
After Grandpa Guan Mu and Ruan Chuxue finished their comments, the other two did not speak again.

Cai Yinnan sat there with his eyes wide open, not saying a word. Even Yin Kexin, who is always lively, did not say anything this time. There is really nothing to say.

Or rather, there is no suitable word to describe Su Chen's"Inverted".

As for the works of the other three?

Actually, they are not bad.

Especially Liu Tong's song has one less line, but in front of this"Inverted", it is still a bit inferior.

Wang Jiong also walked onto the stage at the right time, with a somewhat relieved tone:"Dear audience friends, after many ups and downs, our poetry group PK qualifying competition is finally going to the final scoring and ranking!"

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone concentrated.

And the audience in the live broadcast room also took out their mobile phones in advance, ready to scan the code!

Because next, is the final voting and scoring session!

Sure enough.

As the background music of the show turned into a compact drumbeat, Wang Jiong turned and walked to the big screen on the stage.

Holding the microphone, he said:"This round���The final battle of the song group ranking competition, the voting and scoring rules are as follows!"

"Please look at the big screen!"

After the voice fell, the words appeared on the big screen on the stage:

【Voting Rules】

【The works of the four contestants will be scored and voted on simultaneously!】

【Each voter must rate four works at the same time for the vote to be considered valid!】

【Scoring rules: On-site review 70%, online voting 30%!】

【Voting time limit: 5 minutes! 】

After the rules were displayed, Wang Jiong's voice sounded:"Now, please ask the 300 judges on site and the audience friends in front of the screen to score the works of the four contestants!" As soon as the voice fell, the ticking-tock countdown sounded.

At the same moment, the works of the four contestants also appeared on the big screen.

【Guest No. 1]: Liu Qingqing

【[Title of Work]: None

I watched the rain side by side with you

You didn’t look at me

I didn’t look at the rain

【Guest No. 2]: Liu Tong

【[Title of Work]: Three-line poem

You can't see it, so why not write one less line

【Guest No. 3]: Cen Haobo

【[Title of Work]: Your Name

If someone asks me the reason for my troubles,

I dare not say your name

【4 Guests]: Su Chen

【[Title of the Work]: Upside Down

Crabs are peeling my shells, notebooks are writing about me,

I am all over the sky, falling on maple leaves and snowflakes

, and you are thinking about me.

Bang, bang, bang - the lights in front of the jury's table light up one by one.

This means that they have completed the scoring!

And all over Xia Country.

Countless viewers who are watching the show are almost all scanning the QR code to vote and score!

Tick-tock -!

The countdown sound finally ended!

Wang Jiong didn't hesitate at all, strode onto the stage, and said loudly:"Thank you for the countless audiences who voted!"

"The scores are being tallied up in the background, and the final scores and rankings will be announced soon!"

The whole scene was plunged into a tense atmosphere!

And more audiences clenched their fists and looked at the screen.

What they are looking forward to is no longer the ranking!


Almost everyone knows that Su Chen is the first place for sure!

This time there is no bullshit deduction rule to interfere.

The audience, and even the judges themselves, are looking forward to how high Su Chen's score will reach!


Wang Jiong's voice sounded:"The scores have been obtained, please look at the big screen!"

Everyone looked in the direction of his sight.

【Rating Details】

【No. 1 Liu Qingqing】

【[Judge score]: 9.18

【Online voting】:9.29

【[Final score]: 9.213

【No. 2 Liu Tong】

【[Judge score]: 9.51

【Online voting]: 9.32

【[Final score]: 9.453

【No. 3 Sum Ho Bo】

【[Judge score]: 9.12

【Online voting]: 9.25

【Final score: 9.159

The final score to be presented is Su Chen's score!

Everyone held their breath!

Staring at the big screen without blinking.


The score was announced!

【4 Suchen】

【[Judge score]: 10.0

【Online voting】:9.99

【[Final score]: 9.997

Phew - the moment Su Chen's score was announced, there was no sound of people sucking in a breath of cold air. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Quite the opposite!

What was heard was a long sigh of relief.

9.997 points!

This limit is close to the ceiling score of 10 points! []

In the eyes of everyone, there was no shock, no surprise.

Instead... it should be so!

This score should be! It can even be higher!

As all the scores were announced, the final ranking was obtained.

1. Su Chen

2. Liu Tong

3. Liu Qingqing

4. Cen Haobo

Su Chen was first, there was no doubt about it, everyone expected it.

What was unexpected was……

"I had no idea just now! Cen Haobo actually failed?"

"Hiss - actually in the last round, the works of these three people were all pretty good, what a pity!"

"Eh? What's the pity? The works are good! I have written down all these love poems in my little notebook!"

"Still need to use a notebook to take notes? Master Su Chen's three-line poems, four works, it is recommended to memorize the entire text!"

"Ten miles of spring breeze is not as good as you!"

"If my heart is devoted to you, the four seasons will be up to you!"

"Harvest in autumn and store in winter, there is still a long way to go!"

"Even if the world turns upside down!"

As he was talking, the comments on the live show went off track.

It simply became a rally to promote Su Chen's work!

It was still Wang Jiong's voice that brought everyone back to their senses.

"The order has been announced, and next is the final process of our first episode, which is also the core process!"

"Combine and match!"

"Guests from the poetry group and performance group need to pair up one by one to form groups!"

"According to the program rules, high-ranking players have the right to choose their teammates!"


Wang Jiong deliberately dragged out the last syllable and walked quickly to Su Chen who was sitting in the fourth seat.

"Classmate Su Chen!"

"First of all, congratulations on winning the first place in the poetry group PK. What do you think about this?"

Su Chen took the microphone and looked at the system panel in front of him.

【Heartbeat value: 317561,


This is the heartbeat value of Su Chen in this episode!

He remembered very clearly that before the show started, it was only 2,000 heartbeat value!

Now, only one episode, four love poems.

310,000 heartbeat value!

Su Chen took the microphone, looked at the camera, and said seriously:"I am very happy, really, I am very happy."

But for some reason, his tone was too serious and his posture was too serious.

It seemed that this happiness was very fake.

Wang Jiong:"……"

This tone, this wording.

He didn't feel any of Su Chen's excitement and joy at all.

It was numb!

The audience was also happy:

"Su Chen: Please believe me, I am really happy!"

"Su Chen: I felt nothing inside and was even too lazy to act!"

"Su Chen: I only used one-third of my strength and you all fell down?"

"Su Chen: Pretend that you are very happy because your work ranked first!"

Wang Jiong coughed lightly and went straight to the point:"Student Su Chen, as the first in the ranking, you can choose your teammates first!"

"Of course, the prerequisite is that the other party agrees to your request to form a team!"

"So, can you tell us who your ideal teammate is?"

As soon as these words came out, the four guests in the guest seats in front of the stage all sat up straight with serious expressions.

Singing artist, Guan Mu.

Traffic star, Cai Yinnan.

Diwu school beauty, Yin Keyin.

National goddess, Ruan Chuxue.

Su Chen's eyes swept over the four people.

He frowned slightly and thought.

First of all, Cai Yinnan was ruled out.

Well... this does not need a reason.

Then, Grandpa Guan Mu, as a singing artist of the older generation of Xia Country, is a good choice.

But Su Chen already has a singer template.

In fact, he is already a master singer.

Considering the stage performance format of the next few episodes, Su Chen thinks it is still It has to be more diversified.

Two singers?

I don't think it's necessary...

Then only the imperial dance school beauty Yin Kexin and the national piano goddess Ruan Chuxue are left.

These two do have a story.

One is dancing and the other is piano.

Su Chen plans to participate in the following programs not only as a poet, but also as a singer!

So there must be singing.

Singing with dancing?

Or with piano accompaniment?

For dancing, it is more diverse and has more room to play. For piano, singing and playing has always been a very suitable combination.

Su Chen was caught in a dilemma for a while!

How to choose?

This is a big problem!.

: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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