When the perfect three-line poem was making a sensation on the Internet, Su Chen, who wrote it, was in a daze

"Heart rate +20!"

"Heart rate +35!"

"Heart rate +50!"


Tips popped up on the system panel like crazy!

In a short time, Su Chen watched the heartbeat value break through 10,000, 20,000, 50,000...

Almost in the blink of an eye, the heartbeat value rose a lot!

Su Chen's breathing suddenly became rapid.

Last time, it was only a gold lottery of 1,000, which brought him a wealth reward of 1 million!

But there are more advanced platinum lotteries and diamond lotteries later!

Even the diamond lottery only requires 100,000 heartbeat values!

Before, 100,000 heartbeat values were absolutely out of reach for Su Chen.

But now!

Su Chen looked at the crazy jumping tips.

The sound of ding ding ding was endless!

At this rate of increase, let alone 100,000, a million is not impossible, right?

After all, the song"Slow in the Past" has attracted people all over the Internet!

Staring at the total heartbeat value on the system panel, Su Chen was full of expectations.

But unexpectedly.

Although the speed of increase was fast, it stopped at a critical value.

Heartbeat value: 97626 stopped after reaching this value.

Su Chen was a little confused and asked in his heart:"System, what's going on? Across the country, there should be more than this amount of income, right?"

The system prompt sounded soon


"Poetry works, each work can get a maximum of 100,000 heartbeat points!"

Su Chen was stunned.

The upper limit of 100,000 heartbeat points for a single work, minus the income that has been obtained through this poem before.

Only then did he get this number.

Speaking of which, a sum of 2,000 heartbeat points suddenly came into the account two days ago.

Su Chen was still wondering at the time, but now he thinks it should be from Mr. Zhou!

"Ninety-seven thousand……"Su Chen felt a little pity.

If only it could reach 100,000, he could just search for a diamond lottery.

But at this moment, the system prompt sounded!

"The direction of the world line has been detected, and the main task is now released!"

"Main task: Participate in the variety show"Three Love Poems"!"

"Mission reward: 5000 heart points!"

《"Three Love Poems" program?

Su Chen was stunned, as if he had never heard of it before?


"This show hasn’t even been born yet!"

"It will be born under the influence of the 'full score three-line love poem', which is a change in the world line caused by the host's behavior, so the system can predict it in advance!"

"It is expected to be officially born in two weeks!"

Su Chen nodded.

Suddenly, the previous regretful feeling was swept away, and he became extremely excited!

《Three Love Poems"!

The name of this program tells you that it is suitable for your profession!

I was just worrying that I would never have the same opportunity to be exposed nationwide in the future. Now it is here, isn't it?

As long as you participate in the program, your works will have the opportunity to appear in front of thousands of viewers!

That means a constant flow of heart-thumping points!

"There are still about two weeks left!" Su Chen thought about the system's prompt and made up his mind.

No matter what, he must find a way to participate in the program!

As for the free time in these two weeks, it is just right to deal with the follow-up of the college entrance examination.

Graduation ceremony, volunteer application.

After these two things are done, you have to consider participating in this"Three Love Poems" program!

The future is promising!

The road ahead is novel!

There are countless heart-moving points in the account!

Take a few deep breaths and calm down.

Su Chen looked at the balance of more than 97,000 heart-moving points.

After hesitating for a while, he decided to save up 100,000 to make a big one!

A diamond lottery with 100,000 heart-moving points!

It must be more exciting than a lottery with 10,000 heart-moving points!

As for now...

Su Chen looked at the dialog box that popped up on his mobile phone.

One is [Chu Qingyue] and the other is [Fatty Jiang].

Both of them recognized Su Chen as the candidate who wrote the perfect three-line love poem.

Su Chen did not hide it and replied truthfully

【It's me. 】

The word"simple" means that the full score of 70 points in the college entrance examination essay belongs to him.

Thinking of this, Su Chen was suddenly stunned.

I was so excited about the excitement that I forgot about this!


My buddy's college entrance examination essay got full marks!

70 points!

Before, Su Chen had always believed that his essay would definitely get zero points!

In this case...

Su Chen thought of his"study god" math, English and liberal arts.

Those exams were all taken for full marks!

Full marks in the college entrance examination essay... and several other subjects that are close to full marks!

How many points does this have to be?

Su Chen was suddenly a little stunned.

A word appeared in his mind.

This word was once very close to him, but actually very far away. The top scorer in the college entrance examination!

Would he steal the top scorer in the college entrance examination from Chu Qingyue?

Su Chen suddenly felt a little magical.

At the same time, another question also emerged.

A question that Su Chen had never dared to think about before!

Tsinghua University and Peking University (Beijing University, but this word will be censored, so I will use Peking University instead, just make sure you understand it).

Tsinghua University and Peking University are the two top universities in Xia Country.

Su Chen's score is definitely enough!

So here comes the question!

Tsinghua University and Peking University, which one should I choose?

This ultimate Versailles question, which has never been considered before, now appears!

Su Chen was dumbfounded!

Is this the trouble of happiness?

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