Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1184 No comment

Summer, year 1095 of the Terra calendar.

The Yandong Hospital for Infectious Diseases was officially completed, and at the same time, more than ten large industrial facilities such as the Yandong Steelmaking Plant, the Yandong Origin Stone Processing Plant, and the Yandong Trade Center were completed.

On the second day after the completion of the hospital for infected patients, the Yandong Administration Department issued an official announcement.

[From now on, Yandong Hospital for Infected People will permanently implement free orivirus suppression for infected people. At the same time, Yandong Special Economic Zone will also start a plan to accommodate infected people in the interior of Yan country. The first target area is North China. 】

This announcement did not cause much of a stir internationally. In the eyes of politicians from various countries who did not know Yandong, it was just a superficial project. To put it bluntly, it was to attract infected people to work as coolies in Yandong.

As for the exaggerated free medical care, I can only say that the final interpretation right belongs to someone.

This thankless behavior is generally recognized internationally. However, this announcement caused an uproar in the interior of Yan country.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Yanzhou previously issued a High Autonomy Order to the Yandong Special Administrative Region. The popular meaning is that you can develop your own development and I will no longer care about you.

Afterwards, the Ministry of Internal Affairs did this and stopped interfering in all administrative matters of Yandong.

However, now, the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not interfere with Yandong, but Yandong has begun to interfere in the interior of Yan country. This infected person containment plan is the first proof of this.

Although the announcement states that the current plan is only for North China, the announcement itself is already suspected of exceeding its authority.

A few days later, Yan's Ministry of Internal Affairs sent a long-awaited secret order to Yan Dong.

The secret order stated that Xia Feng, the governor of Yandong, was required to give a clear explanation on the matter.

Inside the Governor's Office.

Zhou Liang stood in front of Xia Feng's desk, with this secret order document on the desk.

My lord, how do we need to explain this to the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Xia Feng casually glanced at the secret order on the table.

Is there anything to explain? We, Yandong, spend money and effort to help infected people suppress oriosis. Is this a wrong thing?

Zhou Liang was a little confused.

Yes, yes, sir, you are right, but we did not submit an application in advance for this matter. Without the Ministry of Internal Affairs being notified, the Yandong Administrative Department secretly issued an international announcement. This has exceeded its authority.

Oh, that's easy to handle.

Xia Feng picked up the tea cup and said while drinking the tea.

Old Zhou, in your reply, you said that this matter is related to the overall interests of Dayan. I was also eager to help Governor Lin share the pressure of the infected people in the country, so I forgot to report it to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in advance. I will make up for it now and make up for this notice. Bar.

grown ups.

Oh, and also, our infected person shelter plan has achieved results in cooperation with Chief Wei of Longmen. The problem of infected people in the interior of Yan country has always been difficult to solve. In order to implement and popularize this welfare policy, I asked the Ministry of Internal Affairs Give me an allocation. If you really don’t want to give me money, then give me a certificate.”

After spending so long with Xia Feng, Zhou Liang has completely understood the out-of-the-box character of his immediate boss.

Okay, I understand.

The result was as expected. After the response to the matter was completed, the Ministry of Internal Affairs made no further intervention and it was as if nothing had happened.

Xia Feng's attitude in his reply can be said to be very arrogant, but what he said is absolutely true. From the current point of view, this infected person containment plan is indeed very beneficial to the development of Yan Country.

To put it harshly, what Yandong is doing now is free garbage recycling. The garbage stored in the yards of every household is suddenly collected. At this time, you still jump out and ask, Why are my garbage collected? ?

Anyone with a normal mind can imagine how much manpower and financial resources Yandong has devoted to this plan.

Hospitals for infected people consume astronomical amounts of medicine every day, and in addition to various industrial projects, Yandong has also built incinerators in four directions within the territory.

This large incinerator is not used to burn industrial waste, but to incinerate corpses.

Depending on the degree of infection, the physique of infected people also differs greatly. According to comprehensive statistics, the mortality rate in normal work is almost dozens of times higher than that of ordinary people.

Some people will die from various sudden diseases caused by organ failure, and some people will simply die from excessive blood source stone density. To put it bluntly, it is a normal death of an infected person.

This is a very cruel fact.

Once diagnosed with oriosis, whether mild or severe, it is difficult to survive for more than ten years.

In other words, in Yandong ten years from now, all infected people currently living on this land will cease to exist.

This sounds very desperate, but by now, Xia Feng has become numb to it.

Thinking about it from another angle, some things become more precious precisely because they are fragile, and they become more beautiful precisely because they are short-lived.

It is precisely because of this intertwined atmosphere of despair and hope that Yandong is in the situation it is today.

He always believed that everyone will die, and it makes no difference whether it is one year or a hundred years. As long as the dream you want to see in your heart is realized, one second will be eternity.

Therefore, he did not allow anyone to interfere in this process.

Following the completion of the hospital for infected patients, the Yandong Origin Stone Processing Factory was officially launched.

Under the guarantee of world-renowned organizations such as Black Steel International, Kalan Trading, Penguin Logistics, and Snow Emperor Group, we immediately gained a large number of customers from all over the world.

Compared with other private processing centers, Yandong Processing Factory focuses on the best quality and the lowest price, which simply does not allow its peers to survive.

As for how low this price can be, it depends on how long you store it. In other words, the longer you store it, the lower the processing price is, just like a bank's time deposit.

This model cannot be imitated by others because it requires strong strength and absolute credibility. Looking at the world, only Yandong can do it.

Under this huge temptation, natural source stones from all over the world began to gather in Yandong.

In internal operations, this is equivalent to getting it for free, selling it at a high price, and then using the money earned from selling it to return it to depositors. In a very short period of time, this will cause pathological expansion of capital.

However, this morbid development is what Xia Feng wants, because his time is running out.

One month later, another project that caused uproar in the interior of Yan Kingdom was officially completed, named [Black Feather Weapon].

As can be seen from the name, this is not an official Yandong industry, but a private super arsenal.

As before, the Yanguo Ministry of Internal Affairs once again sent an urgent secret order to Yandong, asking Governor Yandong to explain the matter.

Inside the Governor's Office.

Zhou Liang was still the same, looking at Xia Feng nervously.

Sir, how are we going to explain to the Ministry of Internal Affairs this time?

Xia Feng picked up the secret order on his desk, crumpled it into a ball of waste paper with an expressionless expression, and then accurately threw it into the trash can in a parabola.

Old Zhou.

The official is here.

I have been thinking about a question. Regarding Yandong, why do I have to explain it to the Ministry of Internal Affairs every time? I have to explain it when he asks me to explain it?

This time, Zhou Liang had noticed something, and his tone unconsciously became confident.

Sir, how should I reply?

Xia Feng crossed her legs and said very casually.

Just reply to the Ministry of Internal Affairs with four words, no comment.

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