At the door of the Grade 9 classroom, there stood a short woman with a bun on her head. She had a round face and delicate features, but there were some light freckles on her cheeks.

She was wearing an OL teacher's outfit, but it didn't match the playful smile on her face.

But this woman was indeed Su Chen's homeroom teacher, Ms. An Qi.

Um... Angela's An Qi

"Teacher An!"

Fatty Jiang was completely dumbfounded and climbed down from the table awkwardly.

His bloated body rubbed down from the edge of the table, looking a little funny.

Teacher Anqi blinked and said with a half-smile:"Jiang Hao, what are you so happy about? Share it with everyone?"

Fatty Jiang blushed and said nothing.

The whole classroom burst into laughter

"Why didn’t Fatty Jiang continue to stay in Wuhu?"

"Hahahaha, I’m dying of laughter!"

"It is recommended to continue taking off!"

""I was at the airport, just took off, and was in Wuhu when the plane suddenly crashed!"

Fatty Jiang also grinned amidst the teasing.

At this moment, Su Chen suddenly felt that this scene was very warm.

The entire Class 9 of Senior 3 was in a harmonious and lively atmosphere.

Teacher An Qi walked to the podium and put down the file bag in her arms.

The classroom also became quiet.

Teacher An Qi did not speak.

The students were also quiet and silent.

The same was true for Su Chen in the back row.

The quiet atmosphere lasted for a long time, and suddenly became a little sad.

Those students who had laughed before were silent.

And some emotional female students pursed their lips, and their eyes were even a little red.


The bits and pieces of the past three years flashed through my mind.

These companions who had made trouble, laughed, and struggled together. They all stood at the crossroads of life.

Some went left, some went right.

The future life will be wonderful.

But it is difficult to have such a group of like-minded people who grit their teeth and fight for the same goal. It will be difficult to have such a lively scene like today in the future.……

"What are you thinking about? You are all so sad, like little adults!"Teacher Anqi suddenly smiled and said.

The heavy atmosphere in the classroom was broken.

Everyone looked at each other, and everything was speechless.

Teacher Anqi stood on the podium and looked at the students of Class 9 of Senior 3 sitting in the classroom.

She pulled out a thick stack of small envelopes from the file.

She called a few students in the front row and distributed them to the students.

"Anyway, first of all, the teacher would like to congratulate everyone on successfully completing the college entrance examination."

"The teacher has seen everyone's hard work this year, and sincerely hopes that everyone can achieve ideal results!"

Teacher Anqi's voice was soft, and the students nodded.

"What else……"

"Your three years of high school have come to an end. You will go to different cities and universities in the future."

"I just hope you won't forget me, your nagging head teacher!"

Teacher An Qi waved her fist and looked a little cute.

"Will not!"

"Teacher, we will always remember you!"

"What you said is very strange. If you don't know how to talk, just say less!"

"Teacher An is awesome!"

"Hey, this envelope is——?"

Su Chen also lowered his head and looked at the envelope that had just been handed to him.

The envelope was very delicate, and he gently opened it.

Inside was a small greeting card with beautiful small words written on it:

"Student Su Chen, your teachers have seen how hard you studied in your senior year of high school. I believe that hard work pays off, and you will get what you want in the college entrance examination!"

"In addition, let me tell you a little secret. When I was your head teacher in the second year of high school, I had you on my list of people I focused on!"

"Because you were so handsome, the teacher always thought that you would fall in love prematurely and ruin the class atmosphere, so he kept watching your every move!"

"But it is obvious that I was worrying too much. You can always focus on studying in high school, and the teacher is very happy and satisfied!"

"When you go to college, the teachers will no longer keep an eye on you. If you have a girlfriend in the future, bring her back to show her to your teachers when you have time!"

"——An Qi."

Su Chen looked at the beautiful handwriting on the greeting card and fell silent.

This was a letter written by Teacher An Qi to every classmate in the class.

Every word was sincere and heartfelt.

Turning his head, Su Chen found that the usually carefree Fatty Jiang had red eyes.

And some female classmates had already sobbed softly in the classroom.

Su Chen looked up at Teacher An Qi on the podium.

She pursed her lips, and her expression was a little sad, but she still tried to squeeze out the gentlest smile.

After a while, the classroom fell into complete silence again.

Everyone looked at the envelope in their hands, stunned and speechless.

Teacher An Qi knocked on the blackboard and said softly:"Okay! Everyone has received the teacher's words, and there is no need to think too much. These are what the teacher wanted to say."

"I said this before the college entrance examination because I was worried that it would affect your mood and performance. Now that I’m saying it, the teacher feels relieved!"

"Of course, the reason I called everyone together today is to talk about serious matters."

"The college entrance examination results will be announced on the 24th, and there are still more than ten days left. Let me tell you about some of the school’s arrangements during this period. Please listen carefully!"

"The day after tomorrow is the school graduation ceremony, it would be best if everyone could be there!"

"Starting from the 10th, admissions teams from various universities will come to No. 1 Middle School for enrollment promotion, which will also serve as a reference for everyone’s application!"

"After the college entrance examination results are announced, there will be a school commendation meeting. The old principal will personally present the awards. In principle, it is best for everyone to be present on that day."

"Because that might be the last time we can get together like today."

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