Chapter 153: Shogunate Coup (1)

It seems that overnight, everyone's eyes are focused on Tokugawa Ieran, and the abdication of the shogun is a foregone conclusion. After the negotiations broke up on the third day, on the fourth, fifth, and sixth days, until the tenth day, the reformers led by Tokugawa Ieran made initial progress with the Celestial Empire envoys, and many trade treaties were signed following the Edo Treaty. Using this as a trigger, the royalist faction composed of the four Tokugawa Ieran brothers and many Toei nobles launched a military coup d'état known as the "Shogunate Coup" in order to protect their own interests.

This was the eleventh day after the Celestial Empire envoys came to Toei, and after the morning negotiations, a group of shogunate soldiers and samurai suddenly rushed into the post station where the Celestial Empire envoys were staying, and the reason for the royalists' preparations was that "a soldier had disappeared in the post station and wanted to search the post station", which sounded like a "perfect" reason. When the shogunate soldiers and shogunate samurai rushed into the post station, gunshots rang out, and Chen Ming left a company of guards here.

The soldiers and samurai were shot directly and rushed out of the station, and as long as the soldiers in shogunate clothes and samurai dressed in shogunate costumes were shot, the company carried out indiscriminate "shooting".

The royalists wanted to use the excuse of "losing a soldier" to take the Celestial Empire envoys in the post station as hostages and force Chen Ming to withdraw from Edo Bay. So I don't know if it's because the royalists' intelligence work is not enough, or if their leaders are all stupid, and they don't even know the defense forces around the Celestial Empire envoys, so they came recklessly

Around the post station, the shogunate soldiers and shogunate samurai, who were directly shot and killed by the company, nearly 1,000 people, were also envoys and companies of the Celestial Empire, and they couldn't understand how these people had not seen enough of the difference between hot weapons and cold weapons? One by one, they rushed over to die without money, especially those shogunate samurai, one by one, with turbans with red sun on a white background, rushed up with what they thought was vicious, but as a result, none of them could withstand a single bullet, and if they could get through, then there would be another one.

Anyway, the inn is "saved" here. But Tokugawa Ieran's mansion in Edo was not so lucky. There were no 100-man companies armed with thermal weapons to defend here, only the elite squads of Ishida Yuzuru and his exterminator division.

So when these shogunate soldiers and shogunate samurai surrounded Tokugawa Ieran's mansion, they were greeted by Yoichi Shikaedein, who was a scout, and Uno Hanari, who was armed with an ordinary katana. They are like butchers from hell, and it takes about three or four seconds for Yoeichi to solve one, and the flower is more efficient than Yoichi Sikadoin, and it is more cruel than Yoichi Sikaedein, hacking one to death in about a second or two.

After a while, the second daughter was surrounded by a hill-like corpse. This situation was really frightening, and the shogunate soldiers and samurai who wanted to attack the second daughter trembled and did not dare to step forward with their weapons. Although the shogunate sent muskets and archers...... Before they could fire, they were slaughtered with bows and arrows by the elite squads of the Annihilation Division.

They seem to be specifically destroying these "arms" that can "restrain the exterminators", all of which are systems with long-range weapons. Closely, there were soldiers with spears and samurai swords.

On the first day of the night in Sifengyuan, there were many corpse mountains piled up around the two daughters of Uno Hanari, but everyone knew in their hearts that they were like two mountains, guarding around Tokugawa Ieran's mansion. Especially the U no Flower Lie, the four maple in the night did not expect that the U no flower that released the brilliant maternal brilliance was so strong in battle, and according to the observation of the four maple in the night one, the U no flower lie took the "slash" in the god of death "cut off the white ghost" to the extreme. And Sifeng Courtyard Night One seems to want to give full play to "white" to the extreme.

"Sister Hua, are you sure that you are the captain of the fourth team?" Si Kaedein Yoichi looked at U no Hanari, except for the katana in his hand, the kimono on his body did not have a single bit of blood, unlike Si Kaedein Yoyi, boots, gloves, pants, etc. were all blood. In hand-to-hand combat, with a fist or a kick, blood is easy to stick to the hands and feet.

"ε=( ́ο'*))))Alas...... If there's a little blood, Komatsu won't let me go. Mao Zhihua said faintly, with a thick helplessness and a little resentment in his tone.

Originally, Chen Yunsong was angry because of what Mao Zhihualie did in the "Difficulty of Reincarnation and the Second War of Annihilation", and now Mao Zhihualie can be said to be obedient to Chen Yunsong, very much like "a housewife who makes her husband angry and pleases her husband", then again, there is no way to obey if you don't take the initiative to obey, Chen Yunsong has N multiple means to passively make Mao Zhihualie obey...... After

shrugging his shoulders, he moved his body a little and said to the shogunate soldiers and samurai in front of him, "Hey, are you still coming up?" A

brother of Tokugawa Ieran, whom the second daughter had seen, came out of the crowd of the shogunate, looking trembling, but he mustered up his courage and shouted at Uno Hanari and Shikaedein, "Huh...... Let Tokugawa Jialan! Chen Yunsong roll...... Get lost...... Woo ah......"

The man's shoulder was directly hit by an arrow, and Ishida Yuzuru walked out of the hidden door with a bow and arrow in his hand, and said angrily: "It's easy to say that you want to die...... The second time, Tokugawa Ieran's plea was useless. "

Big brother!" Another Tokugawa Ieran brother emerged from the crowd behind him and hurriedly picked up the "big brother" who had been hit by the arrow.

"Yes!" Ishida Yuzuru turned and knelt on one knee behind him, walked out of the door, and shouted to the shogunate soldiers and samurai around him, pointing at the Tokugawa brothers with a menace in his eyes, "Catch them, or ...... Die!"

A group of shogunate soldiers and samurai looked at the corpses and blood all over the ground, swallowed their saliva one after another, and then glanced at the two Tokugawa brothers, very quiet and very embarrassed, but the outbreak was instantaneous, and several shogunate samurai around the Tokugawa brothers suddenly grabbed their arms and pressed them to the ground.

"What are you going to do

!traitor!traitor!!!" "Tokugawa Ielan!you damn it!And Chen Yunsong...... Before the words ...... could be said, Sifeng Yuan Ye had a solemn look in his eyes, and he flew out directly, kicking the person's head, and suddenly a few teeth flew out ......

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