
Mo Xi called again. Seeing that Zhao Lu didn't respond, she hammered the tent frame angrily.

She felt that she had too many emotions today.

It made her feel as if she was no longer herself.

However, when she saw Zhao Lu rushing up and fighting, she couldn't help but want to say more.

But in the end, thousands of words converged into one sentence.

"Be sure to be careful!"


"Oh my god!

The master actually started charging towards the herd of sambar deer.

What is he trying to do! ?"

"I really don't understand!

Why rush up at this time!

The sambar deer are coming, and the lions will come soon. Isn't it a suicide for the master to rush up at this time! ?"

"He is coming, he is coming, he is rushing with heads!"

"Could it be that the master wanted to block the retreat of the sambar deer?

This is too crazy, isn't it?"


The live broadcast room has been unusually lively during this period.

However, Zhao Lu was not in the mood to think about the things in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, his attention was focused on the group of sambar deer in front of him.

His goal was simple, which was to stop those sambar deer and prevent them from escaping.

Once the lion group appears later, these sambar deer will definitely run away.

The left side of the bait was full of fire, the back of the bait was the lion group, and the front of the bait was the crocodile, so the sambar deer could only run to the right.

And he needed to block this side and find a way to make these sambar deer lose their minds and run towards the crocodile.

In this way, conflicts could arise between the crocodile group and the lion group.

It sounds very easy, but it is not easy to do it.

Because once the lion group finds out that he is provoking them, they might swarm to attack him.

If a group of more than a dozen lions besieged him together, he really couldn't stand it.


While Zhao Lu was daydreaming, he had already come to the right side of the bait.

He found a suitable place and ambushed.

The sambar deer in the middle also came to the bait and began to eat the bait in big mouthfuls. There was silence all around.

Even the maned dogs that were eating hyenas not long ago were surprisingly silent.

The grassland suddenly became quiet because of the sudden appearance of a small group of sambar deer.

Zhao Lu held the axe tightly and searched around very carefully.

In the end, he did not find any traces of the lion group.

This result made him more cautious.

"Lions are still lions after all...

They are really good at hiding when hunting at night.


Suddenly, at this moment, several nests of rabbits came from a distance, gathered around the bait and started eating.

"The rabbits are here too...

Will the hunters be even more excited?

It's a pity to waste all the good rabbit meat~"

Zhao Lu thought with regret as she looked at the rabbits not far away.


Suddenly, a very slight and strange sound was heard not far away, which made Zhao Lu stop thinking about it and began to concentrate and prepare to attack.


The next moment, the sound suddenly became faster and louder.

This is the sound of a lion group attacking!

The sambar deer and hares not far away finally reacted.

They were frightened and began to run around in panic.

A small number of them rushed towards the crocodile group in the front, and most of them rushed towards where Zhao Lu was.

"Here you are……"

Zhao Lu tightly gripped the axe in his hand, feeling a little nervous.

Sambar deer are the largest deer in tropical and subtropical regions.

They generally live in mountains and forests, and sometimes move around in grasslands, savannas, forest areas and other places.

They have no fixed nests, have a large range of activities, and often have the habit of migrating.

This kind of deer that often runs, is extremely fast, and is large in size is very difficult to deal with.

Once they start running, Zhao Lu cannot stop them. Therefore, Zhao Lu must scare these sambar deer before they get up in speed.

Thinking of this, Zhao Lu no longer hesitated and rushed out with an axe.


As soon as he went out, Zhao Lu roared at the deer.

The powerful aura and loud voice scared away several of the water deer.

However, most of the water deer did not move. They still rushed towards Zhao Lu at the same speed.

This time, Zhao Lu did not use a bow and arrow, but rushed up directly waving an axe.

If you want to scare these animals, bows and arrows can also be used, but they are not as fast as axes.

So, Zhao Lu rushed out with an axe.

There was a tall male deer in front of him, but this was nothing special for Zhao Lu.

With a raised axe, a big deer head was chopped off.

Then Zhao Lu did not rush to attack again, but quickly retracted the axe, then grabbed the dead water deer and threw it towards the water deer herd.


Zhao Lu roared again, then rushed forward again with an axe in hand.

The effect this time was indeed different from the last time.

Such a bloody scene directly frightened the poor deer.

Countless water deer immediately turned around and rushed in the opposite direction.

However, after running for a distance, they found that there were fires all over the place, which was very dangerous.

So, these water deer began to rush towards the river.



At this time, the lion group finally caught up.

A group of lions bit the sambar deer frantically and knocked down all the lagging sambar deer.

However, there were still many lions that had not caught their prey, so these lions rushed forward to continue to catch the remaining sambar deer.

However, at this time, the crocodiles that had been lurking by the river began to act.

One by one, they began to accelerate instantly and rushed towards the passing sambar deer, either killing them alone or besieging them, knocking down all the sambar deer that rushed over first.

The prey disappeared in an instant, and the lions following behind were suddenly a little annoyed.


A sub-adult male lion roared at a crocodile, then rushed over to fight with the crocodile.

Seeing this, other lions also rushed over.

Suddenly, a group of lions and a group of crocodiles fought together.

"It worked!"

Zhao Lu was delighted,"The plan to drive the lion and swallow the crocodile has worked!


At this moment, Zhao Lu suddenly felt a cold gaze looking at her, so she turned her head and looked.

It turned out that it was the female lion in the lion group who was looking at her coldly.

The eyes were full of murderous intent!

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