Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1193 Ancient Documents

Lao Pu is only an expert in origin stone processing, and he uses wild methods based on metallurgical experience. He has never received any systematic professional learning.

Of course, he had been exposed to a lot of professional knowledge during his year as a professor at the Victoria Academy of Sciences, but it was still difficult for him to understand what Dr. Kane and Mel said.

Lao Pu is only an expert in Originium processing. This is like a chef. No matter how fragrant his braised chicken wings are or how fresh his braised prawns are, he still cannot know how to raise chickens or go fishing.

These are completely different things.

The book Earth and Wind is very rare and is generally only heard of in the field of magicians.

Moreover, outsiders would not care at all about this kind of book where the author is unknown and the text cannot be understood, and would even be regarded as written by someone obsessed with learning magic.

If it weren't for Xina's annotations and Xia Feng's imaginative associations, no one would have ever connected the information in the book with the current era.

The things recorded in Earth and Wind have troubled the world's top scientists.

However, the so-called scientific development is the process of overcoming difficult problems one after another and making theoretically impossible things possible.

Inside the Governor's Office.

Hearing Dr. Kane's equally vague conclusion, Old Pu's eyebrows twisted into knots.

Quantitative change causes qualitative change? How can such a change happen? It cannot be changed.

Puda also echoed the same view.

Yes, the energy density of the Source Stone is already at the limit of its mass, and it should be the same even if it is reshaped.

Hearing this, Xia Feng, a layman, could only ask tentatively.

Mel, Dr. Kane, is that right?

Afterwards, there was a long silence in the office.

This silence seems to be enough to prove that what the Platts brothers said is true.

Just when Xia Feng's disappointment was about to take over his heart, Mel suddenly said loudly.

No! You can change!

Lao Pu didn't mean to deliberately cause trouble, but he obviously couldn't agree with this statement.

Mel, you can't change.

It can change!

How to change?

“I don’t know how to change it yet, but I believe it can be changed!”


Seeing Mel's determined eyes, Xia Feng knew that this was the professional quality of an outstanding scientist, which could also be called the will to explore.

Just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Afterwards, Laopu and Mel started a heated argument.

Through this positive debate, many complex professional issues have also been exposed. To put it simply, there is a serious lack of theory.

For example, the reason why you dare to ride a seemingly dangerous roller coaster in an amusement park is because you know that it is designed to be impossible to fall.

However, if a person who traveled from ancient times didn't know about this, then he would never dare to sit on it, and he would also advise others not to sit on it, because it looks very dangerous, and there is no need to try.

Reflected in the book Earth and Wind.

The refining formulas recorded in the book are all symbols that do not belong to this era. At the same time, even Mel does not understand why such anti-locking steps are required.

This is the lack of theory.

If it's a worker, then you just need to tell him what to do and let him do it.

But if he is a scientist, he should not only know how to do it, but also know why he should do it and what kind of principle it is.

The argument lasted for ten minutes, and finally, Dr. Kane's words stopped the argument.

In that case, why not give it a try.

After hearing what Dr. Kane said, Xia Feng could only look uncertain.

Yeah, then why don't we just try it? Let's treat it as an experiment.

Mel looked at him like he was an idiot.

That's easy to say, how do you try?

Xia Feng spread his hands.

Isn't there a formula and process on it? You are professionals and you can definitely understand it. Just follow it.

Mel angrily pointed at the pages of the book.

There are formulas and process steps on it, but there are at least a dozen symbols represented. We have no idea what substances these things are, so how can we try them?

Xia Feng was immediately choked.

How do I know this?

So if you don't feel pain in your back when you stand and talk, don't make blind suggestions if you're not a professional.


Doctor Kane crossed his arms, feeling helpless.

That's true. I can only roughly guess some of these symbols, but I can't guarantee that they are 100% correct. As for what substances all the symbols represent, it is really difficult to tell. If all the substances known in the world are included, After trying it once, I'm afraid I have to sort it out in N ways.

This is a very real problem.

It's like a recipe, all the methods are written to you, but you can't figure out what some of the seasonings are.

Once again, the office fell into uncomfortable silence at the question.

I don't know how long it took, but just when everyone was thinking so hard that they were about to collapse, a voice with no emotion came.

Memory search completed, information found.

Under the feathery gray-white hair, the white-faced owl, which had never made a sound from beginning to end, continued expressionlessly.

According to my memory, the Rheinland Life Database included an ancient document unearthed from the ancient country of Agamen many years ago. It recorded and compared hundreds of chemical components that were different from this era. At this time, the book symbols, most of which are also included.”

Hearing these words, Lao Pu and Mel were both stunned, and even Dr. Kane had a rare look of surprise.

Xia Feng understood.

It turns out that the white-faced owl didn't speak from the beginning to the end because he fell asleep with his eyes open. Instead, he kept recalling relevant information in his memory. After all, this guy's memory is comparable to that of a computer.

After understanding what the white-faced owl meant, Puda questioned with some disbelief.

Hey, is it true? Do you know what all these symbols represent?

The white-faced owl explained expressionlessly.

It's not that I know it, but that I came to an accurate conclusion after comparing it with reference to literature records.

After saying that, the white-faced owl stretched out its slender fingers and pointed at a symbol in the book.

This represents ketosis.

The finger points again to some other single symbols.

This represents light alcohol, this represents raw sugar, this is the high-temperature separation extract of light manganese, this is gold dilute, and this composition symbol represents the composite raw material RMA70-24.

Xia Feng didn't know what the ancient Agamen country the white-faced owl mentioned was, but the white-faced owl relied on its memory of the Rhine Life Database to explain 70% of the golden stone synthesis formula in Earth and Wind.

Until finally, the white-faced owl pointed to the first symbol that appeared in the formula.

This symbol represents the origin stone, which is what we call the natural source stone cluster.

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