Click-- turn the key, and the old door lock made a sound.

Su Chen pushed open the door and welcomed Chu Qingyue, whose pretty face had already turned red.

The layout of the room was very simple. It had two bedrooms and a living room.

The houses in the old community were all like this, but it didn't seem crowded.

On the contrary, there were very few furnitures, which made it seem a bit empty.

This was before Su Chen moved back two years ago, when Su Chen's uncle's family hired someone to renovate it.

Otherwise, the whitewash on the walls of this kind of old community house that was more than ten years old might have fallen off.

"Is this where you live?" Chu Qingyue blushed and spoke hesitantly, looking around with her beautiful eyes, appearing very curious.

Like a little princess who had just entered a castle.

Although this was not a castle at all, but just a simple old house that was more than ten years old.

Su Chen shrugged:"It's a little old, not as spacious as your big villa, don't dislike it."

Chu Qingyue shook her head, walked lightly, and walked to the sofa in the hall.

"Eh? Why is there dust on the sofa?"

Su Chen looked a little embarrassed and whispered,"Well, I usually live alone and stay in the bedroom. There is no TV in the living room, and I usually don't use the sofa.……"

The flower path has never been swept for guests, and the door is now open for you.

Chu Qingyue pursed her lips and took a rag from the table.

She lifted the hem of her white skirt, bent down and gently wiped the old sofa.

From top to bottom, from armrests to cushions.

Inch by inch, she wiped very carefully.

Su Chen was stunned for a while, and after he reacted, he quickly stepped forward and grabbed the rag:"What are you doing? Why are you cleaning?"

Chu Qingyue lifted the hair hanging by her ears, lowered her head and said nothing.

Su Chen was also helpless. This girl is like this.

She always likes to respond in silence.

Su Chen took the rag, wiped the sofa carefully, and pulled Chu Qingyue to sit down.

He went to the kitchen to get some water, plugged in the electricity, and boiled water.

"Well... there are no drinks prepared here. We usually drink boiled water. We will have water to drink after it boils."Su Chen explained.

But he felt something was a little strange when he said this.

It felt strange to discuss drinking water so seriously.

Chu Qingyue lowered her head and remained silent for a long time without saying anything.

Su Chen had a toothache and didn't understand what this girl meant.

He forced himself to stop by the house to drink water.

The electric kettle in the kitchen made a sizzling sound, but the two people sitting opposite each other in the living room didn't say a word.

The atmosphere became more and more weird.

Su Chen couldn't help but find something to say:"Qingyue, how do you feel about the college entrance examination this time? Did you perform well?"

Chu Qingyue said"um" softly and stopped talking.

Su Chen:"……"

"I'll go see if the water has boiled!" Su Chen couldn't stand the increasingly weird atmosphere, and ran into the kitchen. Just as he left,

Chu Qingyue's tense body suddenly relaxed, and she breathed a long sigh of relief.

She lowered her head and looked at the corner of the sofa that had been pinched by her slender hands.

She bit her lower lip, her face changing, as if she was hesitating about something.

After thinking for a while, she took out a light pink envelope from her small bag.

There was a rose petal on the envelope.

Chu Qingyue's face became redder and redder, and she gritted her teeth and her body was shaking. She took a deep breath, raised her head and looked around.

She looked around, as if she was looking for a place to hide the envelope.

"Oh, right!" Su Chen suddenly poked his head out from the kitchen.

Chu Qingyue was so frightened that her body trembled, and she quickly stuffed the envelope behind her.

Her pretty face flushed, and she responded repeatedly:"Ah, what? Yes! You are right, that's it!" She spoke at a loss, buried her head, and her earlobes were red.

Su Chen saw that she put her hands behind her back, but he didn't delve into it, and continued:"I'm talking about the college entrance examination. With your results, have you decided which one of Tsinghua University and Peking University to choose?"

Chu Qingyue still didn't dare to look up, and responded weakly:"It should be Tsinghua University!"


"Because my father graduated from Tsinghua University……"

Su Chen was stunned and speechless.

The fake academic god Su Chen, who got full marks in the exam, did not know how to restrain himself.

The real academic god Chu Qingyue chose Peking University and Tsinghua University because her father graduated from Tsinghua University!

So willful!

Su Chen suddenly had some bad taste.

Which one of Chu Qingyue will choose has always been a hot topic among the teachers of Binhai No. 1 Middle School.

After all, such a top student would be snatched up by the two top schools, Peking University and Tsinghua University.

I wonder what the reaction of the admissions officer of Peking University would be when he knew the reason for Chu Qingyue's school choice?

After thinking for a while, Su Chen asked again:"Have you decided on your major?"

Chu Qingyue's panic finally calmed down a bit, and she said softly:"It should be business management or finance. By the way, what about you, have you overestimated the answers?"

Su Chen hesitated for a moment, but still said truthfully:"Well, my score this time may be a little outrageous"

""Huh?" Chu Qingyue raised her head abruptly and asked quickly:"You failed the test? Which subject? How could you fail? How many points did you miss?"

These questions came one after another, shocking Su Chen numb.

Smacking his lips, Su Chen chuckled and said:"It's not that I failed the test, but I performed well in a few subjects. I estimate that the score will be very high!"

Chu Qingyue sighed for a long time and looked at Su Chen with a reproachful look:"You scared me to death just now, I really thought you failed the test!"

Su Chen:"……"

Whether he failed the exam or not is another matter.

Chu Qingyue's resentful expression made Su Chen a little distracted.

Su Chen was really curious.

Why did this girl care so much about his college entrance examination over the past year?

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