Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1190 Why don’t you want to

Xia Feng couldn't tell whether Dr. Kane's new medicine had any effect yet. He just felt that he was more sleepy than before.

Maybe this is a side effect of the medicine, but for him now, sleeping has become the most luxurious thing.

The concession agreement signed with Victoria came into effect immediately, and the boundaries of the colonial area ceased to exist, and the entire Yandong ushered in complete reunification.

Mullenleg's tenure as district mayor has come to an end. Unlike his original grand ambitions, the colonial district's existence was short-lived and not glorious.

Of course, Marenleg did not feel regretful or disappointed, nor did he complain about Xia Feng's actions. Things are unpredictable, and with his achievements in the past six months, he will definitely be promoted again after returning to China.

Regarding the cancellation of the colonial area, Xia Feng had no intention of asking.

Because this decision only existed on paper, in fact, the boundaries of the colonial area had been in name only for several months.

Today's Yandong still belongs to the Yan Kingdom in name, but just like the canceled colonial area, it is actually no longer under the jurisdiction of the Yan Kingdom's Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In a sense, it can be regarded as a subtle tacit understanding. The only question is how long this tacit understanding can last.

Now the initiative to maintain the tacit understanding is not in the hands of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. From Yan Guo's standpoint, they certainly want this tacit understanding to continue. They are afraid, but Xia Feng does not want to give this opportunity.

Looking back on this year, Yandong's resources have gone from scarcity to stability, then from stability to saturation, and even now overflowing. This development speed has far broken the record of any developing country in the world.

Of course, compared with world powers with stable foundations such as Colombia or Victoria, it is still far behind, but at least it can be compared.

Since it can be compared, it proves that there is a possibility of catching up.

The biggest gap now is probably the mobile city that can roam freely on the earth and avoid natural disasters.

Mobile cities are a necessary core facility for a country, because they can ensure that it avoids waiting to die in the face of unknown natural disasters.

Of course, the probability of a natural disaster accurately covering the city is very small, but the small probability does not mean that it will not happen. Once it occurs, it will be a devastating disaster.

Just like the airbag in a car, most experienced drivers may never use this function in their lifetime, but if this function is canceled because of this, do you ask the drivers whether they will use it?

Even if you don’t need it in your life, you still have to have it, because if you don’t have it, you may not see it in the next life.

Therefore, in order to prevent the core city built by countless people from being destroyed by natural disasters, the plan to move the city must be put on the agenda.

First, Xia Feng contacted Yuntian Group, and the reply he got from Li Yuntian was that it could be done.

In fact, Yuntian Group has participated in the construction of most mobile cities in the interior of Yanguo, including the maintenance and upgrade of part of the main urban area of ​​Longmen, which is also responsible for Yuntian Group.

However, it is still not that easy to build a mobile city independently.

Li Yuntian's original words are that the mobile city is the crystallization of Originium technology and the crystallization of money. It is basically a golden mountain piled up with countless banknotes.

If everything could be solved with money, it would be nothing to Yandong now. Now, he holds a huge amount of the world's three major hard currencies in his hands.

They are money, manpower, and source stones.

The Originium processing plant run by the Platts brothers is huge, with top-notch equipment and technology, and Lao Platts has also trained batches of professionals in order to improve efficiency.

At present, Yandong's source stone reserves can be said to be very sufficient.

Soon, the mobile city plan began to be prepared. In order not to lag behind other advanced countries in terms of basic science and technology, Xia Feng also found a person in particular, that is, the great Engineer Meyer.

In the past six months, Mel, as the president of Yandong Academy of Sciences, has provided huge technical support for the construction, which can be said to be indispensable.

But for some reason, Mel's mood has been very low recently.

Yandong Academy of Sciences Building, inside Meier's private laboratory.

Xia Feng placed a mobile city design sketch provided by Yuntian Group in front of her.

Mel, we are planning to build a mobile city, can you help us?

Mel glanced at the drawings glumly.

Not interested in.

Seeing that her mood was wrong, Xia Feng asked nicely.

What's wrong? Has any recent invention failed again?


What happened?

Mel lowered his head slightly, pouted and muttered softly.

It's different from what we promised before.


Mel turned up the volume.

It's different from what we promised before! You promised me in the laboratory next to the barbecue restaurant that you would help me build a sky battleship after coming to Yandong, but now Yandong has developed enough, where is my sky battleship? ?”

Xia Feng was indeed a little embarrassed when Mel mentioned this matter.

There is no way, the two middle school students got together, that's what they said at the beginning, but now the plan can't keep up with the changes, and there are some things that they can't control.

With a guilty expression, Xia Feng explained nicely.

Mel, there's nothing we can do about it. We really can't devote our energy to our misty dreams at the moment.

Mel obviously couldn't accept this statement.

Why is this a dream? My design is perfect. Do you think I am dreaming?

No, that's not what I meant.

Then why don't you help me? Is it because you care about money or the Origin Stone?


Xia Feng sighed helplessly.

Mel, I'm sorry. It's not that I feel sorry for the money and the Origin Stone. It's just that I don't want to waste time on things that can't be realized. I'm not a professional in technology, but you said it yourself at the beginning. This ship is worth it no matter what. It can’t fly either.”


There's no solution to the energy problem, is there?

Of course Mel understood that what Xia Feng said was right, she was just being willful.

But knowing this, she still pushed the drawing away angrily and lost her temper.

You believe me when I say I can't fly? You're not helping me think of a solution at all!

Sorry, I'm too busy.

Don't listen, don't listen. If you don't help me, I will do my own research. I won't help you with the mobile city issue, huh.

Hey, don't do this

Mel stood up and pointed angrily at the door of the laboratory.

go out!

Xia Feng was very embarrassed.

Hey, Mel, there's no need to get so angry.

I don't care, get out, get out, I'm going to start the experiment.

Mel walked around Xia Feng and pushed and dragged him out of the laboratory door.

Then there was a bang and the door was closed.

Standing outside the laboratory door, Xia Feng sighed in frustration.

Everyone pursues different things, and they cannot be measured by other people's values. For everyone, what they insist on is extremely important.

Yes, he did not help Mel, but it wasn't that he really didn't want to help, it was just that he didn't know how to help.

If Mel can insist now that if he invests 10 billion, 50 billion, 100 billion, or 10,000 Origin Stones, 50,000 Origin Stones, or 100,000 Origin Stones, he can 100% build this sky battleship, then he Don't even frown, just get started.

But the problem is that Mel is a professional and she has no confidence in this.

A huge ship that can soar in the sky and overlook the earth.

If it was really possible to create such a thing with the current Originium technology, why wouldn't he want to do it?

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