"It seems... not that simple……"

Someone suddenly said this.

Everyone was stunned.

Take a closer look at this three-line poem.

Crabs are peeling my shells, notebooks are writing me.

I am falling on maple leaves and snowflakes all over the sky

, and you are thinking about me.

The most obvious meaning is definitely to read it the other way around.

Crabs are peeling my shells, and I am peeling crabs' shells.

I am falling on maple leaves and snowflakes all over the sky, and maple leaves and snowflakes all over the sky are falling on me.

So it's not you who is thinking about me, but I am thinking about you!

What's the deeper meaning?

Countless viewers were a little confused.

"Oh! I see, it's impossible!"

"The first two lines are impossible, so the third line is impossible!"

Everyone was shocked.

Crabs are peeling my shells, notebooks are writing me.

I am falling on maple leaves and snowflakes.

These are impossible.

So, the third line, you are thinking about me, is also impossible!

Just like the sun will never rise from the west!

You can't be thinking about me!

Only I am thinking about you!

Love and���Yes!

But just when everyone was amazed and thought they had completely understood this short three-line poem, someone suddenly said

"It seems... there is another meaning……"

Is there any other meaning?

Everyone was dumbfounded!

What else could it mean?

At the show, three hundred judges and audiences were also talking among themselves.

They also saw the first two meanings.

But for some reason.

I always feel that Su Chen’s work 02 should not be that simple!

In the guest seats in front of the stage.

Yin Kexin widened her beautiful eyes and muttered word by word.

The more she muttered, the more shocked she looked!

Until -

Yin Kexin suddenly stood up from her seat!

She was tall to begin with, and when she stood up, and was in front of the stage, she suddenly became very eye-catching!

The judges and audiences at the scene also stopped talking and looked at Yin Kexin in a daze.

And the countless audiences watching the live show also noticed Yin Kexin who suddenly stood up.

"Hey! Why did Yin Kexin suddenly stand up?"

"what's going on?"

"I don’t understand either!"

Everyone looked at each other.

The other three guests were shocked!

There is no such item in the program process!

Yin Kexin’s behavior is purely personal!

It may affect the program!

Wang Jiong was also shocked, but after all, he is a professional host with good on-the-spot adaptability, and he reacted immediately.

"It seems that Yin Keyin has a lot to say about Su Chen's work!"

"Then let's move the review session forward and see what classmate Yin Kexin has to say?"

After Yin Kexin stood up, she realized her own gaffe.

Now that she had the opportunity given by Wang Jiong, she said,"Yes, I have some questions for Su Chen about this work!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone instantly focused all their attention!

In fact, they are still in a state of confusion about this poem!

Why not see how the creator Su Chen interprets it?

Wang Jiong walked quickly to the guest seats and handed over the microphone.

Yin Kexin took it, looked at Su Chen, and asked anxiously,"I want to ask... does this poem have a name? What is it called?"

Su Chen sighed and answered softly,"Inverted."


Yin Kexin's body trembled, and suddenly her eyes widened:"So... the poem means that I am obsessed with you and the world is upside down, and my nonsense is also because of you?"

Su Chen looked at her and said seriously,"It's good if you can think so."

Yin Kexin couldn't help asking,"What does that mean?"

Su Chen exhaled and answered word by word:"Upside down, even if the world is upside down and collapsed, I will still think of you!"

"Only when the world is upside down, crabs are peeling my shells, and I am falling on maple leaves and snowflakes, will you... miss me"

"Only when the world is upside down can I get your love."

As soon as these words came out, all around went silent.

Upside down!

All three lines of poetry are reversed, that is, upside down!

Only when the world is upside down will you miss me!


Yin Kexin is still asking!

"There's more to it than that, right?"

Everyone's eyes widened!

There's more to it than that?

It has several meanings!

The first level is, I'm actually thinking about you.

The second level is, you can't be thinking about me.

The third level is, I love you so much that the world is upside down, but only when the world is upside down, you will probably be thinking about me.

There's more to it?

The breathing of countless audiences quickened!

This three-line love poem is going against the will of heaven!

Yin Keyin's big watery eyes were now full of exploration and stubbornness.

Su Chen sighed again.

This last level of meaning was too depressing.

He didn't actually want to say it.

Yin Keyin bit her lower lip:"What's the last level of meaning?"

Su Chen took a deep breath and uttered a few words:"Maple leaves and snowflakes."

Maple leaves and snowflakes?

What does this mean?

Everyone was stunned!

But someone still reacted!

"Is it possible for maple leaves and snowflakes to appear at the same time! ?"

"The possibility is actually very small, or even impossible!"

"The second line, which says that I am everywhere in the sky, falling on maple leaves and snowflakes, is not true at all!"

"So...even if the world turns upside down and maple leaves and snowflakes fall on me, it is impossible!"

"So even if the world is upside down, you can't be thinking about me!"


Everyone gasped.


Everyone's breathing suddenly became rapid, and they looked closely at Su Chen's three-line poem!

Crabs are peeling my shells, notebooks are writing me, and the sky full of me falls on maple leaves and snowflakes, and you are thinking about me.

I am thinking about you. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

You can't be thinking about me.

I miss you so much that the world is upside down and you are talking nonsense.

But only when the world is upside down will you miss me.

But in fact, even if the world is really upside down, you won't miss me.


Countless viewers were shocked!

This... was just a three-line poem!

Just a dozen or so words!

How come this interpretation had more meaning than the original words!

"Is it an over-interpretation?"Someone couldn't help asking.

But no one answered him.

Is it an over-interpretation?

That depends on whether the interpretation is logical. Are the layers of meaning that have been derived now reasonable?


Then it is not an over-interpretation!

Poetry has always been like this.

It has no fixed meaning. It depends on how you understand it!

Su Chen's three-line poem can be simply summarized as: If the world is upside down, I will still love you. But even if the world is upside down, you will not love me.

At this moment.

Everyone was silent.

I love you, you don't love me.

People have heard enough of this clichéd dialogue.

But... they have never seen such an expression!

I love you so much that the world is upside down, nonsense!

Such a deep love and obsession!

Everyone seemed to see a madman!

Yes, a madman.

A madman who cannot get the love he wants.

But what is the most terrible thing in the world?

Even if this madman has loved to the point of madness, there will not be any result at all.

The world is upside down, and you can't love me!

This is... such despair!

Such a desperate sadness!

The world is upside down...

Can't you see any possibility!

Then what else can this madman do...

He can only fantasize.

Fantasy about that little possibility.

So he wrote three lines of poetry.

But even in the three lines of poetry, every word is full of impossibilities.

The sky full of me falls on maple leaves and snowflakes

And you are thinking about me.

This is the last fantasy of a madman.

Sad emotions grow in everyone's heart.

A feeling of powerlessness surges from every limb.

How much I love you.

What a pity.

I can't even see the possibility that you love me...

But what Su Chen didn't say is.

He never said the real last meaning of this poem.

I hope I will never understand that meaning.

Binhai City, a 413 community.

In the room.

Fatty Jiang, Su Chen's deskmate.

He is sitting in front of the computer blankly at this moment.

The picture on the computer screen is the live broadcast of the"Three Lines of Poetry" program!

The three lines of poetry are clear and distinct.

Crabs are peeling my shells, notebooks are writing me, and the sky full of me falls on maple leaves and snowflakes.

And you are thinking about me.

On his desk.

An envelope is being spread out at this moment.

A light pink envelope.

It is from Wu Jiayu.

Wu Jiayu, the girl that Fatty Jiang has secretly liked for six years.

He hesitated for a long time, and finally, two days ago, he secretly handed over the love letter.

Wu Jiayu received it.

Fatty Jiang was ecstatic!

Today he finally received a reply.

A light pink reply.

Fatty Jiang's hands were shaking with excitement. He opened the envelope and carefully took out the letter inside.

There were only three words on the letter.

The handwriting was very beautiful.

I'm sorry.

Fatty Jiang was stunned.

He had been sitting at the table all night.���

Six years, all the little things.

Those moments when I secretly looked at her from the crowd.

Those scenes that I quietly dreamed of every night.

All shattered.

I'm sorry.

Fatty Jiang stared blankly at the three-line poem on the computer.

Upside down.

You are thinking of me.

Is it impossible?

It's impossible at all...

Fatty Jiang, who weighed 100 kilograms, couldn't help but have tears in his eyes.

He cried like a 200-kilogram fat man.

He was still choking and cursing.

"Su Chen, you are such a sad person!"

"I didn't shed tears when my love confession was rejected, but I was completely broken by your three-line poem!"


This scene is hilarious.

Like a clown.

Like a dog.

Just not the person she likes. ps: There are many interpretations of"Inversion", and the author picked four meanings that are more in line with the logical level. This poem is really good. Every time I read it, I will have a new experience, and the meaning is also very profound......

Don't worry: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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