After a period of time, the news of Xia Feng's awakening was known to almost everyone who knew him, whether they were allies or enemies.

However, Xia Feng regained consciousness and no longer cared about Yandong's development. The one year originally left for him became less than two months due to this accident.

To be honest, he was not sure what would happen to the world at the end of 1096.

Perhaps because of the white power at work, the stiff body recovered quickly. Although it was not as complete as before, it was still possible to walk and run.

He must hurry up and rush to Fengyang City in the interior of Yan Kingdom.

As soon as Xia Feng woke up and got the general information, he asked Lao Pu to rush out another Origin Crystal that was exactly the same as before, just in case of emergency.

In this regard, Helmer warned him very seriously.

Hemmer said that his current physical condition is very special, and the ore disease has worsened to the point where he has lost his regularity. To put it bluntly, he will die at any time.

In this case, it is very dangerous to draw out the black power at will.

Regarding Hemo's concerns, Xia Feng nodded in understanding.

Don't worry, Hermer, I won't mess around, just in case.

Inside the Governor's Office.

Within a few days, Xia Feng was ready. He simply packed his luggage and put the Shenyue Sword back into the sheath on his waist.

After putting on his scarf and putting on his backpack, he took out his phone and called Franka who was waiting for him outside the city.

Franka, is the plane ready?


Well, let's go as soon as I get there.

Xia Feng did not abide by the agreement and wait for Wei Na to come to him in Yandong, but couldn't wait to go to the interior of Yan country.

Because in his heart, he has deduced a situation that may eventually evolve into in 1096.

He was not sure what intelligence Yanguo's senior officials had about Ursus, but he thought it was most likely information about the infected people launching a large-scale revenge.

If it is a large infected group with organization, beliefs, and leaders, there is probably only one possibility.

In the past year, Shuangxing still didn't take the initiative to contact him while he was asleep. There is a high probability that Shuangxing will get together with this organization, and the final result will be that history repeats itself.

From his perspective as a time traveler, the ending of the [Integration Movement] came to an abrupt end in the process, and he didn't know what would happen in the end.

But now in the world he has interfered with, certain things can no longer be used as a reference.

In more than three years, what he did had a huge butterfly effect on the world, and everything has become unknown.

If Yanguo is determined to take advantage of Ursus' weakness, the troops that should be dealing with the infected will undoubtedly be dispersed, which will tip the scales.

The purpose of the [Integration Movement] is to unite infected people around the world. If the Starting Point does not receive any interference or attack, this slogan is likely to develop in the direction they expect in a short period of time.

As the governor of Yandong, he can guarantee that the infected people living in Yandong will not be incited by this flame of revenge. But looking at the world, the infected people seeking resistance in despair are like a sea of ​​stars.

Therefore, he could not let the Yan Kingdom rashly send troops to interfere before he had complete and accurate information about Ursus.

The current situation is no longer simply black and white, good and evil.

In the complicated situation, he must find the optimal solution to survive the important Terran calendar year 1096.

Xia Feng arrived in such a hurry this time that he didn't get in touch with Yan Guoxiang until Heigang's helicopter stopped outside Fengyang City.

There was no welcoming ceremony, and he hurried into the city with Zhou Liang.

This is almost the coldest period of the year in the Yan Kingdom. Similar to the Ghost Festival in the Eastern Kingdom, the Yan Kingdom is about to usher in the most important festival in the hearts of the people of the year.

The war against Ursus was not open to the outside world, so the people did not have any premonitions and still lived with joy and laughter.

The atmosphere on the streets is very festive, with vendors hawking, children running, red lanterns hanging in front of every house, and window grilles on the windows.

However, Xia Feng, who was traveling through the city, seemed to be in two different worlds from the people. This festive atmosphere could not infect him at all.

Taking Zhou Liang with him, he walked quickly towards the imperial city with a solemn expression.

Imperial City, inside the nave.

This time, the five major governors gathered together, and dozens of senior officials from various ministries came to discuss.

Governor Xia, long time no see. You are recovering well.

It's okay now.

Regarding Xia Feng's recovery, Prime Minister Yan Guo and other governors simply expressed their congratulations and skipped him.

Obviously, during the year when he was asleep, Yandong's influence in the minds of Yanguo's senior officials had dropped to its lowest point.

Even if there is no need to rely on Yandong, the interior of Yan Kingdom has survived this year, and now there is a bright future, and it is Ursus who is about to fall into passivity.

During the meeting, Prime Minister Yan changed his previous caution and became very energetic. He slapped the table and glared, as if he had held a pre-war mobilization meeting.

None of the officials present objected to the move, but only made some pertinent opinions, including the Southwest Governor Quinturiel, who all expressed support for the move.

Quinturiel said that if Yanguo takes the opportunity to declare war on Ursus, the southwest region will send 200,000 troops, and he will personally lead the troops to fight Ursus.

In the middle hall, facing the momentum coming from one side, Xia Feng suppressed the words he had thought of before.

No matter what he said at this time, I am afraid that he could not stop Yan Guo from taking the opportunity to send troops to Ursus. If he did not break out in silence, he could only perish in silence. Yan Guo was willing to risk everything this time.

After a brief weighing, Xia Feng immediately changed his mind.

When asked by Yan Guoxiang about Yan Dong's views on this matter, he immediately said.

Yandong and Yanguo are a community. In recent years, Ursus has bullied others too much. He will pay back what he has come out to fool around. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity must not be missed. The people of Yandong will definitely devote all their efforts to this war!

Xia Feng's loyal and passionate words made all the officials sitting here dumbfounded. He clearly wasn't like this before.

Yan Guoxiang stared at Xia Feng in surprise as if he were looking at a monster, wondering if the child's brain had been awakened by sleeping in it for more than a year?

Facing Xia Feng's generous speech, Governor Yanchuan next to him slapped his thigh.

Okay, Governor Xia is indeed the pillar of my Great Yan. I admire you for your awareness!

The governor of North China also echoed this.

Well, since Governor Xia is so bold, we in North China cannot be deprived of all the credit. Regardless of success or failure, I am willing to fight side by side with Governor Xia!

At this moment, the Yanguo political system, which had previously collapsed due to various reasons, and each had their own evil intentions, reached the most united high-level meeting in history.

Among the crowd, only Wei Yanwu secretly looked at Xia Feng with complicated eyes.

As expected, Xia Feng changed the subject and added a not too harsh condition on top of Yandong's willingness to go all out.

Standing up, Xia Feng walked to the center with firm eyes and his voice was low but dignified.

I believe that all of my colleagues sitting here are well aware of my Yandong background. Now that the matter has been disclosed to the outside world, I will no longer hide it.

Xia Feng exhaled heavily, his eyes sharp.

Yandong does not have an army, but it does not mean that there are no troops available. In this battle, we, Yandong, can send at least 2 million troops. I am afraid that this troop strength has exceeded the total strength of all the inland areas of Yan Kingdom.

Xia Feng's eyes swept over everyone. After hearing these domineering words, no one dared to raise any questions.

Finally, his gaze rested on Yan Guoxiang's face.

However, I have a condition. I must be fully responsible for this operation, including war preparations and the timing of dispatching troops. The Yandong Army will be the main force, and other governors will only serve as support and shall not interfere.

Standing opposite Yan Guo, Xia Feng's voice was irresistible.

This is my only request, otherwise, Yandong will shut himself up and turn a blind eye.

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