"Oh my god!

What kind of divine beauty is this! ?"


"She was pretty when she had no expression on her face.

I didn't expect that when she smiled, her beauty would double!

Miss, are you cheating! ?"

"So scary!

So beautiful!"

"Love it!

Although I am a girl, I can't control myself!"

"Her hands are as soft as catkins, her skin is like solidified fat, her neck is like a cicada, her teeth are like gourds, she has a delicate forehead and eyebrows, she has a charming smile and her eyes are full of longing!"


When Mo Xi smiled, everyone felt like a hundred flowers were in full bloom, and everything lost its color. Only Mo Xi was left in their eyes. It took a long time for them to come back to their senses.

The comments stopped for a moment, and then exploded.

Zhao Lu didn't lose her composure like those people on the Internet, but she was also amazing.


Mo Xi waved the torch in her hand and rushed towards the fireflies.

However, she was wearing the insect repellent given by Zhao Lu, and she was holding a torch in her hand, so the fireflies didn't dare to approach her at all.

When she approached, they immediately scattered.


Seeing this, Mo Xi sighed softly, then walked back slowly.

"Really boring……"

"Look, those fireflies are scared away by your stern face.~"


It's obviously because the insect repellent you gave me is so good!"

"Hahaha~ It seems that you are not stupid~"


Mo Xi said, and her expression gradually returned to calm, and finally turned into her unchanging expressionless face again.

"It seems that I have no fate with these little things.……"

What she experienced in the past two days was something she had never experienced in her life.

In addition, the events of the past two days were quite exciting, so her emotions were also a little high.

It was for this reason that she really showed some expressions.

"Smile more in the future. I believe you will have a connection with them."

""It's easy to say."

Mo Xi said, with the corners of his mouth slightly upturned, but his eyes did not change, revealing a typical"smiling on the outside but not on the inside" expression.

"Look, my smile is uglier than my cry.

Besides, I can't smile."

"It seems that you are also a girl with a story~"

Zhao Lu glanced at Mo Xi and didn't ask any more questions.

For most girls, if they don't want to tell some secrets, asking more questions will only annoy the other party.

It's better to stop at this point.

"But who doesn't have a story?"

Zhao Lu smiled gently.

He is a time traveler!

The two chatted casually while pushing the cart towards the shelter.

Because they had torches in their hands and the meat on the cart had been processed and no longer smelled of blood, the journey was very peaceful.

However, the relationship between Zhao Lu and Mo Xi became closer because of this trip.

Mo Xi, who had a paralyzed face for many years, occasionally showed some expressions in front of Zhao Lu.


It is not easy to walk in the forest at night.

The first problem is the direction.

The tropical rainforest is a broad-leaved forest. Standing under the tree, you can't see the sky clearly.

If you want to accurately identify the direction, you need to climb up the tree to look at the stars.

However, night is when various animals are active, so if you climb a tree, it is easy to encounter some small animals that you don't normally want to encounter.

Such as snakes or spiders.

The second is the problem of wild animals.

At night, wild animals begin to become active.

If you are unlucky, you will be attacked by some wild animals.

Therefore, walking in the forest at night is very strenuous.

So, Zhao Lu and the others spent a long time before they finally walked back to the shelter.


I’m finally back~"

Zhao Lu looked at the fire in the distance and suddenly felt like she was back home.


Mo Xi sighed, and then rushed in like a whirlwind.

"I need to take a shower first!"

"You don't even want to eat?"

Zhao Lu looked at Mo Xi's back and couldn't help but smile.

She was indeed a girl who valued cleanliness more than eating!

Zhao Lu pushed the cart and hadn't walked far when she saw a girl rushing out of the shelter.

The girl threw herself into Zhao Lu's arms.

It was Chen Chen, whom she hadn't seen for the past two days!


I miss you so much……"

Chen Chen's voice is very soft and gentle.

"Although it was only two days without seeing or contacting each other, I felt as if two years had passed.……"

"Okay, okay~

Isn’t this shit scooper back?"


I’m not a cat, so I don’t have a poop scooper!"

"You don't understand this, right?

Pigs have a lot of shit, so when they are dealt with, they are all dealt with with a big shovel.

So, pigs also have shit shovelers!"


"Dog Kun!!!"


After a while of playing around, the others came out of the room.

Seeing Zhao Lu coming back, they all greeted her excitedly.

"Boss~ is back!

He caught new prey!

Boss is awesome!"


Tiger skin!

Is this tiger meat?

Boss, do you still have the tiger penis?"

The two flattering voices were Liu Hu and


Zhao Lu, did you bring me any gifts?"

Remember to put it on the table later. I'm going to boil some water for Xiao Xixi first!


There must be a gift!"

This somewhat crazy voice belongs to Xiang Mo.

"Of course there are tiger penises, all of them are yours."

Zhao Lu took out a tiger penis and threw it to Liu Deli.

This thing not only looked disgusting, but also had no use to Zhao Lu.

So it was originally reserved for them.

"Boss, you are so nice!"

"Give me half!"

"Wish! This is what my boss gave me!"

"Come back here!"

Liu and Hu started fighting over a bullwhip.

However, Zhao Lu was not interested in this.

He had more important things to do now - to settle the new members of the big family!

"Is this Xiaochan's new friend?

He seems to be even cuter than Xiaochan!"

Chen Chen looked at the leopard cat in Zhao Lu's hand and liked it very much.


Xiao Chan was a little angry at first, because Zhao Lu and her friends had a new kitten.

However, after subconsciously taking a look at the new companion, his attitude changed instantly.

Xiao Chan turned into a dog, and ran to the new cat happily,"meowing" to please it.

He even offered the dried fish he treasured.

However, the new leopard cat ignored Xiao Chan.

Zhao Lu and Chen Chen laughed.

"This seems to be a very beautiful little female cat.~"

"Yes, yes~"

Just as Zhao Lu and the others were about to play with the cat, a voice suddenly sounded behind them.

"Zhao Lu, I have something to tell you.……"


Zhao Lu knew without looking back that this person who was half a beat slower must be the"PING value girl".

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