"What are you doing?"

"Writing poetry! ?"

"There was also someone who wrote poetry last year, but at least he wrote a prose poem of dozens of lines!"

"This candidate, three lines of poetry?"

Due to the enlargement of the image, the projection display is still a blurry mosaic.

The text is not clear, only the general handwriting can be seen.

It is neat, but the three lines are extremely eye-catching!

The whole conference room exploded at once!

More than half of the examiners picked up their pens without hesitation and wrote a big zero on the scoring form in front of them!

Are you kidding!

You wrote a poem in the Chinese college entrance examination composition?

And only three lines?

Are you kidding!?

If it was a serious prose poem, maybe these examiners would take a closer look.

But do these three lines of poetry have thirty words in total?

"Hey! Today’s students!"

"This attitude is extremely improper. There are only three lines in an 800-word essay!"

"I feel like giving a zero score for this kind of answer is too light!"

"Agree! For students who take this type of game college entrance examination, it is recommended that the test scores of this subject be cancelled directly!"

"That makes sense! This kind of evil trend cannot be encouraged. We must kill the chicken to scare the monkeys!"

As they spoke, even many of the teachers in the examination group blushed and became angry.

It can be said that the crowd was excited.

Most of them were young teachers.

The older teachers shook their heads and sighed.

"Such students, eh——!"

Sighing, he picked up the pen without hesitation and wrote a big zero on the scoring form in front of him!

And the scoring criteria column clearly stated: The attitude is extremely improper, zero points are not enough to appease the anger! It is recommended to cancel the score!

Such scenes happened in various places in the conference room.

Amidst the sighs, a weak voice suddenly sounded.

It came from the female assistant in charge of the projection at the front desk:"Everyone,...Teachers, I think you can take a look at the content of this candidate's writing!"

The tone was a little hesitant, but revealed firmness.

As soon as these words came out, the whole conference room was silent.

All the teachers in the examination group looked at the female assistant with strange expressions.

Writing content?

Is it appropriate to use this word to describe this candidate's test paper?

Graffiti is more like it!

However, thinking that this female assistant was not a professional Chinese teacher after all, they didn't care. They just thought that the young girl was soft-hearted and didn't want to see this candidate's composition get zero points.

Thinking of this, everyone subconsciously looked at the projection screen.

After the blurred mosaic of the initial enlargement of the picture, the content of the text has become clear at this time.

The three lines of handwriting finally appeared

‘The days before have become slower’

‘Cars, horses, and mail are all slow’

‘A lifetime is only enough to love one person. '

Silence - deathly silence.

The professional examiners from all over Jiangsu Province all stared with their eyes wide open!

Some even wiped their eyes.

The conference room that was noisy the moment before suddenly stopped all the noise.

It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop!

After a while, the sound of rapid breathing suddenly came faintly.

It was a young female teacher in her early twenties.

At this moment, she opened her mouth wide and couldn't say a word.

I just felt my heart pounding non-stop!

She is a retro literary teacher!

What do retro literary teachers yearn for the most?

Love! Peaceful but brilliant love!

These three lines of love poems, more than twenty small words, have completely attracted her!


‘There is only enough time to love one person in a lifetime'.

Even just this one sentence made her completely break down!

In the corner of the conference room.

An old teacher with half white hair had red eyes.

He was the oldest one present, now over 60 years old, and will retire next year.

This year was also the last time he participated in the Chinese language marking of the college entrance examination.

But he did not expect that this time of marking, he would see such a little poem!

His wife passed away a few years ago.

They met at the age of 20, got married, and had children.

They supported each other for more than 40 years.

But an illness took his wife's life.

Old people do not show their emotions.

Even at his wife's funeral, he just gently stroked her urn, silent but without tears. Over the years, the old man has been depressed.

But until he saw these three lines of poetry.

He couldn't help it anymore!

There is only enough time to love one person in a lifetime......

Aren't you talking about him and his wife!

Forty years ago, that girl with a sweet smile appeared in front of him.

He was just a young and dull educated youth teacher.

When he saw that girl, his heart would beat faster and his face would turn red.

So he secretly wrote down the awkward love words on the red-lined and white-bottomed manuscript paper in the dim light of the old oil lamp at night. He quietly handed it to the girl.

The girl's blushing face at that moment was a scene he would never forget in his life.

Forty years of ups and downs.

They have walked too many roads and crossed too many bridges together.

From young to old, they watched their children grow up one by one.

In the sunset, on the rocking chair, the two old people can still smile at each other.

Just like forty years ago, the dull boy and the lively girl

‘The days before have become slower’

‘Cars, horses, and mail are all slow’

‘A lifetime is only enough to love one person.'

The old teacher murmured over and over again, with a very complicated expression on his wrinkled face.

He only loved one person in his life.

She also only loved one person in her life.

For each other, they both staked their lives.

In the days when the sun was slow, a lifetime was only enough to love one person.

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