Chapter Twenty-Six: The Evil King Realm, the Second Demon Lord

, Shanshan, Yun, Shugot, Li Xiyuan quietly looked at Yun Shanshan standing in front of her, Chen Yunsong and Wang Junli didn't want to have anything to do with them at all...... But the bitter fruit must be eaten by itself.

Li Xiyuan was invited by himself, and Yun Shanshan was also brought by himself...... Chen Yunsong didn't think about any "big crystal palace" or anything like that, he simply felt that every day in Chen's mansion, if there were three beautiful foul girls, wouldn't he think it was very eye-catching? Moreover, it seems that this Yun Shanshan ......

Chen Yunsong and Wang Junli trembled: "Xiaoli, what should you do? You won't fight, right?"

Wang Junli shook her head: "I don't know...... They...... Why did you bring her back?"

Chen Yunsong, who had a sad face, said, "I don't want to either...... She came with her, and I'm embarrassed to take them away? girl...... Are you still a princess?"

the two of them were tense, and it seemed that the slightest sound would be triggered. Chen Yunsong didn't expect that the kind of aura that Yun Shanshan displayed was almost the same as Li Xiyuan? You must know that she is the daughter of the head of the Nine Summer Mountains in the Tibetan Realm! Yun Shanshan

has a clear origin on the surface...... But in fact, it seems that Li Xiyuan knows best?

"Why do people from the Evil King Realm come to the Heavenly Empire?" Li Xiyuan said a word, revealing Yun Shanshan's origin, and successfully made Chen Yunsong and Wang Junli look at the confrontation in amazement.

"Sister Xiyuan, what are you talking about?Evil King Realm?What is that??," Sanshan Yun Shugot's tone was clearly deliberate.

"Momoyama ......" After a black-gold light flashed from Li Xiyuan's waist, the Momoyama sword appeared, "Slash!"

A sword flew out and rushed towards Yun Shanshan's heart!

Chen Yunsong wanted to make a move to stop Li Xiyuan, but was stopped by Wang Junli with a solemn face: "Wait, look at ...... again

" "Hmph!" After Yun Shanshan snorted coldly, a white light flashed from her waist, and a thin sword of Western fencing sports appeared, the hilt of the sword flashed gold, and the blade was indeed weirdly black.

"Sure enough...... Who are

you?" "Li Xiyuan, don't you remember me?" Zao Wang Realm, Eastern Regions, Nine Summer Mountains?" Yun Shanshan slightly stabilized her wrist, which was a little paralyzed by the shock, "Who am I......?" Shanshan Yun Shugot...... The current identity is the sixth princess of the Shugoth royal family. "

Don't tell the truth?" Li Xiyuan didn't say a word, and flew out a sword again.

So the two girls, in the middle of the compound of the Chen Mansion, beat you back and forth, back and forth. In the direction of pure soul soldiers, the two of them seem to be similar? Li Xiyuan prefers some slashing movements, and Yun Shanshan prefers to stab and provoke.

Between the swords and swords, there were bursts of metal colliding firelight, and even the guards in Chen's mansion had many "deserted their posts", following the jingling sound, they found the courtyard and saw the fight between the two girls.

So it was not only Chen Yunsong and Wang Junli who were trembling, but also these soldiers who had been on the battlefield. The familiarity of the hand-to-hand combat shown by the two almost moves towards the vital point, and it is a dead hand. At the same time, both girls had a more or less "killing intent", which was generated by years of fighting with Void or other cultivators.

"Bang", the Momoyama sword that was picked up by Yun Shanshan (did not take off) was slashed on the stone table on the side, so the stone table was split into two in an instant;

"Li, Xi, Yuan, Yun, Shan!Shan!" Chen Yunsong's body gradually emerged with a black aura, of course, this only Wang Junli could see, and at the same time, her little heart began to beat again, nothing else, purely because Chen Yunsong, who was afraid of the black and golden aura coming out of his body now...... Suddenly

, Chen Yunsong had an extra golden tin staff in his hand, a shadow crossed, and the burial tin staff slashed downward, and the attack of the peach wood sword and the thin sword in Yun Shanshan's hand fell on the burial tin staff together, and then the two girls, feeling light, fell down one after another, and suddenly fell into a powerful embrace, Chen Yunsong hugged one with one hand, and his face was cold: "Two, it's over...... And you, where did you come from, where are you going?" Chen

Yunsong gave an order, and those lively soldiers scattered like deserters on the battlefield.

"You two...... Let's talk about it...... Before that, though...... Zang Tianyin, seal!" A powerful energy impacted Yun Shanshan's body, and the black-gold condensed chains formed chains formed one after another, sealing the two girls.

"What is this?" Yun Shanshan looked at Chen Yunsong with frightened eyes, and quickly left his arm, but it was the strength of an ordinary girl, where was Chen Yunsong's opponent who was about to break through to the Spiritual Realm?

"Let go of me! What about my spiritual power?" Yun Shanshan couldn't feel the spiritual power in her body, and was extremely panicked, "Seal ...... Sealing Spirits?Are You Also a Cultivator?Nine Summer Mountain...... No, it's ...... Burial

Heaven Tin Staff?" Yun Shanshan saw the Burial Heaven Tin Staff lying on the ground: "Hanging Temple Heavenly Burial Master, aren't you dead

?" "Hey, you see I have hair?"

"You...... How long do you want to hold her?" Li Xiyuan's face was red, and there was a deep sense of jealousy in his words.

Yun Shanshan listened to Li Xiyuan's somewhat jealous tone, seemed to understand something, and suddenly became interested, and took the initiative to hug Chen Yunsong's neck: "When you want to hug it, when you want?"

Wang Junli: "╰(*°▽°*)╯!"

Chen Yunsong: "(ノ'Д)ノ!!" Chen Yunsong let go of his hand and threw the two girls out. Although there is no spiritual power, but the skills and skills are still there, and the two of them did not fall to the ground steadily.

"You, tell me, who are you?" Chen Yunsong pointed at Yun Shanshan, and then pointed at Li Xiyuan, "You, be honest!"

"Oh......" Li Xiyuan lowered his head and said no more.

Yun Shanshan stared at the obedient Li Xiyuan with wide eyes, which was very different from the one in her impression: "Hold the grass!!Li Xiyuan, who are you?"

"Hmm, you!yes!Who ?!!" Chen Yunsong grabbed Yun Shanshan's arm.

"It hurts...... Okay, people say it's not okay?" Yun Shanshan shook off Chen Yunsong's hand.

Then he took a very solemn step back and made a standard European aristocratic etiquette: "Evil King Realm, Second Demon Lord, Shanshan Yun Shugot." Li Xiyuan...... Long time no see?"

"Second Demon?" Second ...... You...... You're Sanshan!!".

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