Yin Keyin, the school beauty of the Imperial Dance Academy.

Ruan Chuxue, the national goddess.

How will Su Chen choose?

In other words, will Su Chen choose Grandpa Guan Mu, or even Cai Yinnan?

Now the situation is very clear, and the four guests all want to become a group partner with Su Chen!

Everything depends on Su Chen's choice!

Huh -

Su Chen let out a long sigh.

I figured it out.

Dance... well, not quite suitable.

Su Chen tried to imagine himself dancing.

Hiss - my scalp is tingling.

Then let's play the piano!

Ruan Chuxue's master-level piano ability is very meaningful to Su Chen! It is always a little bit lacking for a singer to have only singing skills. Do you want to know about master-level piano ability?

Do you understand the value of a master-level singer!

Wang Jiong also walked up quickly at the right time and asked again:"Student Su Chen, what is your choice?——"

The long tail sound, accompanied by tense background music, made everyone silent, staring at Su Chen closely, and pricked up their ears!

Su Chen took the microphone, and his tone was rare and serious:"Student Yin Kexin has a good personality and is also a good dancer, so——"

Su Chen paused at this point.

All the audience members didn't even dare to breathe, their eyes widened!

What Su Chen meant... was he going to choose the school beauty of the Imperial Dance Academy?

Yin Keyin's big watery eyes in the guest seats were full of surprise and expectation!

Ruan Chuxue pursed her lips and lowered her head slightly.

It's so frustrating... This is the first time I want to get to know someone so well, but...

But at this time, Su Chen's voice rang out:"073"

"So, I still choose Ruan Chuxue."

Su Chen changed the subject, and almost everyone was caught off guard!

Yin Kexin's surprised smile was still frozen on her face!

Hearing this, she was stunned!

In an instant, she had a sad face.

She was so happy for nothing!

Ruan Chuxue widened her beautiful eyes, bit her lower lip, and looked surprised!

The audience was also going crazy!

"Good guy! Su Chen's move made Schoolgirl Yin lose her mind!"

"Woohoo, my goddess Ruan, I feel like she’s going to fall into Su Chen’s clutches!"

"Hey, hey, hey! We are just partners on a show. It's a bit exaggerated to think so much!"

"Don’t you think that the scene just now is just like two women fighting for a husband?……"

"Ahh——Su Chen, this is too cool, I am drooling with envy from the corners of my eyes!"

Just at the moment when Su Chen made his choice


"Team partner mission completed!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Master-level piano ability (level 8)!"

The next moment.

Su Chen felt a warm current flowing through his body.

Endless theoretical scores and even playing experience all appeared in his mind.

And his hands seemed to have undergone some changes.

His already slender hands became much more flexible, and even had muscle memory of playing for decades!

In just a short moment.

Master-level pianist Su Chen reports to you!

Su Chen made his choice, and the first pair of partners was born.

National piano goddess Ruan Chuxue + market poetry ancestor Su Chen!

Such a combination configuration.

Two extremely popular and hot guests.

Especially the handsome man and the pretty woman!

The topic exploded instantly!

"Goddess Ruan finally fell into Su Chen's hands, my heart aches!"

"You have to believe in Goddess Ruan! She will definitely not be corrupted by Su Chen's love words, love poems and talent!"

"Upstairs, you seem to be speaking sarcastically.……"

"I feel so sorry for Yin Xiaohua. I can see that she really wants to partner with Su Chen."

"Huh - I was scared to death, brothers, my goddess Yin Xiaohua almost fell into Su Chen's hands!"

There were all kinds of discussions.

The atmosphere of the show also reached its climax.

Wang Jiong said with a smile:"Then, congratulations to the first pair of combinations of the program"Three Love Poems", they are officially born!"

"Okay, let’s move on to the combination pairing process!"

"The second place in the poetry group qualifying round is the published poet Liu Tong!"

"With a two-line three-line love poem, I amazed everyone and finally received a high score!"

As he spoke, Wang Jiong had already walked to the No. 2 platform, which was in front of Liu Tong.

"Mr. Liu Tong, what do you think about getting second place in the poetry group ranking PK competition?"

Liu Tong looked up, with some helplessness in his melancholy eyes, and said:"My feeling is, well... Su Chen is really awesome!"

His tone was helpless, but serious.

Suddenly, many audiences laughed out loud.

Liu Tong's words were full of grievance and helplessness!

Come to think of it, it was originally a PK between four people.

As a result, from the first round, Su Chen was the only one who stood out.

The other three people seemed to be pulled in to make up the numbers.

But... their works are not bad!

Just say that Liu Tong's two-line three-line love poem is also amazing!

But Su Chen counterattacked with a song"Inverted"!

What should I do?

Liu Tong would be lying if he said he was not depressed.

Of course, he was also convinced.

So depression became helplessness!

Wang Jiong was also choked by Liu Tong's words, and his tone also became helpless:"Su Chen... well, let's not talk about him!"

"Mr. Liu Tong, you are the second choice. What is your choice among the three performance guests?……?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone pricked up their ears.

They looked a little curious.

Liu Tong had actually thought about it.

His original ideal target was... Ruan Chuxue.

As a man, it's not shameful to have a heart to pursue beauty.

Well, and Ruan Chuxue's piano goddess personality and temperament are too lethal to a melancholy literary youth like him.

The resistance is directly negative!

It's a pity... Su Chen got there first.

And he didn't have confidence. If he chose Ruan Chuxue, people would be happy.

Liu Tong took the microphone, took a deep breath, looked at the guest seats, and his tone showed some respect:"Teacher Guan Mu, I hope to cooperate with you in the next program and become a partner. What do you think?"

The answer was revealed!

Singing artist! Grandpa Guan Mu!

Guan Mu in the guest seat was also stunned, and then his face showed joy.

Guan Mu clapped his hands and said happily:"Little friend Liu Tong, there is no need to be so restrained. We will be teammates in the future."

This means that he agreed.

Everyone was not too surprised.

But this configuration...seems to be pretty good too!

"Published Poets + Singing Artists!"

"There is an explanation! Looking forward to their subsequent performances!"

Liu Tong got the answer from Grandpa Guan Mu, and he breathed a sigh of relief, and his nervous expression eased a little.

Thus, the second pair of combinations was officially born!

All the audience instantly focused their attention on the remaining two people in the poetry group.

Liu Qingqing, Cen Haobo.

Guest No. 1, the Douyin anchor with tens of millions of fans, Liu Qingqing, ranked third.

Guest No. 3, the Peking University talent Cen Haobo, ranked fourth.

And there are only two members left in the performance group. (To read the exciting novels, just go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The school beauty of Diwu, Yin Keyin.

The fresh meat star, Cai Yinan.

Paired in pairs.

In fact, as long as one combination is determined, the other will be automatically determined.

Wang Jiong didn't hesitate and asked Liu Qingqing directly:"I believe all the audience are looking forward to your choice, then……"[]

Wang Jiong paused, but did not continue speaking. Instead, he handed the microphone to Liu Qingqing.

Here it comes!

All the audience members stared with wide eyes.

Cai Yinan and Yin Kexin in the guest seats also sat up straight, looking a little nervous.

This is related to the teammates for several episodes in the future, it is very serious!

Liu Qingqing lifted her hair, bit her lip, and her face was���

Suddenly, countless viewers became anxious!

"Choose! Why hesitate?"

"Come on! I want to know the final result!"

"This posture is a bit artificial, I don't like her!"

Liu Qingqing adjusted her posture for a while, then blinked and looked at

Yin Kexin in the guest seat.

Her voice also rang at the same time:"Student Yin Kexin, can I be your partner?"

Huh -

Yin Kexin in the guest seat was relieved and patted her not-so-spectacular**

Well... unfortunately there aren't any big ups and downs.

""Yes! Of course!" Yin Kexin blurted out happily.

Everyone was stunned by this scene.


Yin Kexin looked relieved?

I didn't feel that she liked Liu Qingqing very much!

Of course they couldn't understand...

Only Ruan Chuxue on the side seemed to be thinking about something, as if she had some ideas.


With the birth of the combination of Yin Kexin and Liu Qingqing, the final pair was also determined!

Cai Yinan + Haobo!

Everyone's faces suddenly looked a little weird!

A popular young actor, a talented scholar from Beijing University.

This is too incompatible!

But helplessly, both of them became abandoned children and were automatically paired.

On the stage, Cen Haobo's face became a little gloomy and looked bad.

He was the first contestant that countless people were optimistic about before the show started!

But now he has fallen to the last place!

Especially thinking that there are hundreds of fans from Beijing University, who may be watching the show.

Cen Haobo was even more embarrassed!

But there is nothing to complain about, it can only be said that his skills are not as good as others.

But it happened!

The biggest blow to him was the scene just now!

Yin Kexin looked relieved!

What does that mean?

Does she really dislike him?

Afraid that he will become a teammate with her?

At this moment, Cen Haobo's mind was full of thoughts.

But the more he thought about it, the more gloomy he felt.

Cai Yinnan in the guest seat also looked unhappy.

To be honest, from his perspective, the four people in the poetry group were three men and one woman.

He was not interested in any men.

That left one woman, Liu Qingqing, an internet celebrity with millions of fans on Douyin.

Although not as stunning as Ruan Chuxue and Yin Keyin, her appearance was also around 70%.

She was considered a beauty.

Cai Yinnan thought, this one would be fine.

But he never expected it!

In the end, a top student from Peking University came as his partner!

He didn't even graduate from junior high school, and he was partnering with a talented person from Peking University. What a joke?

Even... he didn't think much of Cen Haobo.

Of course, he could also guess that Cen Haobo probably looked down on him.

But the result was that the two of them became partners! Tears to the point of wanting to cry!

It was still Wang Jiong's voice that brought everyone back to their senses.

"Well! Dear viewers, this episode is finally coming to an end!"

"Eight guests, four pairs, all born!"

"Now, please invite them to come on stage together!" As soon as the voice fell, the platform in front of Su Chen and the other four people began to slowly sink.

The four people also walked down the platform and walked to the middle of the stage.

The four guests also walked down from their seats.

The eight people gathered on the stage

"Su Chen, I will remember you 3.9, hum hum!"

Yin Kexin ran to Su Chen, waved her fist and hummed.

Obviously, she was still a little resentful and dissatisfied that Su Chen did not choose her before.

Su Chen shrugged and was speechless. It's not that

I don't want to choose, but I really don't want to dance on the stage! The sound of high heels landing on the ground was approaching. Su Chen raised his head and saw a beautiful but somewhat cold face. Ruan Chuxue. But her face at this time was obviously not as calm as usual.

""Goddess Ruan, I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation!" Su Chen smiled and stretched out his hand.

His hand was suspended in the air.

Ruan Chuxue pursed her lips.

She was actually a bit of a germaphobe and never shook hands with strangers.

Especially the opposite sex.

She always avoided physical contact.

But as for Su Chen... he shouldn't be considered a stranger, right? They will be partners for a long time in the future.

Ruan Chuxue muttered in her heart, and finally stretched out her slender hand.

Her hands were very beautiful.

The hands of a pianist.

The hands were as soft as soft hair, slender and white.

The two hands were clasped together.

Su Chen raised his eyebrows slightly.

It was soft and boneless, and the hand felt very good.

It should be said that it was worthy of the hand of the goddess of piano...

But she did not go any further, just a light squeeze, and the touch was separated.

Ruan Chuxue looked at Su Chen with her beautiful eyes, with a bit of seriousness on her cold face. But there was a bit of curiosity and interest hidden in her eyes.

After looking for a long time, she finally spoke softly:"I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation, classmate Su Chen"

Don't worry: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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