Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 980 Self-cultivation in the abandoned house

Bagpipe is going to Longmen to meet her best friend, Chen Chen.

Faced with Bagpipe's request, Xia Feng certainly had no reason to object. In other words, Bagpipe's willingness to come and have a good discussion with him was a sign of respect for his companion.

Xia Feng, do you agree with me going?

Xia Feng didn't hesitate.

Of course I agree, do whatever you want to do, this is the purpose of my life.

Okay, I'll leave tomorrow, hehe.

Bagpipe was very happy at the thought of meeting Chen Chen soon.

Xia Feng touched his chin and thought for a while.

Are you going alone? Do you know where to take a boat to Longmen?

Bagpipe nodded.

Well, I know. When I first came to Dongguo, I landed at the dock on the west coast. It will be the same when I go back.

Bagpipe is a special soldier of Victoria's Northern Military Region. Of course, this is not a problem for her, but in Xia Feng's eyes, she is a somewhat reckless little girl.

Are you in danger alone? Otherwise, I will send you there. I won't disturb you. I will come back after I send you to Longmen.

no thanks.

Bagpipe seemed to be pleased that Xia Feng cared about her so much, shaking her head lightly and said.

I can handle this little thing myself. I'm just worried that you'll be hungry at home alone and you won't know how to cook.

Oh, isn't it just cooking? How can it be difficult for me, Huo Yu Xia Feng.

Bagpipe still looked a little worried.

Can you really do that?

Xia Feng gave a thumbs up, very confident.

Don't worry, a big man like me can still starve to death.

Not only you, but also Fengbao and Daidai.

I know that we three brothers will take good care of the house, so you can go without any worries.

The next day, Bagpipe carried his backpack and left happily.

Before leaving, she arranged everything at home. Knowing that Xia Feng was lazy, she also did a general cleaning, which should last until she came back.

It is late autumn now, and there are all kinds of vegetables and fruits in the vegetable garden. As long as you are willing to use your hands, you should have no problem eating.

Standing outside the courtyard, Bagpipe changed into her plaid skirt and carried her exclusive spear. In addition to daily necessities, the backpack also contained a lot of fruits with a relatively long shelf life.

According to her, she wanted to give Chen Chen a taste of what she grew with her own hands.

At the gate, facing Xia Feng, Feng Bao, and Daidai, Bagpipe smiled and waved his hand.

I'm leaving. I'll be back in about half a month. You have to take care of your home.

Xia Feng looked relaxed and content.

Don't worry about us, just have fun and don't be in a hurry to come back.

You really won't starve to death?

What are you thinking about? I'm not a baby.

Hey, I'm leaving then.

Xia Feng raised his hand and waved it, and Feng Bao followed his example and raised his claws.

Well, have a nice trip!


a week later.

The weather continues to get cooler and leaves are falling in large swaths. It seems that the last shadow of autumn will soon be unable to hold on.

Xia Feng looked haggard, lying on the floor of the living room, squirming like a caterpillar.

Ah, I'm going to starve to death, why haven't the bagpipes come back yet!

At this time, Feng Bao walked into the house with a tomato in his mouth and placed it in front of Xia Feng.

Grabbing the tomato, Xia Feng took a bite without energy.

The more I eat, the hungrier I get.


Since Bagpipe left, Xia Feng's diet has become very irregular.

Normally, as long as he feels hungry, it must be that the meal is almost ready. Within 10 minutes, the bagpipe will definitely call him to eat.

But now that the bagpipe is gone, whenever he feels hungry, he will think of cooking. But because of his poor skills, each meal will take a very long time, and the food he cooks is not delicious.

This creates a vicious cycle.

Hungry - cooking - troublesome - unpalatable - not cooking - hungry.

During this period, only Daidai in the cowshed has the best food, because the fodder does not need to be processed.

And Feng Bao usually eats the leftovers from him and Bagpipe, but now he doesn't even have food, let alone the leftovers.

However, Feng Baodao will not be hungry. Having inherited the bloodline of Qiu Lang, it will quickly look for edible things to satisfy its hunger, such as any fruits in the vegetable garden.

Feng Bao ate delicious fruits, but these uncooked fruits were a bit hard to swallow for Xia Feng. It was okay to eat them occasionally, but it was unbearable to eat them every day.

Because he didn't have enough food, he felt weak and had no energy. He had been staying at home for the past few days. When he couldn't bear the hunger, he ran to the village to get some food.

Just as Xia Feng was writhing in the living room with hunger, a call came from outside.

Brother Xia Feng, you are at home.

Hearing Xiao Hui's voice, Xia Feng responded forcefully.

Yes, yes, yes.

Oh, I brought you food.

Xiaohui walked into the house carrying a bamboo basket, put it on the table, and took out the contents one by one.

Brother Xia Feng, it's true of you. You became so lazy as soon as Sister Bagpipe left. Even Feng Bao went hungry with you.

Xia Feng sat up and sighed.

Hey, I have never cooked for myself in my life. At first I thought I could do it, but in fact I am not good at it. I really can't handle cooking.

It seems that you really can't live without Sister Bagpipe.

Xia Feng curled his lips.

From the current point of view, he really cannot take care of himself. If he only cares about living, he will definitely not die. But if he wants to pursue a leisurely and comfortable life alone, that is just a dream.

Xiao Hui, what did you bring me to eat?

There are rice balls, sweet potatoes, and pickles.

Is there no meat?


Ahhhh, I want to eat meat.

Xia Feng was picky about food when others brought him food. Xia Feng did seem to deserve punishment, but it was precisely because he didn't treat Xiao Hui as an outsider that he said such willful words.

Even though he says so, the food delivered to you still needs to be right.

Sitting at the table, Xia Feng stuffed the rice ball into his mouth hungrily, broke open the sweet potato and gave half of it to Feng Bao. This meal was a big mouthful of blood and could last him another day.

Xiao Hui picked up the broom and asked while helping to clean the room.

Brother Xia Feng, how long will it take for Sister Bagpipe to come back?

Xia Feng touched his chin and thought for a while.

She said half a month when she left, but I guess it won't be that fast. It seems very close from here to Longmen, but it is separated by the sea. And the two sisters haven't seen each other for a long time. I don't know how long they will be tired of being together.

Xiaohui showed a longing look.

Longmen, it is a very big country.

Xia Feng explained.

Longmen is not a country, it is just a special autonomous city belonging to the Yan Kingdom. However, it is indeed quite prosperous and one of the best in the world of Terra.

The prosperity of Longmen is not too mysterious, but for Xiao Hui, it is amazing.

Brother Xia Feng, have you been to Longmen?

Been there.

What did you do when you went to Longmen?

Xia Feng thought for a while.

I didn't do much. I went to jail for a few days and saved a white rabbit. It was gone.

White Rabbit? Are you going to protect small animals?

Well, that's okay.

Xiaohui's eyes were twinkling with stars.

That's great. I have never left Xichuan in my life. Brother Xia Feng, can you take me to Longmen for fun next time you have time?

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