The atmosphere in the auditorium became extremely weird.

Li Shangming's grand confession.

Su Chen's coincidental intrusion.

Chu Qingyue's ruthless rejection.

The three of them seemed to have become a drama.

After the initial daze, Su Chen now saw the situation clearly.

Li Shangming made a grand confession, but was rejected by Chu Qingyue.

The time he came was also quite coincidental, just in time to run into her.

But for some reason, when he heard Chu Qingyue's ruthless rejection just now, he actually felt relieved in his heart.

Could it be that he is actually a sister-con?

Su Chen couldn't figure it out. He lowered his head and met Chu Qingyue's eyes. Chu Qingyue bit her lower lip, and her pretty face was full of uneasiness.

"Don't like rejection, don't think too much."Su Chen stretched out his hand and rubbed Chu Qingyue's head habitually, and said softly.

Chu Qingyue raised her head and looked at Su Chen, her eyes full of affection.


The speakers on all four sides of the auditorium suddenly made a loud noise.

Li Shangming threw the microphone heavily to the ground and jumped off the stage.

He rushed to Su Chen in two steps.

"Su Chen!" Li Shangming's eyes were red.

In his opinion, if Su Chen hadn't come in, even if his confession was rejected, it wouldn't have been rejected so mercilessly!

So embarrassing!

Extreme shame and embarrassment turned into hatred and anger.

Su Chen looked at him with a frown.

He also knew Li Shangming. He was a famous academic bully in Binhai No. 1 Middle School and a celebrity.

But he was always a little arrogant and liked to look down on others, especially those who didn't do as well as him.

""What's wrong?" Su Chen said calmly, showing no sign of weakness.

Li Shangming's eyes widened, pointing at Su Chen and shouting,"Why do you think you can be worthy of Chu Qingyue? Huh?"

"Li Shangming!" Chu Qingyue shouted coldly,"I have already rejected you! Don't be so unreasonable!"

The other students in the auditorium were also dumbfounded and dared not say a word.

What is Li Shangming going to do?

Did he fail in his confession and get angry and confront his rival?

Li Shangming took a deep breath and said solemnly:"What qualifications do I have? I am among the top three in the grade of Binhai No. 1 Middle School! I can be admitted to Peking University and Tsinghua University, can Su Chen?"

"He must be very happy because he passed the exam, right?"

"Chu Qingyue, what are your grades and status? How can he be worthy of you?"

Chu Qingyue was furious and was about to refute but was stopped by Su Chen.

""What is your criterion for judging whether someone is worthy or not? Grades?" Su Chen said calmly. Li Shangming sneered

:"Grades? You said it so lightly because your grades are not good enough, right?"

"I tell you! It's the grades! If you can't even study well, how much can you achieve in other things in the future?"

"A poor student is a scumbag! How can you be qualified! ?"

After these words came out, the auditorium was instantly silent.

This place was already filled with most of the students in the third year of Binhai No. 1 Middle School.

There were top students among them, but the majority were average students or even poor students!

Li Shangming offended almost all of them with this sentence!

Some people originally sympathized with Li Shangming's failed confession, but now they all looked at him with great disgust!

What Li Shangming meant by this sentence is that those with poor grades are all trash?

Those with good grades are the best?

Even Chu Qingyue frowned deeply.

It is true that she is a top student, but she has never felt that people are superior or inferior because of their academic performance.

Li Shangming's world view is too distorted!

Looking at Li Shangming's out-of-control appearance, Su Chen sighed deeply.

There is nothing wrong with liking someone. It is normal to love but not be able to get it.

But if you use such a name to make trouble out of nothing and slander and belittle.

Then you are no longer a pitiful person, but a hateful person.

Seeing Su Chen silent, Li Shangming sneered and said,"What? Nothing to say? You are a poor student, but Chu Qingyue is a sure winner of the college entrance examination. What qualifications do you have to be with her?"

His expression was already ferocious and full of hostility.

Su Chen shook his head, and in front of Li Shangming, he took Chu Qingyue's slender hand and held it in his palm.

Chu Qingyue was startled, and her cheeks turned red in an instant, but she did not pull her hand away. Instead, she lowered her head shyly.

Li Shangming was furious!

What does this mean!

Committing a crime in front of your husband? To humiliate him!

Su Chen took Chu Qingyue's hand, raised it gently, and said softly:"Whether you are qualified or not, whether you are worthy or not, what is our relationship, all these are not your turn to point fingers."

"Can you understand what I mean? Li Shangming."

In the second half of the sentence, Su Chen's tone had turned cold.

Li Shangming looked at the tall and strong Su Chen, shrank slightly, but still stiffened his neck and said:"What? You want to hit people when you can't reason? No wonder you are a scum with poor academic performance!"

Su Chen stared at him for a long time.

Li Shangming also stared at him straight.

After a long time, Su Chen sighed.

This guy is like a clown jumping up and down, and you really shouldn't bother with him.

There is a saying that goes, when you meet a idiot, ignore him and train him to be a big idiot.

Su Chen shook his head indifferently:"Forget it, there is no point in talking to you about this, your confession is over, Qingyue doesn't like you, so just make way!"

As he said that, Su Chen took Chu Qingyue's hand, pushed Li Shangming aside and walked towards the seats in the auditorium.

Li Shangming looked at the backs of the two and clenched his fists.

But at this moment, there was a noisy sound outside the auditorium, and the sound of neat footsteps landing.

Li Shangming turned his head blankly.

Creak - the auditorium door was pushed open.

A gray-haired old man appeared at the door.

Behind him, stood rows of school leaders of Binhai No. 1 Middle School!

And behind them, there were dozens of formal suits and pen-clad men.���Teacher!

Li Shangming, who was so arrogant just now, was almost scared silly by this scene!

All the students in the auditorium also widened their eyes!

The old principal of Binhai No. 1 Middle School!

And more than a dozen school leaders!

All the teachers of the entire grade of senior year were also here!

What's going on? It's just a graduation ceremony. Usually, only a few class teachers come to watch!

Why is there such a big show today! ?

What big thing is going to happen! ?

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