June 9th.

This is the day when the Chinese language examination for the annual college entrance examination in Xiaguo is finished.

According to the usual practice, the official will announce the full-score essays for this year's college entrance examination.

Every year, this event attracts the attention of the whole society.

According to the time in previous years, it is usually announced on time at 12 noon.

But in fact, since last night, the posts under the official blog have been very lively.

"looking forward to!"

"This year's college entrance examination full-score model essays are about to be released, and I'm here to see the works of the students!"

"Speaking of which, this year's college entrance examination essay topic is not easy. I feel that those who can get full marks are truly amazing!"

"Listen to the speech above, like listening to a speech? In which year, the person who got full marks in the college entrance examination essay was not a genius?"


Among thousands of posts, there is one post with extremely lively replies!

【According to reliable insider information, this year's college entrance examination essay topic was set by Mr. Zhou himself! 】

In just half a day, the post with this title had thousands of replies!

"WTF! The essay topic given by Mr. Zhou! ?"

"Such a trivial matter as the college entrance examination essay actually alarmed Mr. Zhou?"

"I saw someone above say that the college entrance examination essay was a trivial matter and was about to criticize him, but as soon as I saw Mr. Zhou’s name, I felt relieved!"

"The college entrance examination essay is indeed a trivial matter for Mr. Zhou!"

"Since Mr. Zhou set the questions, the value of this year's full-score model essays for the college entrance examination must be as high as possible!"

"Expectation value +999! Can't wait to see what this year's perfect essay looks like!"

There are so many things like this.

Even some people who usually don't pay much attention to the announcement of the perfect essays in the college entrance examination were attracted by this news.

The status of Mr. Zhou in the whole Xia country is unimaginable.

Let's talk about other things, just talk about the textbooks of primary and secondary schools.

There are many articles of Mr. Zhou in them!

I"recited the whole text" when I was a child!

More and more people flocked to the official blog posts.

Discussed lively.

The time to 12 noon was getting closer and closer.

In addition to the crowd watching the excitement, there were also many high school teachers and students who were paying close attention!

Students in the first and second grades who have not taken the college entrance examination.

Some were organized by the school, and some entered the forum spontaneously.

They were all waiting for the release of this year's perfect essay!

""Read it carefully and study hard. If you learn the essence of writing a perfect essay, you will be more powerful in the college entrance examination in the future!"

Such conversations were happening simultaneously in many places in Xia Country.

The senior high school students, that is, the students who took the college entrance examination this time, were also very concerned about this!

At this time, the class group of Class 9 of Senior 3 of Binhai No. 1 Middle School was already in an uproar.

"A perfect score in the college entrance examination essay, wow!"

"Last year, a composition written in the neighboring city of Wuxi scored perfect marks, and people bragged about it for a whole year!"

"Our Binhai City hasn’t produced a perfect score essay in several years!"

"That's right! There are only a few perfect essays in the whole Xia country every year. Our Binhai City is just an ordinary prefecture-level city. How can it be so easy for us to get such a score?"

"That's the truth!"

"Every year, no matter where a college entrance examination essay gets a perfect score, it will be the local front-page headline!"

"I don't know when our Binhai will be able to produce a perfect score in the college entrance examination, so I can go out and brag about it!"

Su Chen was lying on the sofa in the living room of the old house, looking at the messages in the group chat, and laughed.

Su Chen has been very busy these two days.

With the one million won in the previous lottery, he also bought a lot of things.

He bought a mobile phone and a computer, which are also prepared for college.

Speaking of going to college, Su Chen also has a headache. With his college entrance examination results, he will definitely be able to go to undergraduate school.

After all, several subjects are not perfect, but they are close to perfect.

The only thing is the college entrance examination composition, which got zero points.

A deduction of 70 points has a really big impact.

At least Su Chen has no chance of going to a top university. I hope that other scores can help him get into a better one!............

Time passed slowly amid heated discussions and eager anticipation from all parties.

Soon, it was half past eleven.

As usual, the full-score essays will be announced in half an hour. Generally speaking, the official will reveal some news half an hour before.

Including how many essays are announced this time, and which provinces and regions they are from.

It can be regarded as an appetizer!

But this appetizer is also talked about every year!

Especially the provinces and regions.

The regions that can make the list every year are all proud of it!

Even the local education departments will be full of joy!

Our city has a full-score essay for the college entrance examination, but you don’t. Our Chinese teaching level is higher than yours! Although this matter is logically unreasonable, who cares about that?

It’s the same as those literati in ancient times who passed the imperial examination, local officials were also happy, and local people also ran around to tell each other.

People, after all, are constantly seeking a sense of belonging and honor!

The time reached half past eleven on time.

Countless people who were guarding their mobile phones and computers refreshed the interface frantically.

The server was stuck for a second or two!

Soon, the official post finally appeared!

Countless people clicked on it with great expectations, but the content of the post left everyone dumbfounded!

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