"Oh... forget it.……"

Xiang Mo sighed.

Mo Xi's idea was not a good one because it was too difficult!

"I'll go talk to Xiao Xixi after I finish washing!"

Xiang Mo made a decision silently in his heart, and then he enjoyed it happily.


The night gradually deepened.

Mo Xi and Xiang Mo finished their work and returned to their rooms.

"Xiao Xixi, what do you think about that matter?"

As soon as he returned to the room, Xiang Mo couldn't help but ask,"Why don't we just not trade with Zhao Lu?

Why don't we just join Zhao Lu's team like Liu Deli and the others, follow their arrangements, and finally split the bonus in half?"~"


"After all, that place is too dangerous.

Even if Zhao Lu knew, she would not agree. Why don’t we… eh?"

Xiang Mo was stunned when he was halfway through his words.

"You actually agreed! ?"


Mo Xi's voice was very calm.

"How come you agreed all of a sudden?"

"Is it not possible?"

""Okay! That's great!"

Xiang Mo looked at Mo Xi with some curiosity.

However, Mo Xi's face was covered with a mask, and nothing else could be seen.

"But I'm still curious.

Didn't you always want to tell Zhao Lu about that place first, see his reaction, and then talk about the rest?"

"Not anymore.

After observing him for a while, I found that he is really strong."


Why didn't he say he was strong?


That's right!

It's because he's strong that he's more likely to take risks.……"

Xiang Mo suddenly had a picture in his mind...

Zhao Lu, holding a big knife, roared, and rushed towards the group of ferocious beasts not far away.

As a result, before he rushed halfway, he was directly swallowed by these beasts...

Zhao Lu, covered in blood, stretched out her hand with a desperate look, hoping that she could help him not far away.

But she was powerless and could only cry and shout in pain.


"It’s so terrible, so terrible!"

Xiang Mo shuddered,"Let’s just bury that matter deep in our hearts!"


Mo Xi said"Hmm" softly, but her eyes were full of disapproval.


The night passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, it was the next day.

Zhao Lu got up very early.

Because the rain stopped, he could continue to do a job that had been stopped for a long time.

That was tapping rubber!


There's latex again~"

Zhao Lu looked at the glue in the barrel and strode towards the shelter.

"The weather has been good these days, so we can collect more latex and make some pillows and cushions."

Relatively speaking, cotton is more valuable than latex on this deserted island.

So Zhao Lu was reluctant to use cotton to make mattresses and pillows.

As for latex... because of the lack of some things, he couldn't turn it into rubber gloves, tubes and the like.

So he prepared to use the latex to make pillows and mattresses.

After pouring the latex into the mold, Zhao Lu went to wash up and prepare to cook and eat.

As soon as he finished washing up, he found Mo Xi and Xiang Mo standing not far away waiting for him.


Zhao Lu was slightly stunned, not understanding what these two people were planning to do by looking for him so early.

"There is something I want to say."

Mo Xi nodded, and a serious expression appeared on her face.

Xiang Mo beside her also had a serious face, without any of his past playful smiles.

This made Zhao Lu feel that they really had something important to say.


"We plan to join your team.

Like Liu Deli and his team, we are willing to give you half of the final bonus.

During our stay on the deserted island, we will follow your command."

"This matter?"

Zhao Lu frowned,"It's a small matter~

No problem, we can just sign a contract when the time comes.

However, this kind of thing doesn't need to be so serious, right?"

"It's necessary."

Mo Xi shook his head and continued,"Because in addition to this matter, I have something else to tell you.

This matter is very big.

It is a secret discovery of mine.

It is very dangerous.

I give it all to you as a gift.

But, this place is too dangerous.

So I am just telling you, I hope you can stay calm.

If you are not 100% sure, don't be impulsive."


Zhao Lu became curious when she saw Mo Xi's serious look.

"whats the matter?"

"We once accidentally discovered a resource point left by a program crew.

There were countless vegetables and seeds there!

With these things, we will never lack vegetables!"


Zhao Lu's eyes suddenly widened.

"It's really a big deal."

It's not enough for people to eat only meat.

There must be fruits and vegetables.

Otherwise, diseases such as scurvy caused by vitamin deficiency will come to you.

In the rainforest, although there are many fruits, there are few vegetables!

Fruits and vegetables are not the same thing, there are many differences between them.

The first is calories.

Fruits are rich in fructose and have high calories.

The second is minerals and vitamins.

Fruits have higher content of certain vitamins and minerals, but they are not as balanced as vegetables. What the human body needs more is balanced supplementation, not a single excessive supplementation.

Therefore, there is no problem in replacing vegetables with fruits in the short term.

But if there are no vegetables for a long time, there will definitely be problems.

Moreover, without vegetables, eating meat is also very tasteless.


"I am determined to get these vegetables!"

Zhao Lu's eyes were firm, but she did not lose her mind.

"No���, how dangerous is that place?

Where is it?

How far is it from here?"

"As for the degree of danger, you can judge it after you see it.

As for the distance...

I need to walk for a whole day to get there."

"One day?"

Zhao Lu pondered for a moment, then nodded.

"Sure, we have a tent.

I'll tell you about the mission and we'll set off.

We won't be back at night, we'll come back tomorrow."


But... there is one more thing."

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