Mobile phone message bar.

Fatty Jiang: [Su Chen! I have a bold idea……】

Fatty Jiang: [Remember I told you, buddy, did your composition take off this time?]

Fatty Jiang: [What do you think...will it it possible?]

Su Chen laughed out loud!

This guy is really daring!

Will a full-score composition really come to my house?

Su Chen, who was extremely happy, typed a reply.

Su Chen: [A few peanuts, and you are so drunk?]

Fatty Jiang: [Speaking of which...I have never dared to ask you about the blank paper for the college entrance examination composition. Is this true?]

Su Chen was too lazy to hide it this time, because the zero-score composition would be exposed in a few days anyway.

He simply replied: [I didn't hand in a blank paper, I just wrote a three-line poem.]

Fatty Jiang: [zabdbasjfbsnkjn]

A bunch of garbled characters were sent over.

After a while, another message popped up:

【I was so scared that I dropped my phone! Three lines of poetry? That's all.’!?】

【Oh my god! How dare you! ? Writing a love poem in the college entrance examination essay, my god!】

【You don't want the 70-point essay in the college entrance examination?】

Su Chen didn't reply.

Instead, he opened the laptop in front of him and entered the official blog forum.

There are still 20 minutes before the full-score essay is announced.

Su Chen is really curious.

What does the only full-score essay in the country look like?............

In a villa in Xincheng District, Binhai City.

In front of the computer in the study, sat a boy with a slicked-back hair.

He wore a neat shirt and even a bow tie. He was not handsome, but rather had a feminine temperament.

He was Li Shangming, a super student in Class 10 of the Liberal Arts Department of Binhai No. 1 Middle School.

During his three years in high school, he won many essay awards and was a candidate for the perfect essay in many people's minds this time.

""Shangming, do you have confidence?" A noble lady dressed in gold and silver brought a glass of milk.

Li Shangming nodded, with an undisguised pride in his tone:"It's probably me. The writing level of the entire Binhai No. 1 Middle School is several levels lower than mine!"

He started to memorize model essay templates in the third grade. He memorized them all the way to the third year of high school.

As the saying goes, if you read 300 Tang poems, you can recite them even if you can't write poems.

Li Shangming has memorized countless model essay templates over the years.

Every essay he wrote quoted from classics and the words were extremely gorgeous. He also repeatedly won high-scoring essays and even awards in various essay competitions.

Just after the official announcement came out, he had already determined in his heart that it was him.

The noble lady, that is, his mother, thought for a while and asked:"Could it be that Chu Qingyue?"

Chu Qingyue is a famous school beauty in Binhai City. All the parents know her.

When he heard the name 'Chu Qingyue', Li Shangming's eyes flashed with a burning feeling and his fists clenched quietly.

Chu Qingyue!

This is the girl he likes! He is even ready to confess his love to her in public at tomorrow's graduation ceremony!

He has good grades and is a star figure in Binhai No. 1 Middle School. He believes that he can win Chu Qingyue's favor!

"Shang Ming?" Seeing him in a daze, the woman spoke softly.

Li Shangming came back to his senses and replied,"Chu Qingyue is good at English and science. Although her composition is not bad, it is not particularly good. It should not be her"

"That's good, it seems that it is indeed you!" The woman sighed and looked very happy.

Li Shangming nodded, holding the mouse, and clicked on the class group chat in the lower right corner of the computer.

"Wow, full marks must go to Mr. Shangming! @李尚明"

"The only full-score essay in the country, Shang Ming is awesome! @李尚明"

"Boss Shang Ming’s inner thoughts: Basic operation, don’t be stupid, everyone sit down!"

"I think Jiayu has a chance too! @吴佳煜"

"I'm still far away, it should be Li Shangming……"

Seeing the compliments from his classmates in the class group, Li Shangming's mouth curled up slightly.

From childhood to adulthood, he has always enjoyed this kind of treatment.

Even though the classmates in the group were crazy @ing him at this moment, he did not reply a word.

This is his usual pride.

Li Shangming clicked to close the dialog box and entered the official blog forum.

It is now 11:45, and there are only fifteen minutes left before the full score essay is announced.

The forum is already in chaos!

"Can't wait!"

"Wow! What an unprecedented record! The only perfect score in the country!"

"If you give it to me, can I play it for a year?"

"It's too small, the pattern is too small! I can brag for ten years, no, for a lifetime!"

"I am in Binhai City, and I feel extremely proud to be a Binhai citizen at this moment!"

"I envy the people above! Binhai City has become completely famous this time!"

"Let me share a little inside information: the student who wrote the perfect essay is most likely Li Shangming from Binhai No. 1 High School!"

"Li Shangming? This name sounds like a top student!"

"I just checked on Baidu and found that Li Shangming is pretty good! He has won several awards in essay competitions!"

"That could really be him! Envy, jealousy and hatred! He is going to be famous all over the country this time!"

Looking at the content of the post, Li Shangming's mouth curled up.

With this honor of being the only one with a perfect score in the country... wouldn't it be an aura bonus to confess to Chu Qingyue tomorrow, even more powerful?

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