
《The venue for the show"Three Love Poems".

Waiting Room No. 1

"Here, let's see how it goes."

Su Chen handed over the phone. The page was a memo, with a three-line poem he had just written, prepared for the next show.

Theme:"Life Was Slow in the Past".

Ruan Chuxue was surprised. She saw it with her own eyes.

Su Chen started to create and finished in just a few breaths!

And so fast again?

Ruan Chuxue took the phone with her slender hands and looked at the interface.

One person, one car, and one dog.

Since I met you, two people have three meals a day and four seasons.

Ruan Chuxue widened her beautiful eyes and stared blankly.


"Heartbeat value +999!"

Hiss - the pop-up prompt sound made Su Chen shudder.

When he looked at Ruan Chuxue again, his eyes changed!


A three-line poem, a thousand heartbeat points!

This Ruan Chuxue...

Su Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he had discovered a new code for wealth?

After a long while, Ruan Chuxue bit her lower lip and whispered:"It's a very good poem, very suitable for this theme.""


The theme this time is"Life Was Slow Back Then", which is the perfect three-line poem written by Su Chen.

The days in the past became slower, cars , horses, and mails were slower

, and a lifetime was only enough to love one person.

The so-called 07 theme is actually a lifetime of loyalty.

The words of Su Chen's current poem are simpler and clearer, but the meaning is the same.

"By the way, there is one more. Turn the page down." When

Su Chen said this, Ruan Chuxue was stunned.

There is... there is one more?

It was just a few breaths ago, and Su Chen actually wrote two poems!

? Ruan Chuxue was stunned, her face a little stiff.

She flicked her jade finger and turned the page down.

She saw the second love poem.

Why me? The answer is very long, and I have to spend my whole life to answer it.

Are you ready to listen? Just three lines.

Ruan Chuxue got goose bumps!

Spend a lifetime to answer.

Are you ready to listen? This...

isn't this a promise to keep for a lifetime? But saying it in this form is completely different from those I love you forever!

Ruan Chuxue stared at the three lines of poetry blankly.

Her beautiful eyes were a little misty.

Every girl has a fairy tale in her heart.

The story of the prince charming.

Or one day, my ideal person will come on a colorful cloud.

When it comes to love, girls may be more sensitive and more idealistic.

This kind of love talk is too lethal!

Ruan Chuxue can't stand it anymore



"Heartbeat value +1299!"

Su Chen was happy and looked at Ruan Chuxue with a strange look.

Well, there are 300 more?

What is the wealth code?

This is simply a mobile ATM?

After a long while.

Ruan Chuxue just came back to his senses, looking a little embarrassed, and hurriedly handed over the phone:"Sorry, I was distracted just now."

Su Chen did not reach out to take it.

Ruan Chuxue was stunned and was about to speak.

Su Chen smiled and said:"Turn down, there is another song."

Ruan Chuxue was stunned.

There were already two poems, and there was one more?

In a few breaths, Su Chen wrote three poems?

Ruan Chuxue was a little numb.

She bit her lower lip, took back the phone, and turned the page.

Soon, three lines of text appeared.

In the world, I love three things: the sun, the moon, and you (to read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The sun is for the morning, the moon is for the evening, and you are for the morning and the evening.

Ruan Chuxue read this poem for a long time.

She just moved her eyes away from the text.

Taking a deep breath, Ruan Chuxue handed over the phone with her slender hand.[]

Su Chen took it and asked with a smile:"How do you feel about these three poems? Which one do you think is suitable?"

Ruan Chuxue did not answer, but walked to the piano in the middle of the room and sat down.

Su Chen was curious about her reaction and followed.

Ding Dong -

Ruan Chuxue pressed lightly with her jade fingers, raised her white hands, and began to play, and the sound of the piano flowed out.

Su Chen raised his eyebrows slightly.

This is a very soothing piano piece with a slow rhythm.

The melodious piano sound flows slowly.

Su Chen simply calmed down and felt it.

There is a picture.

If the piano sound is combined with these poems.

It seems that you can see a young man and woman who met in their youth.

Make an innocent promise: grow old together.

They are very happy.

That is the original appearance of love.

Promises to each other, saying everything from the north to the south, saying that the sea dries up and the rocks crumble.

Words seem to be pale and not enough.

This man and woman really love each other deeply.

The reflection in their eyes is not this world, but the appearance of each other.

Tenderness, romance.

The atmosphere is very good.

But... the tune suddenly changed.

It became hurried and sad, as if they were lamenting and resentful.

The scene changed.

The man and woman did not make it to the end.

As time went by, the people around them were no longer the same as they were at the beginning. They were separated by the world.

Two flowers bloomed, each on their own side.

They each had their own spouse and children.

Their turbid eyes looked at the younger generation with love and gentleness.

In the daily life, the days passed one by one.

Until... the hair was really all gray, and there was no trace of black.

At some point, when I saw a small hill in the wild, I would occasionally think of it.

I would think of the young man/girl when I was young.

The promises that were made.

The cruelest thing in the world is this.

The face has aged, but the memory is still clear.

The person who made the promise at the beginning could not stay together for a lifetime.

The tune of the piano changed again and became low.

That was the last picture.

It was where the story began.

It was a bright afternoon.

Wild grasses grew everywhere, flourishing.

On the hillside, the boy vowed to the girl: We will grow old together! 033

The girl nodded shyly and said softly: Okay, grow old together.

When their eyes met, they could see each other's sincerity and determination.

But... this is also where the story ends.

Ding Dong - the sound of the piano ended.

Ruan Chuxue was quiet for a long time, and then she took her hands off the piano keys, stroked the messy hair by her ears, and whispered:"How is it?"

Su Chen was silent.

The mood in this song is too sad and too tragic.

People who love each other can't stay together for a lifetime.

The so-called growing old together is not a promise or a fact, but just an idealism.

Ruan Chuxue saw what he meant, chuckled and said:"Do you think it's too tragic?"

Su Chen nodded, took a deep breath, and said seriously:"Compared to the sadness of dreaming about youth at midnight, I prefer the promise made by a teenager with gritted teeth, although it is difficult to become a reality."

Ruan Chuxue tilted her head and thought about it, and suddenly laughed. It was as beautiful as a blooming ice lotus.

Su Chen was stunned for a moment.

But he quickly came to his senses the next moment and asked curiously,"Why are you laughing?"

Ruan Chuxue stroked her hair, blinked her eyes, and asked instead of answering, her tone playful but also serious:

"Hey, Su Chen, would you make such a promise to the person you like? To grow old together and stay together for life?"

Su Chen didn't even think about it and blurted out:"Of course!"

Ruan Chuxue stared at his face carefully for a long time before speaking softly:"I laugh, when people make a promise, they are always moved by their own sincerity and romance, but they forget that the regret of broken vows will eventually accompany both of them for the rest of their lives.……"

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