Xiang Mo stood up in a flash.

At the same time, because of her big movements and strong force, the chair she was sitting on was directly knocked over by her!


The stool fell over!"

Xiang Mo scratched his head and awkwardly straightened the chair.

Then he raised his hand suddenly and shouted to Zhao Lu nervously.

"Let me go!

Let me go!

I wanted to go last time, but I didn’t make it!

I must go this time! I

’m almost bored here!

Let me go, let me go!"


Zhao Lu nodded blankly.

"Yes, but you have to……"


I can finally go out!

I can do anything!"


Did this kid’s Husky soul get broken by holding it in?

Zhao Lu glanced at Xiang Mo speechlessly, then continued,"Okay, let’s talk about this action.

First of all, we’ll divide into groups.

Liu Deli and Hu Xin will form a group of two.

You will act separately, with our camp as the center and a radius of half a day’s walk, and do a thorough carpet search for me.

Set out every morning after breakfast, bring enough food, and come back at night.

Although we explored once last time, it was not very thorough, so this time you will explore it in detail.

Maybe you can find some better things.

If you meet other contestants outside, remember to pay attention.

Because theoretically there will be no other contestants around us. If other contestants appear, they must be coming for us.

The strong ones who want to eliminate us"


"Chen Chen and Mo Xi stayed behind to guard against any invaders.

Chen Chen can call all pets.

They are also familiar with you, so they can only leave you behind this time."

"All right……"

Xiaobai pouted, looking unhappy.

"The remaining Xiang Mo still has a way to go with me.

We are going on a long journey this time, and it may take several days.

In this short period of time, all matters in the camp will be decided by Chen Chen.

Finally, I emphasize again that you must be careful when you meet other contestants.

Because the contestants who are still on the island must be very strong!

They are all strong, and maybe many of them are stronger than us!"


"All right, let's eat, and then we'll go our separate ways.

Xiang Mo and Xiang Fang go pack their things, and I'll go prepare some things.

Once we're done packing, we'll set off!"


Zhao Lu started to take action, but the viewers in the live broadcast room became more lively.

"Master... Is the master so cautious?!"


The master is really humble and polite. Is this how you value your enemy strategically?

Compared with the other contestants, he is so cool!"


I am dying of laughter!

When I think of the other contestants, who are obviously not that good, but are extremely confident and think they are the best. Then I think of my master, who is obviously the best in the world, but is very humble and thinks that the other contestants are very strong.

I feel like laughing.

The other contestants are really too weak!"

"The master is awesome!"


Zhao Lu's preparations were done quickly.

He had already started preparing the corresponding things and had them ready.

Now he just had to pack them up and put them away.

The place he was going to this time was very unfamiliar and dangerous, so he brought Xiang Fang with him.

Although the"PING value" of the"PING value girl" is very high, she is really good at communicating with animals.

The main reason for bringing her along this time is to let her explore the way to ensure that she will not be attacked by other unknown animals.

At the same time, bringing her along is also to communicate with the animals.

If any clues to the ore are found, Xiang Fang's ability can be used to communicate with other animals to find what they want.

It is for these reasons that he brought the"PING value girl" along.

As for Xiang Mo, she was purely a nanny he brought with him to take care of the"PING value girl" conveniently.


Xiang Mo and Xiang Fang didn't have much to prepare, so they quickly prepared everything and gathered at the gate.

However, Xiang Mo's face was a little red, and he looked a little shy and strange, and his eyes were a little evasive when he looked at Zhao Lu.

I don't know what he was thinking of.

After Zhao Lu asked once without any results, she stopped asking.

The three of them officially set off!


"Where are we going this time?"


Zhao Lu rolled his eyes at Xiang Mo.

He now felt that Xiang Mo and Mo Xi were two completely opposite people.

One was a faceless person with little emotion, and the other was an energetic and nervous person.

However, in order to prevent Xiang Mo from asking more questions, Zhao Lu started to answer.

"Go to the mountains"

"On the mountain! ?


I really want to see the original mountain!

It must be more exciting than the mountains I climbed that have been developed into tourist areas!

Are there any tigers?

Did you kill the tiger at the foot of the mountain last time! ?"

"There are tigers.

Last time we didn't hunt them at the foot of the mountain. We hunted them in the forest.

You have to be careful, because tigers may appear at any time and grab you!"

"I'm not afraid with you around.~"


"Do you know me now?

Let me tell you, tigers like to eat girls who like to talk the most."


Who would believe such an old-fashioned thing!"

Xiang Mo curled his lips and looked at the camera.

"My dear friends,

I am going to climb mountains and fight tigers!

Those who have money can support me, and those who don’t can raise money to support me!"


Zhao Lu glanced at Xiang Mo, who was walking and jumping over there, and inexplicably felt that he was only 12 years old.


The group first went to the place where they found the toothbrush tree last time, cut a lot of branches again, and then continued to move forward.

The raft they used last time was still there, so they used the raft to cross the river, then got off the boat and continued walking.

The purpose of their walk was naturally to find as much ore as possible.

But there was no gain at all.

In a blink of an eye, it was almost dark.

They had to find a relatively open place and began to set up tents to prepare for rest.

As for food, although they didn't bring it, they didn't worry about it at all.

Because not long ago they found a nest of rabbits, a total of 5, and now they have all been caught.

There are also 6 birds shot by Zhao Lu.

It can be said that there is enough food for tonight and tomorrow morning.

Relatively open places are relatively easy to find, and it didn't take them long to find a suitable place.

However, while finding this place, Zhao Lu also found some more special plants

"What are you looking for?"

Xiang Mo asked with some confusion when he saw Zhao Lu's strange behavior.

"Have you discovered a mineral vein?!"

"No, it's a magical plant.~"

"Plants? What?"

"Plants that can make you feel like you're in love for the first time~"


Rose... Roses?


There are no roses here...

Those are... cocoa beans? Chocolate!?"

Xiang Mo's face immediately turned red.

"found it!"

"Eh! ?"

Xiang Mo looked over hastily upon hearing this, but was immediately disappointed.

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