Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 984 It’s so good that I can’t breathe

It's useless, Xia Feng, you can't avoid it.

Facing Ying Wulan's repeated pressing, Xia Feng felt that this matter would not be easy to get over.

Ying Wulan is not a passionate young man, and he does not give up easily on things he has decided. The most important thing is that Ying Wulan does not believe that he has lost his strength.

And the most important thing is that Ying Wulan also knows how to read people very accurately.

In the courtyard, Ying Wulan stared at Xia Feng with half-closed eyes, as if she wanted to see through him completely.

You are covering up. You have been covering up since daytime. Xia Feng, why don't you dare to face me head-on.

Xia Feng clenched his fists.

I'm scared, okay?


Sakura Wulan looked around the yard again.

You're not afraid of me, you're afraid of death, right?

Seeing Xia Feng didn't answer, Ying Wulan continued.

You are afraid of death, no, to be precise, you are afraid of losing, afraid of losing your current peaceful life. Xia Feng, you are escaping.

Xia Feng is strong and calm.

Oh, are you escaping?

Ying Wulan was right, he was indeed afraid of death, but so what?

If fear of death was a mistake, then there would be few living people in this world.

Everyone is working hard to survive, because as long as they die, there will be nothing.

And to take a step back, he was the only one who couldn't accept what Ying Wulan said.

Is he afraid of death?

The answer is, neither afraid nor afraid.

He is afraid of dying because of trivial things, such as challenging a sea monster or various accidents.

But if it's for those important people, he doesn't care at all, because this is the purpose of his coming to this world.

Compared with a brainless person like Sakura Wulan who puts life and death aside for self-satisfaction, he is not so selfish. Therefore, he is afraid of death. He is afraid of dying because of the provocation of this lunatic.

The weak look gradually disappeared, and a layer of frost seemed to appear on Xia Feng's face.

Escape, what qualifications do you have to criticize me?

Seeing Xia Feng's slightly angry look, Ying Wulan seemed very satisfied.

It's a good momentum. It would be even better if you don't just talk about it, but show your true ability.

Facing Ying Wulan's provocation, Xia Feng squeezed out three words from his mouth.

You do not deserve.

Oh, how will you know if you don't try?

After saying that, Sakura Wulan put his hand on the handle of the Sakura sword.

Seeing this action, Xia Feng's heart sank. Sure enough, this guy was still going to take action.

Xia Feng held both hands on the Shenyue Sword at the same time, raising his concentration to the limit, adopting a defensive posture and waiting for Sakura Wulan to attack.

Seeing this state, Sakura Wulan showed a hint of disappointment.

Perhaps in the eyes of a person of his level, Xia Feng's way of holding the knife was completely out of character.


There was a muffled sound, and an afterimage was left behind where Ying Wulan had been. The next second, Yinghua's sword was already close to Xia Feng.

Facing this lightning-fast speed, Xia Feng gritted his teeth and immediately waved his knife to block.


However, the raised Shenyue Sword did not touch any real object, and the Yingwu long sword disappeared into thin air like a phantom.

Then, there was a cold touch on his neck.

At the same time, there was a very disappointed voice from Sakura Wulan.

I thought you were going to get serious, but to my surprise, you were just kidding me.

Obviously, the gap in swordsmanship has reached an unmatched level. At this moment, his injury has healed, but even so, he still can't catch a single move.

If Ying Wulan wanted to kill him just now, he would already be dead.

A drop of cold sweat seeped out from Xia Feng's forehead. Feeling the blade at his neck, he swallowed unconsciously.

It was risky, but he made the right bet.

Yingwulan would not kill him without drawing out the black power to fight with all his strength.

Oh shit!

Xia Feng roared, ignoring the sharp edge at his neck, and turned around to slash.


This time, what he hit was still just the afterimage of Ying Wulan. His long robe brushed past, and the person had retreated to the center of the courtyard.

Adjusting his breathing, Xia Feng put aside the distracting thoughts in his mind and simulated the sad Qiu Liyu that Master Xiao once taught him in his mind.

Then, he locked his eyes on Ying Wulan in the distance, concentrated a little, and stepped forward to slash.

Sad Qiu Liyu!

Seeing this move, Yingwu Lan's emotions fluctuated for the first time, just like Yingwu Juyaro's sad Qiu Liyu when he saw Xia Feng performing slow motion in the yard.

But soon, surprise was replaced by smile.

Heh, interesting.

Facing Xia Feng's move, which was shaped like an autumn wind and as violent as a torrential rain, Ying Wulan did not dodge, but gently closed her eyes.

The secret of Bei Qiu Liyu is mixed with reality, and it is difficult to tell the truth from the false. Xia Feng holds the Shenyue Sword tightly, and his figure appears in an instant. Without any fancy movements, the blade cuts directly into Ying Wulan's face.


The first strike was immediately withdrawn, which was obviously false. However, facing this seemingly thunderous strike, Sakura Wulan did not dodge at all.

Even though the blade was almost touching his face, he didn't even open his eyes.

Obviously, the moment Xia Feng took action, he had already seen through that the first sword was false.

In the blink of an eye, the second knife was struck.


Similarly, Ying Wulan still did not move this sword, and this sword was also empty.

All this happened at a moment when even the thinking ability of the brain could not be synchronized. After the two fake moves of the knife were executed, Xia Feng's third knife had arrived.

This time, Sakura Wulan finally raised her eyebrows.

Just when the Shenyue sword was about to hit, the Sakura sword suddenly lifted up at a speed that was several times faster than Bei Qiu Liyu, and hit the hilt steadily.


The huge force shocked Xia Feng's entire arm and numbness instantly. The next second, the Shenyue Sword had already flown out of his hand and was lifted high into the air.

At the same time, Ying Wulan withdrew his right hand holding the knife, turned his left hand into a palm, and lightly hit Xia Feng's chest.

This palm may seem as light as drizzle, but it contains enough power to break rocks.


With a muffled sound, Xia Feng seemed to hear the sound of his ribs breaking, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and then, the whole person flew out like a cannonball.


The thin body smashed the large water tank in the yard, and then continued to fly out, hitting a wooden pillar of the pergola.

The entire pergola collapsed.

Just relying on pure sword skills, the gap between him and Ying Wulan is that of a giant and a baby, even if he uses the sad Qiu Liyu that Master Xiao taught him.

And aside from sword skills, Ying Wulan's physical strength is also abnormally strong. After decades of practice, it can be said that he has built a body of steel.


Curling up on the ground like a caterpillar, Xia Feng covered his overwhelmed chest and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

With the last palm, he felt as if he had been hit by a train. If his body's endurance was not very strong, he might not have died directly.

This palm is so good, so good that I can't breathe.

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