Chapter Eighty-Four: The Qipan Mountain, the prelude to the rallying call

, is now the focus of the Zao Five Domains again. The people who can ascend here now are "either rich or noble", in addition to all the people in the Five Domains of Zao, there are also people who are suspected of being able to become the Gathering Summit. For example, Li Xiyuan, Yun Shanshan, who happened to come here, and a young man with fairy wind bones who was covered in pure white light.

In the eyes of the second daughter, this person has an "otherworldly" posture. Maybe they have lived in the world for a long time in the past two or three years, and they have the air of fireworks on their bodies, and at first glance, such "spotless" people feel quite magical. The young man had black eyes and white hair, a navy blue robe, and a white veil, and behind his back was a sword with an auspicious cloud pattern on the hilt.

At the door of the old man's courtyard on Qipan Mountain, the white-haired young man stood in front of the second daughter, standing with his hands in his hands, his eyes showing a bit of coldness, a look of slaughter...... Looking at

Yun Shanshan! The second daughter, who noticed the strangeness, noticed that the white-haired young man seemed to be "rushing" at Yun Shanshan, but she didn't pay attention to him, and wanted to bypass the white-haired young man and enter the small courtyard. But before Yun Shanshan could take a step, a pure white barrier suddenly blocked in front of the second daughter, and the white-haired young man said in a somewhat magnetic voice: "People from the Evil King Realm, why are

you here?" Li Xiyuan frowned, and Yun Shanshan smiled a little: "Guess what? Can't you make a scene? Or am I not qualified to be here?" "Shanshan Yun

Shugot, the demon daughter of the Second Demon Realm, is naturally qualified to step into the current Qipan Mountain. The white-haired youth snorted coldly, "But why are you here? This is not your Evil King Realm.

Yun Shanshan sneered and took a step, and some black and gold power faintly flashed on the tips of her fingers: "Hehe, this is not your Tibetan realm?"

There was a "buzz" sound, and a silver sword flew out from the back of the white-haired young man: "Take another step...... Die!" The words were filled with a thick and nameless resentment and anger, and the silver sword fell into the hands of the white-haired young man, and the tip of the sword pointed at the position of Yun Shanshan's neck. This scene...... happened to be looked at by the five bigwigs of the Five Domains of the King of Tibet, plus the half-old man, Wang Junli and Chen Yunsong. At first, Chen Yunsong was quite excited when he saw the appearance of Yun Shanshan and Li Xiyuan, and a white-haired young man appeared unexpectedly

, Who is this grandson ™? Blocking them for Mao? It seems that Xiyuan and Shanshan have not provoked this otherworldly white hair, right?

"What if I take a step?" Yun Shanshan smiled indifferently and took another step forward.

"Witch, are you looking for death?" The white-haired young man lifted his sword and pointed it at the top of Yun Shanshan's head, and when he was about to attack, the white-haired young man felt his shoulder, as if he was being grabbed by a hand like pincers.

The white-haired young man turned around and saw that the indifferent Chen Yunsong directly raised his fist, gathered a black and golden energy on the fist, and threw a punch directly at his head. The white-haired young man was suddenly startled, and he turned around and skillfully left Chen Yunsong's hand that grabbed his shoulder, and after taking two or three steps back, Chen Yunsong's punch was empty.

The white-haired young man looked at Chen Yunsong with a look of indignation

: "Chen Yunsong of the Hanging Temple?" Chen Yunsong was calm and terrifying: "Feng Zi of the Zao King Valley." "

You're going to stop me, help the witch of the Evil King Realm?" Feng Zi seemed to be angry for a moment.

Chen Yunsong didn't know why Feng Zi had great malice towards Yun Shanshan...... However, in front of himself, he said that he would "kill his own woman", believing that if Feng Zi was not Feng Zi, he would already be a corpse.

So Chen Yunsong didn't bother to talk nonsense with Feng Zi, the black and golden light flashed in his hand, and the Heaven Burial Tin Staff appeared to attack Feng Zi.

Feng Zi, the senior brother of Zao King Valley, is a person who was personally selected by the Daoist Master of Xugu with a "high probability of becoming the next powerhouse of the Gathering Top Realm". He is a true "prince" in the realm of the Tibetan king. If the Hanging Temple and the Nine Summer Mountains are kingdoms, then the Zao Valley is the empire. Chen Yunsong and Li Xiyuan are "princes and princesses", and Feng Zi is "the eldest son of the princes". Judging from their identities alone, Feng Zi and Chen Yunsong, Li Xiyuan and Yun Shanshan are the same, but their status is a head higher than them.

The only one who can compare with Feng Zi is the demon daughter or demon son in the first demon realm of the evil king realm.

Looking at Yu Zhan, Yu fiercely, Chen Yunsong and Feng Zi, Zhou Hong, Li Yuanxiong and the abbot of the catastrophe held the mentality of "watching the excitement".

The half-child old man glanced at the Xugu Daoist sitting beside him: "Old friend

, is it appropriate?" This question is also the question of the Hanging West Tianjing Master, his own personal disciples and the disciples of the Zao King Valley are going to do it? Isn't it all said that when you conquer the Void, you must unite and unite with the outside world? Why do you make such a fuss as soon as you come up?

The Xugu Daoist shook his head in the room, sighed and said, "Feng Zi...... has talent and perseverance, but because of his past life experience, there has always been a demon in his heart that cannot be eradicated. I don't know if Tianjing your disciple can help him.

Master Tianjing clasped his hands together, and the abbot of the catastrophe next to him also cooperated with Master Tianjing and said: "Amitabha Buddha ......"

On the other side, the battle between Chen Yunsong and Feng Zi became more and more intense, and the strong melee ability of the two left a deep impression on each other. At the same time, it also gave Li Xiyuan and Yun Shanshan a reminder: Chen Yunsong's melee ability does not seem to be weaker than them.

Speaking late, Feng Zi was blasted out a few meters away by Chen Yunsong's Burial Heaven Tin Staff, and stretched out his hand to condense a white power, but before it was too late, Feng Zi's hand was tightly grasped by the other hand. Feng Zi looked back and saw that it was Yun Shanshan who grabbed his hand, and at the same time, a cold light flashed on his neck. Li Xiyuan took out his peach mountain sword.

"Hey, have you made enough trouble?" Li Xiyuan said in a cold voice, "This is Qipan Mountain, we are not here for your pitiful things." "

What did you say?" Feng Zi felt as if his heart had exploded, "Li Xiyuan, what do you know, and what do you understand?"

Feng Zi ......" A long voice came, with an irresistible momentum in his voice.

"Boss ......" After Feng Zi heard the shouts of the Xugu Daoist, his mind was relatively stable.

Chen Yunsong and Li Xiyuan each put away their soul soldiers, and Yun Shanshan also let go of the hand holding Feng Zi. The second daughter was too lazy to take care of Feng Zi, and walked behind Li Yuanxiong one after another. After Chen Yunsong took a deep look at him, he also returned to the side of the abbot of Tianjing.

"Hmph!" Feng Zi glanced at the three of them viciously, especially Yun Shanshan......

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