability to move. Only the palm holding the silver coin was moving its fingers gently.

Is there any difference if I tell you earlier?

If you had told me earlier, at least

At least something.

At least.

It's the same, you will know sooner or later, the result is the same.

Xia Feng clenched his fists.

Since you already knew this, why didn't you do something? Do you also want this world to be destroyed and everyone to become infected and become sacrifices for the resurrection of that god of the deep sea?

I'm not that interested.

Then why not do something!

Styx's blue pupils were a little dim.

I've done everything I can.

Xia Feng stood up from the chair angrily and kicked the chair to the corner.

Damn it, uncle, what have you done? You stay in your room all day like a dead dog. If I hadn't moved to this street, I might never have known that there was someone like you in the world for the rest of my life!

Styx didn't make any rebuttal and just closed his eyes gently.

The dark room fell into dead silence.

After losing his temper, Xia Feng rearranged the chairs. He also felt that his actions just now were a bit excessive.

Styx is not a god, he is also a human being. No matter how long he lives or what abilities he has, he is still a human being.

Not everyone is as persistent as him. People are always accustomed to setting themselves as just and everything that is opposed to their own concepts as evil.

Of course, at this point, he can no longer care about what is right or wrong. Even if it is objectively wrong, he must do it at all costs.

But Styx does not have this responsibility, or in other words, what Styx is obsessed with does not match his own obsession.


Xia Feng breathed a long sigh of relief, raised his hand and rubbed his face vigorously.

Tell me what exactly needs to be done.

I have no idea.

have no idea?

You don't need to ask me, because all you need to do is what you think.

All right.

After glancing at Styx's body, which was so weak that it was almost like a living dead, Xia Feng finally asked.

So you are not going to help me.

Sorry, there's nothing I can do. Everything depends on you.

Anyway, you look like you are about to die. Can't you give me a little help before you die?


This was the first time Xia Feng saw his expression that had not changed for thousands of years and smiled until he saw Styx.

A small help, of course. The help is that I will stay in this room forever, forever, until someone kills me.

Depend on.

Standing up, Xia Feng no longer wanted to talk nonsense with this nagging guy. He had no choice but to walk the road ahead by himself.


With a final farewell, he walked out of the room.

Just before he was about to step out the door, Styx's voice came from behind.

Xia Feng, if you really changed the world, would you be satisfied and die without any regrets?

Stopping, Xia Feng didn't look back.

I can die, but it won't be without regrets. In this world where I once lived, there are many regrets.

When I walked out of Styx's home, the snow in the sky had stopped, but the sky was darker than before.

The snow-covered Hyakki Street was deserted in the evening, as if he was the only one left in the world.

Putting his hands into his pockets, inside was the map given to him by Captain Roger. Xia Feng raised his head and exhaled a breath of white mist.

The night was falling, and it was really cold, just as he was now determined to die.

At this moment, the sound of snow being trampled was heard in the distance.

Hearing the sound and looking around, he saw a figure running hard towards him in the distance on the street, but because of the snow under his feet, the man was running very hard.

Gradually, as the distance between the two became closer, the outline of this person became clearer.

Hoo, ho, ho~

Even though her cheeks were red, she was still running hard in the direction of Xia Feng, because she was eager to share the joy in her heart with her most beloved person.


Finally reaching a position less than 5 meters away from Xia Feng, Wei Na stood still, panting.

Raising her head, she showed Xia Feng what seemed to be the brightest smile in the world.

Xia Feng!


Under Vina's golden hair, this joy is like a dream that has finally been realized after overcoming difficulties and obstacles.

Her voice was loud, almost roaring.

Xia Feng, starting from today, I am no longer the king of Victoria. I have got rid of my responsibilities and my identity. Now, I have finally become an ordinary person!

She stretched out her hand towards Xia Feng, tears of joy overflowing from her eyes. At this moment, she seemed to be the happiest woman in the world.

Xia Feng, let's get married.

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