Binhai No. 1 Middle School.

The archive room of the teaching building.

This place is now planned to be the storage place for the college entrance examination papers.

After the test papers of all examination rooms are collected by the invigilators, they will be sent here.

A special teacher will check and count them, and after confirming that they are correct, the test papers will be sealed.

Then a specialist from the Education Department will take over and send them to a special agency in the city for computer scanning, and then upload them to the unified marking system.

At this time, many teachers came in with test paper archive bags.

According to the process, the test paper bags were handed in and registered for verification.

There were quite a lot of people in the archive room, and they were all queuing up to wait for registration.

The teachers chatted with each other from time to time.

"The beautiful and top student from our city is in the examination room where I am invigilating today!"

"Is it Chu Qingyue? The one who ranked first in the city in three consecutive mock exams?"

"That’s right, if nothing unexpected happens this time, she will most likely be the top scorer in Binhai’s college entrance examination!"

"I wonder which one she will choose between Peking University and Tsinghua University?"

"Why...I met a ridiculous student in the exam room today."

A female teacher's voice sounded, attracting a lot of people's attention.

The others stopped talking and looked at the teacher curiously.

"How ridiculous is this? Did he violate the exam rules?"Someone couldn't help but ask.

The female teacher sighed, her tone a little complicated:"That child handed in a blank paper for the Chinese composition!"

"Hand in a blank paper for composition?"


"Is this really true!?"

"Binhai No. 1 High School is a key high school in the city, so there shouldn’t be such a student!"

The other teachers were all shocked.

There are many jokes about students handing in blank papers in the college entrance examination online, but it is not common in reality!

There may be a few cases every year, but that is nationwide.

In the small city of Binhai, there has not been such a blank paper in the past ten years!

What’s more, it happened in a key school like Binhai No. 1 High School!

"Why would I lie to you about this? Two whole pages of the composition paper are blank. I feel heartbroken just looking at it."

"That boy is handsome and has a good temperament. He is very attractive, but I didn't expect him to be so stupid during the college entrance examination!"

Her tone was full of regret, and she also hated him for not fighting for his chance.

"The college entrance examination essay scored 70 points!"

"Hey! The 100% passing rate of the college entrance examination for Binhai No. 1 Middle School might be broken by him!"

"The principal of Binhai No. 1 Middle School probably doesn’t know about this yet?"

"I'm afraid I'll be angry if I know this! In the past two years, Binhai No. 1 Middle School has been exaggerating the 100% undergraduate rate!"

The last sentence was said by a teacher from No. 2 Middle School, who obviously had some problems with Binhai No. 1 Middle School.

""Examination Room No. 27! Check the registration!"

A voice sounded.

The female teacher who was invigilating Su Chen hurried over and came to the table.

She handed the file bag to the other party, took the registration form and began to record the information.

The person in charge of the archives room opened the file bag familiarly and took out the test papers.

He began to check one by one.

The main purpose was to check whether there were any missing numbers. In fact, the invigilators had checked, but this was also a second insurance. The test papers were turned over one by one. The last answer sheet was spread on the top. A large blank composition grid was particularly eye-catching.

"Eh? Is this the one who handed in a blank paper?"

"It seems to be true!"

As soon as these words came out, all the teachers in the archives room were attracted.

Even the teacher in charge of checking became interested.

""No! There seems to be handwriting!"

A voice of surprise sounded.

The teachers also noticed it.

There were only a few words on the top few lines of the composition answer sheet.

Not many, just three lines.

Looking closely, the elegant handwriting came into view.

‘The days before have become slower’

‘Cars, horses, and mail are all slow’

‘A lifetime is only enough to love one person. '

Just three lines, but everyone was stunned.

Many people couldn't help but murmur out loud

"The days before have become slower...Cars, horses, and mail are all slow..."

"A lifetime is only enough to love one person..."

It's all spoken language, as clear as words.

There are no fancy words to decorate.

There are no gorgeous techniques.

Clean and simple.

But there is an indescribable sense of picture that comes to my face and goes straight into my heart!

I don't know why, even my restless heart calms down.

Simple but exquisite, or exquisite but simple!

These dozens of words seem to have magic, making everyone who sees it for the first time feel their hearts tighten.

Then they feel the same.

The whole person is immersed in the slow and drowsy feeling of time. But when you think about it carefully, you can't figure it out.

It's like a fine wine aged in a wine cellar.

The taste is mellow and refreshing.

I think it's very good, but I can't tell what's so good about it.

To describe it in Internet buzzwords, that is - unclear and powerful.

The whole archive room was quiet for a while.

When these teachers came back to their senses from that artistic conception, they looked at each other.

They could see the shock on each other's faces!

Just three lines of poetry, they were all mesmerized! ?

They are all teachers with considerable cultural background and literary appreciation ability.

Such simple sentences, when combined together, can have such a profound and meaningful artistic conception.

What realm is this!?

Return to the original!?

This is a sentence that a high school student can write!?

"This this......"

A teacher was mumbling in a daze, unable to speak.

The other teachers were the same, they also couldn't find words to describe their feelings at the moment.

After a while, a voice suddenly sounded:"Look at the topic of the composition!"...

The topic of the college entrance examination essay is taken from the 2021 Shanghai college entrance examination essay topic. The original version is intact, not a topic made up by the author~

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