Unlike the Shenyue Sword, which stores the energy of the Origin Stone, the Red Demon Sword can absorb black power and replace its blood-drinking characteristic.

But at the same time, there are powerful side effects.

This characteristic of constantly absorbing black power will accelerate his body's conversion rate. In other words, the source stone energy he absorbs will increase exponentially to power the Red Demon Sword.

Correspondingly, the load on the body will once again increase to an unimaginable level.

A year ago, he stood under the city of Londinium and used the Red Demon Sword to cut through the city wall, and also absorbed all the Source Stone energy in the entire city.

After that sword strike, he completely lost his mobility.

Of course, that is also related to the inability to continuously provide Source Stone energy. He is currently in a natural disaster area, and the supply of Source Stone is very large.

His body is like a medium, absorbing the energy of the Source Stone and converting it into black power for release.

If it was the 30th day of the black and white twins' cycle, he should have the ability to fight continuously with high intensity, but now on the 31st day, his body might be a little unable to cope with it.

Standing on the edge of the pit, Xia Feng gently closed his eyes.

From the moment he pulled out the Red Demon Sword, his fighting time entered a countdown.

He must defeat Yingwulan before his body's load reaches its limit, otherwise, he will defeat himself.


With a loud noise, crisscrossing lightning burst out from Ying Wulan's body in the pit, sending all the surrounding rubble flying away.

Holding the lightning blade surrounded by lightning, he rushed towards Xia Feng again.

Holding the Red Demon Sword tightly, Xia Feng opened his left eye. At this moment, the black flames in his eyes became deeper and deeper.

Ying Wulan's figure arrived in an instant, and the lightning blade slashed at him with surging electric current. However, Xia Feng, who was one step faster than him, had already raised the Red Demon Sword above his head.

The dark red sword body is surging with black lines, and surging black power is gathered into the sword.

The next second, the Red Demon Sword slashed down in the air, and the raging energy broke through the sword body and hit Ying Wulan's body straight.


The air trembled, the ground shook, and the terrifying black sword energy spanned the pit, cutting a chasm of more than a hundred meters into the earth, like an abyss.

The smoke and dust dispersed, and Ying Wulan's body was half-kneeling on the ground.

His entire left arm was broken from the shoulder, and half of his body was split open from it, which was extremely terrifying.

But the next second, blue lightning emerged from his body again, and in the same way, strange crystals once again covered his fragmented body and reconnected it.

His unfocused eyes glowed blue, and the knife-swinging movement resumed.


The lightning blade slashed across Xia Feng's waist, bringing out a blood mist.

Holding the wound on his abdomen with one hand and retreating, Xia Feng took in the cool air to adjust his breathing.

As he expected, Sakura Wulan's state was not a one-time event, but became a passive skill. That kind of weird crystal can repair the body infinitely.

Moreover, the load the Red Demon Sword brought to him was too great. After swinging the sword, his consciousness would even become temporarily blurred.

If this kind of instant-kill power couldn't completely kill Sakura Wulan, it would be meaningless.

He has seen it.

At this moment, Sakura Wulan is no longer a human. If he guessed correctly, the strange crystals that repair the body are not other things, but the Originium crystals that grow on infected people.

I don’t know through what method, it’s like there is some kind of principle guiding me.

This type of Originium crystal, which would take several days or months to grow on the body surface of a severely infected person, could be grown in an instant and used to replace body tissue.

I'm afraid, this is the power of the deep sea.

Xia Feng immediately made a judgment and continued to use the Red Demon Sword, which would obviously greatly reduce the duration of his battle.

Without being sure that he could instantly kill Ying Wu Lan with one blow, he decisively put the sword back into the sheath behind his back and pulled out the Shenyue Sword.

The wound on his waist was not deep, but the strange lightning caused strong burns to his skin, which was very painful.

Gritting his teeth, the black flames in his left eye exploded again, Xia Feng raised his knife and rushed towards Ying Wulan, whose body had just recovered.


The blades collided, and the huge force seemed to make this natural disaster shake. The level of this duel once again reached an unprecedented level.

Throughout history, it is difficult to find scenes that match this.

During the battle, Sakura Wulan seemed to be completely shielded from pain. Of course, most of his body had been replaced by Originium crystals.

Under the raging black power, Xia Feng's body was also suffering tremendous pain, but for him now, the pain was no longer so unbearable.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!

Lightning and black flames intertwined in the natural disaster, and the battle between the two was extremely fierce.

Wherever they passed, the natural source stone clusters that grew in the natural disaster instantly lost their color and turned into the energy consumed by the two of them.

Grass, trees, rocks, ravines, and all foreign objects were ruthlessly torn into pieces.

In terms of strength, the black and white twins on Day 31 still have an absolute advantage, and judging from their condition, Sakura Wulan has lost her mind.

At this moment, Ying Wulan's eyes were empty, his pupils only had a faint blue light, and all his moves were completely unorganized, as if they were based on instinct.

On the other hand, Xia Feng's judgment on his shots was extremely accurate, and he tried his best to avoid causing fatal injuries to himself.

However, as time goes by, this gap between advantages and disadvantages gradually shortens.

During the natural disaster, the two of them had been fighting for who knows how long, and the ground within a radius of several hundred meters was devastated.

Sakura Wulan's body suffered countless heavy injuries, but like a perpetual motion machine, the injuries were quickly repaired by crystals. Except for the brief stagnation of movement caused by physical damage, he was almost tireless.

Although Xia Feng did not suffer any serious injuries, the high-intensity continuous fighting of the black power had made it unbearable for his body.

He had never imagined this in his life so far.

In this world, there could actually be someone who could fight so fiercely with him, the 31st day of the black and white twins.

After losing the vital organs of the body, any living thing will die, whether it is an ordinary person or an infected person. This is an irreversible biological law.

From a biological point of view, I am afraid that Sakura Wulan is already dead because most of his body structure has been replaced by Originium crystals.

And the reason why he can continue to act is all thanks to this natural disaster.

The surging Origin Stone energy supports his special Origin Stone skills, using crystals to simulate the functions of body tissues, so that he can continue to fight no matter what kind of serious injury he suffers.

However, natural disasters are not eternal and will pass sooner or later.

At this time, without the source of energy, Sakura Wulan could no longer maintain her skills, and her death was doomed.

This unprecedented battle has developed to this point, and it seems to have ended in a sense.

No one can fall first, and no one can escape.

This natural disaster seemed to be the final grave of the two people in a fierce battle.

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