Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1002 Someone Likes

On both sides of the screen, there is Victoria on one side and Dongguo on the other.

The two places are theoretically separated by thousands of rivers and mountains, but through each other's sincere words and sincere expressions, this distance is felt in Xia Feng's heart.

But it's only one step away.

Life is really wonderful, and this wonder often happens in moments without warning.

The world of Terra is so big that most people have never left their own country in their lives, not even their own cities, towns, or even villages.

But at the same time, this world is so small that even if we are thousands of miles apart, the bonds between people are still tightly tied to each other.

It's like it transcends the limits of time and space, it's so wonderful that it's inexplicable.

Although it is very inappropriate, Xia Feng is willing to call it quantum entanglement.

Since coming to the world of Terra, his life trajectory has been like a circle, going around and back.

Those who are newly strong do not carve out new paths in the circle, but these people also join the circle with him as the center.

Just like a train that never ends, some people get on and some get off, but as the driver, he will not stop.

Perhaps his ultimate mission is to lead all passengers out of the closed railway track to a destination that is theoretically impossible and can only be called a miracle.

If you miss something, you will miss it, not only people, but also the living conditions that you once didn't care about.

Just like Bagpipe now, before she left, she was still working hard to take care of her small vegetable garden, and Xia Feng was still running to town carrying sandworms on her back, striving to stabilize her poor life materially.

But now, everything has changed.

Of course, this is not a bad thing. People will walk to higher places unconsciously. Even if they have fallen from a high place, they will still climb up instinctively.

It's just that when those lost times are recalled accidentally, Bagpipe will feel a little emotional.

Across the screen, Bagpipe's eyes suddenly dimmed for some reason.

Okay, I'll listen to your arrangement.

Xia Feng didn't notice the change in Bagpipe's mood at all.

Okay, you can stay at the barbecue restaurant first. You're welcome. We're all our own people. I'll ask Nancy to call you when we leave.

Bagpipe pursed his lips.


What’s wrong with you?

It's nothing, I'm very happy.

At this moment, the dull Xia Feng seemed to understand something.


Oh, it's nothing I said.

Don't worry, no matter how we change, our home in Sakura Grove will never change. This will always be your home.

Upon hearing these words, Bagpipe's face suddenly turned red. In front of so many people, she felt helpless and complained.

You, you, you, what are you talking about? Oh, I won't talk to you anymore. I hate it.

Everyone in Heiyu next to them had ambiguous looks on their faces, and Sun Fugui slapped his lips.

Tsk, tsk, Brother Feng, are you confessing your love?

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Xia Feng didn't think there was anything wrong with this sentence at all.

What's wrong, what confession? I'm just telling the truth. This home was built bit by bit by Bagpipe and I. Oh, and Feng Bao, we are a team.

Tsk tsk tsk, team.

That's what it is.

Tsk tsk, that's what it is.

Sun Fugui, you deserve a beating, right?

Tsk tsk tsk, slip away.

After a while, Nancy, who had just taken a health bath, appeared with a cup of freshly brewed health tea.

Today, Nancy has transformed from a small accountant at a barbecue restaurant to a powerful woman in the business world. It is not an exaggeration to call her the pillar of the entire Black Feather Chamber of Commerce.

Nancy perfectly fulfilled Xia Feng's instructions before leaving and took good care of everyone, not just everyone, she even sacrificed her own interests to take care of the entire Victoria Empire.

Nancy sat behind the desk with a tea cup.

Is it really Xia Feng?

Everyone around the monitor nodded.

Yes, it's absolutely true. Brother Feng is living a good life. He also has his own vegetable garden, and now he has to raise sandworms.

Oh, that's good. Wolf, help me pull the communicator over.


Nancy is a smart woman, otherwise she would not have continued to develop the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce after taking over it.

She had long guessed that Xia Feng must be living a cool life, but she just didn't want everyone to know it for some pretentious reasons. After spending a whole year together at the barbecue restaurant from morning to night, she knew this boss very well.

If you take the initiative to contact me this time, there must be something you need help with.

The weather in Victoria has turned cooler at this time of year. Sitting on the chair, Nancy picked up a blanket and covered her legs, smiling at the monitor.

Boss, are you okay?

Seeing Nancy's familiar face, Xia Feng felt a burst of emotion in his heart.

This girl's appearance has not changed much, she is still so young and beautiful, but her whole temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In fact, this is human nature. When you are in a high position, you can't help but control the huge Black Feather Chamber of Commerce, and you must become mature.

Xia Feng smiled softly.

Hey, Nancy, don't call me boss, you are the boss now.

Nancy took a sip of the health tea and said matter-of-factly.

You are my only boss. Don't forget, you helped me get the Royal Academy internship certificate.

Um okay.

As soon as I mentioned those past events, my thoughts couldn't help but be brought back.

But now he doesn't have time to reminisce about the bitterness and sweetness with Nancy. Reason forcefully overcomes sensibility. He wants to finish talking about the business first.

Nancy, I need you to help me prepare a shipment.

Nancy nodded.

I heard you want to raise sandworms?

That's right, Hemo is helping me with the planning now. Theoretically, everything is ready. All that's missing is your talent.

No problem. Make a list of everything you need. With the current international channels of the Chamber of Commerce, as long as it is something that can be obtained in this world, I can help you get it.

He needed so much that Hemer wrote two full pages, Mel wrote one page, and then he added another page himself.

For example, in terms of building materials, such as wood, bamboo, stone, cement, concrete, metal, bricks, ceramics, glass, engineering plastics, composite materials, etc.

The demand for each type is huge, but fortunately these things are not expensive. The really expensive ones are construction equipment.

Various engineering vehicles, bulldozers, excavators, reclamation machines, drones, all equipment are selected with the best quality and most powerful functions in order to achieve success once and for all.

Then there are the various precision electronic components that Mel needs, as well as some research and development equipment.

No way, some things can be customized in Victoria, but some things must be developed on site by Mel.

In addition, there is also an essential thing to promote the operation of the entire plan, the Source Stone.

Source Stone is difficult to obtain. If a large factory needs Source Stone to put into production, it must apply to the empire in advance and pay a large amount of money to mobilize it from the treasury.

However, this problem is not a problem for Nancy.

It would be too shameful if the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce, once the largest Originium processing giant in eastern Terra, could not even obtain Originium to meet industrial needs.

Of course, there is no illegal means, she just needs to reach out to the king of this country to get it openly.

After explaining the above important raw materials, what is left are some things in life that Xia Feng himself listed.

In one sentence, he plans to move the supermarket here.

Nancy on the other side of the screen was so confused that she lost her pen, leaned back in her chair, and complained.

Ouch, why are there so many? Forget it. I won't remember it. Just send the electronic version of the list over tomorrow and I'll send someone to make arrangements immediately.

Xia Feng nodded.


I can handle all the things you mentioned. Is there anything else besides these?

Xia Feng thought about it for a while, and suddenly an idea flashed.

There was one thing that wasn't on the list and wasn't theoretically that important. He almost forgot about it.

Nancy, get me another tractor.

This time Nancy was confused.

Why do you need a tractor? Why do you still need to farm if you don't want to raise sandworms?

Xia Feng replied with certainty.

Someone likes it.

Thanks to the poi boss for the reward. I bowed at a 90-degree angle to thank you. Fengfeng has been a little busy recently, so I will write down more in my notebook (ω)

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