Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 988 You are responsible for the consequences

Ying Wulan's departure was like an episode in a peaceful daily life. What was outrageous was that this episode almost killed Xia Feng.

Of course, he didn't give in. Even if he died, he would stand up straight and die, and let Sakura Wulan understand one thing before he died.

The only person in this world who can kill me is myself. Apart from that, no one can completely pretend to be a B in front of me, Huo Yu Xia Feng.

The storm was resolved, but the sequelae were somewhat serious.

A large water tank, a vegetable garden, and a pergola. Although these things were not worth a few dollars, they were built from scratch by him and Bagpipe, which still made him feel a little distressed.

However, what hurts more than heartache now is his own body.

Yingwulan's palm hit her hard. According to Yingwu Juyaro's diagnosis, an injury of this degree would not heal in a month.

Fortunately, the injury was not as serious as the previous penetrating injury. There was no wound, so there was no need for professional suturing, and there was no need to worry about infection.

With Sakura Takejuyorō's traditional Chinese medicine techniques and herbal medicine, he only needed to lie at home and rest.

It's really amazing that Juyoro Sakurabu knows medical skills, and if this old man hadn't taken action to resolve this matter, the result might have been several times more serious than it was at this moment.

However, Xia Feng was angry and didn't thank him very much because the person who came to make trouble was his grandson.

Perhaps aware of Xia Feng's attitude, Juyoro Sakurabu was also a bit sarcastic. He talked less and did more, and only used actions to prove his apology.

In fact, Xia Feng himself also understood that Juyaro Sakurabu's character would definitely not protect his shortcomings.

People like them simply take family ties very lightly, otherwise this old man would not stand by and watch the crisis that the Sakurawu family is facing. Most of the reasons for taking action this time were out of justice, which can also be called bravery.

Juyoro Sakurabu can only start a fight, but not deflect it. Even if he brings out the black and white twins and pins Sakurabu Lan into the ground and beats him violently, Juyorozu Sakurabu can't really hurt him.

Of course, these things make sense emotionally, but not rationally.

Especially when Xiaohui and the villagers knew that the person who came to cause trouble was the grandson of Sakura Takejuyorō, they were very angry.

Although he didn't say any words of condemnation, his expression made people feel uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Juyoro Sakurabu's cultivation is deep enough, which can also be called thick-skinned. People at his level don't care about other people's eyes at all. He will only do what he thinks he should do, and he will not go against his heart. .

In this way, Juyoro Sakurabu dragged his old body to tidy up the yard, and he also used a small hoe to plow the destroyed vegetable garden into a smooth place.

In addition, as a patient, Xia Feng is fully responsible for his three meals a day, which are nutritionally balanced and consist of pure green foods.

a week later.

early morning.

Juyoro Sakurabu walked into Xia Feng's room from the outside carrying a small basket, and then placed the meals in the basket on the table.

Xia Feng, it's dawn, get up first and take the medicine, and then eat.

In fact, Xia Feng had woken up a long time ago, but he didn't want to get up because his whole body hurt when he moved.

He opened his eyes and glanced at the two side dishes on the table.

Master Shi, actually you don't have to be like this. This matter has nothing to do with you, and I won't blame you.

Juyoro Sakurabu showed no expression.

Xia Feng, I know you are a reasonable person. I am not doing this to ask for your forgiveness. I know you will not blame me. I am doing this just because we are neighbors.

I have to say that it is easier to communicate with someone who understands. Xia Feng stood up with a grin on his face.

That's good.

After that, he first took the bowl of brewed herbs and drank it all in one breath while holding his nose.

Then, he suppressed the bitter taste in his mouth and turned his attention to the food on the table.

Touye, what did you bring me to eat today?

It's potatoes and cucumbers.

Huh? No meat again?


Xia Feng coughed lightly and suggested.

Well, Mr. Shi, you don't have to give me three meals a day. If you are tired, you can just ask Xiaohui to give them to me.

Juyoro Sakurabu nodded knowingly.

You think my food is too bland.

Um, not really.

Ha, I understand. There are dried fish in the village, so that's fine. When Xiaohui comes over next time, she and I will take turns delivering food to you.

Xia Feng gave a thumbs up.

Master Ten, be enlightened.

Master Shi is indeed open-minded. When an open-minded person meets an open-minded person, there will naturally be no unsolved knots in his heart. This incident has not affected the relationship between the two good neighbors at all.

In fact, through this incident, Juyoro Sakurabu also discovered that there was something wrong with Xia Feng's identity.

He discovered that Xia Feng was not only Xiao Yunye's friend, but besides this identity, there seemed to be a shattering secret because Xia Feng would become Ying Wulan's challenger.

As a grandfather, Juyoro Sakurabu knew very well who Sakurabu Arashi was, and from the confrontation in the yard that day, Juoyorozu Sakurabu also felt the unparalleled pressure.

In fact, if he was willing to ask about these things, Xia Feng would not hide them. However, Juyaro Sakurabu didn't seem to want to get to the bottom of it.

For him who chose to live in seclusion at this time, some things were no longer important. He didn't know who Xia Feng was, and he didn't want to know.

Of course, Mr. Yingwu didn't have that much curiosity, but others did, such as Xiao Hui.

Since then, Xiao Hui has been asking who Xia Feng is and why he became the target of the East Kingdom Sword God's challenge.

In order to answer Xiao Hui's doubts as easily as possible and satisfy the girl's curiosity, he only said that he had won the Victoria Swordsmanship Competition and was a strong swordsman.

After listening, Xiaohui admired him very much, and at the same time expressed her strong condemnation of Ying Wulan, scolding her eighteen generations of ancestors by name.

Xiaohui was in the living room with her waist inserted, and she was talking angrily.

The warriors I practice are very polite and have the spirit of a warrior. I have never seen a rotten person like him. He insists on forcing a martial arts competition regardless of whether others agree or not, and destroys other people's yards if they don't agree. It's really uneducated. , I don’t know how my father and mother taught me, I must have been unqualified people for generations.”

Xia Feng persuaded while chewing the rice balls brought by Xiao Hui.

Okay, okay, don't elevate your personal behavior to the family level. You see, my grandfather is quite qualified.

Tch, that's all I think.

Xiao Hui is a very down-to-earth girl, and before she knows it, she has completely regarded Xia Feng as one of her own, even speaking in a protective manner.

In fact, Xia Feng thought carefully about Sakura Wulan's behavior.

How should I put it, although this guy is very paranoid, very selfish, very arrogant, very despicable, and very shameless, he still did a good thing.

After eating, Xia Feng immediately said to Xiao Hui.

Xiao Hui, go to the village and help me call Sorata over.

What are you calling him for?

Oops, just scream if I ask you to, and go quickly.


Through Xia Feng's instructions, Sorata headed to Sandworm Bay alone in the afternoon carrying a wooden sign.

After arriving, the child took out the gavel and nailed the wooden sign with writing on it to the side of the altar.

A line of words written on the wooden sign is.

[The island ahead is Huoyu Xiafeng's private sandworm breeding farm. Outsiders are not allowed to approach without authorization. There are sea monsters inside. You will be responsible for any casualties. 】

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