Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1008 Earthshaking

Everyone knows the benefits of Source Stone, but how good is this benefit?

How to put it, under certain circumstances, the benefits of the Source Stone may even make people ignore its disadvantages, making people irresistibly intoxicated.

Just like Xia Feng now.

Although he knew that the source stone was the main culprit for the world's gradual destruction, but facing the high productivity brought by the source stone, he could only give a thumbs up and say, It's so delicious.

Source Stone is so cool, and the convenience of technology is irresistible.

Especially after Mel completed the construction of the Originium Power Station, several towering lighthouses rose from the ground, and the entire southern coast of Nishikawa almost became a city that never sleeps.

Perhaps, as people grow up, they sometimes unknowingly become what they once hated.

But Xia Feng didn't feel any shame. Making money was not shabby. As long as you straightened your waist and made money, that would be the light of the right path.

Rather than being pretentious all day long and shouting slogans that sound cool but are useless if you think about it carefully, money is more real.

Because money can arm you. In other words, money is a weapon in a sense. If you don't even have a weapon, how can you protect others?

But having said that, the importance of money in everyone's heart is different, and this importance is directly proportional to personal desires.

For example, if you really want to buy a house, a car, a figure, a computer, earn money to draw cards, or satisfy your vanity, then money will become very important driven by these desires.

Even this level of importance will erode things that should be more important to you from an objective perspective.

Yes, there are some things that money can't buy no matter what, Xia Feng always understands this truth.

Therefore, making money will not stop, but the status of money in his heart can only be ranked second. As for the first place, it is people.

Those who have passed away will never come back. If you miss something, you will miss it. No matter how much money you spend, it is impossible to start time again.

Even if you use money to pave a foolproof and safe road, you can't change the sky above your head.

A ruthless natural disaster will destroy everything you have carefully laid out.

This is the real world of Terra.

For some time afterwards, production and construction continued.

Many things will only expose problems after they are started, such as further demand for raw materials, gaps in equipment types, etc.

For this reason, Xia Feng contacted Nancy to purchase the second, third, and even fourth batch of goods from Victoria regardless of the cost.

In addition, more manpower also went to Dongguo.

Money is not saved, but earned. Problems that can be solved with money are not problems for him. He does not want to get stuck in thinking about some budgetary matters.

He has more important things to do than calculating the gains and losses of these petty people.

The edge of the cherry blossom forest.

The sky is blue and the wind is gentle and the sun is beautiful.

A flash of light flashed in Xia Feng's eyes, his anger sank in his Dantian, and he swung down the bat in his hand fiercely.


There was a crisp impact sound, and the baseball thrown by Wolf was knocked away steadily by him.

Seeing this perfect shot, Turtle jumped up excitedly.

Home run, Windmill, you're awesome!

Xia Feng smelled a showy nose.

Hmph, this is called a talented player.

The wolf who threw the ball looked depressed.

Brother Feng, your hitting is too accurate. To be honest, have you practiced secretly yourself?

How is that possible? I told you we are talented players.

Ifrit was riding on Dudu's back, chewing a freshly picked red pepper and chirping.

When a yo-yo has no hair, its head is similar to that of a baseball, both round, so it must be friendly to play with.

Shut up, you.

Seeing Ifrit's mouth turned red after eating, Uncle Nanye who was passing by couldn't bear to ask.

Little Ifrit, don't you think this chili will be too spicy if you eat it raw?

You just have to eat it because it's spicy.

Don't hurt your stomach.

Ifrit scoffed.

How can I lose my stomach after eating my favorite? There are only two things I love most in this world, which are charcoal-grilled sandworm legs and chili.

Xia Feng turned his head sideways, and Feng Bao was running over from a distance, shaking his big chin, holding the baseball that he had just knocked away in his mouth.

Siha, Siha!

Fengbao is responsible for picking up balls professionally. I am afraid that apart from Turtle, he is the one who likes baseball the most among everyone.

Taking the ball from Feng Bao's mouth, Xia Feng touched its head.

Feng Bao, well done.


At this moment, a slightly noisy roar came from far away.

Chug, tug, tug, tug, tug!

Bagpipe was wearing a straw hat, sitting on a brand-new tractor with an excited face, and drove slowly over.

Feeling the most advanced tractor in the world, Bagpipe couldn't help but admire it.

Hey, hey, Xia Feng, look, this is too advanced. I've never driven a tractor with so many functions. It's great!

Xia Feng smiled happily when he saw that Bagpipe was more excited than driving a high-end sports car.

Of course it's great. This tractor cost more than 700,000 yuan. Nancy said it was imported from Colombia. The manufacturer's advertising slogan is, when it comes to farming, one of our tractors is an army.

The bagpipe music made me smile from ear to ear.

Okay, okay, I like it so much.

Ha, as long as you like it.

After that, Xia Feng threw the ball back to Langda and handed the bat to Turtle.

Come on, Turtle, it's your turn.

Turtle rolled up his sleeves.

Hey, look at me, Ola Ola!

Minamino Village is fully electrified, and the entire coast is undergoing tremendous changes.

In addition to various production plants and facilities, a three-story office building was built near Sandworm Bay.

The small wooden house next to the altar had long been demolished, and now there was a magnificent sign hanging on top of the office building.

[Black feather sandworm breeding base]

Yes, the entire coastline has changed, but according to Xia Feng's request, the small yard he first built on the edge of the cherry blossom forest has not changed at all.

Now he is no longer as eager for quick success and quick profit as before. Making money is for a better life, and life must be completely separated from making money.

Because only by sitting in this original small courtyard could he completely relax his body and mind.

As time goes by, the construction of the sandworm breeding base is nearing completion. In addition to the coastline, the entire sandworm island has also improved its scientific breeding environment.

Hundreds of young men who came from Victoria all followed Hemo and humbly learned breeding techniques, which was much easier than joining a gang.

After everything was on track, Xia Feng contacted Nancy to recruit a group of workers in the infected city in southern Victoria.

There are no strict requirements, as long as you are an infected person and can meet the ordinary daily work, food and accommodation are included, and the salary is twice the average salary in Victoria. If you want to resign at any time, you can take a round-trip boat home for free at any time.

Besides workers, there is the most important thing, which is feed.

According to Hemmer's previous plans, the most efficient one is to import finished feed and then transport it back for secondary proportioning.

Of course, there is a second option, which is fish.

Feed is the top priority in all aspects of breeding. As an adult, Xia Feng naturally chooses all of them.

He then made final arrangements with Nancy.

1. Find a stable source of feed. It is best to sign a long-term agreement with a domestic feed manufacturer in Victoria to ensure supply demand.

Second, purchase ships from Haimen Group. Four fully-automatic large-scale fishing ships of over 100 tons will be ordered first.

With large fishing boats, his sandworm farming has become, in a sense, a perpetual motion machine.

Even if there is an error in some external link, he can still operate perfectly.

The fish caught are processed and turned into sandworm feed. The grown sandworms are sold and turned into money. Part of the money is used to purchase the source stone that drives the operation of the entire Sandworm Bay, and part of the money is permanently deposited in the bank.

Then, the cycle starts again and again, happily.

As for his task, he only had to play baseball with Turtle and the others, and then count the money.

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