"Oh my god!

That's great!"

Xiang Mo shouted in surprise.

He immediately attracted everyone's attention. At this moment, Xiang Mo was holding an oval pink pearl in his hand.

The pearl was a perfect oval, with a smooth and shiny surface.

Under its smooth surface, there was a very mysterious and bright flame pattern, which looked extremely beautiful.

""It's so beautiful!"

Chen Chen was the closest to Xiang Mo and was the first to run over.

As soon as she saw the pearl, she was immediately attracted by its beauty.

"It can even change colors!"

As the pearls continue to move, they are reflecting different colors of light, which is extremely dazzling!

This is the color change that most gemstones have, and it is also a characteristic of conch pearls.

In ancient times, many people also called this color change"pearlescent light"."


Xiang Mo couldn't help but laugh out loud.

After getting such a beautiful pearl like a gem, she felt that her trip here was not in vain.

Even if she was asked to go home now, she felt it was worth it.

"Let me see! Let me see!"

"No! No!"

Xiang Mo and Chen Chen ran upstairs while making a scene.

"Jewelry is so lethal to women!"

Looking at their figures, Zhao Lu couldn't help but sigh.

Then she continued to choose ingredients.

Today's lunch is a seafood feast.

Seafood is naturally fresh and delicious.

However, how to make seafood more delicious is a science.


With the help of everyone, Zhao Lu spent more than an hour and finally made a seafood feast.

"The first dish is steamed golden pomfret~"

Zhao Lu began to introduce today's food

"Golden pomfret has high nutritional value, so I won't talk about that.

The most important thing is that it has no bones!

The meat is also quite delicious. We don't have soy sauce or dark soy sauce, so we can't braise it, so we can only steam it.

However, after brushing it with my secret sauce, it tastes absolutely great!"

Zhao Lu said proudly, pointing at the golden pomfret.

This secret sauce is made with fruits and chili peppers. It is sour, salty, spicy, and has a slightly sweet aftertaste.

With the fresh and fragrant golden pomfret, it can be said to be a perfect match!


Everyone exclaimed, and followed Zhao Lu to pick up the fish.

The snow-white fish meat was dipped in the slightly yellow sauce, and then put into the mouth, chewing gently, and suddenly an indescribable feeling came to my heart.

"Tender, fresh, salty, spicy, and slightly sour. After chewing, a unique seafood sweetness mixed with fruity aroma fills the mouth, giving people an indescribable sense of refreshment!


Liu Deli immediately turned into a food critic,"I didn't expect that golden pomfret could be made so delicious!


We finally have the sauce!"


Zhao Lu was also very emotional.

Because of the lack of raw materials, his cooking skills were greatly limited.

However, as time passed, he also accumulated and made some sauces to make the meal more delicious!

"The second dish, sea bass on lotus leaf and slate!"

Zhao Lu put another fish that needed to be steamed into the pot, and then brought over two new plates of fish.

After placing them on the table, she tore open the lotus leaf on the slate, revealing the sea bass inside.

"This dish is adapted from the grilled sea bass. We don't have tin foil and iron plate here, so we can only modify it this way.

But it doesn't matter~

This dish is mainly fried first, then placed on a boiling hot iron plate, poured with sauce, and covered with tin foil.

The iron plate can be replaced with a stone plate, and the tin foil can be covered with lotus leaves to add some special flavor~

The sea bass is a seven-star sea bass, not big, each one is more than a pound of fish, just right~

The sauce is still a secret hot and sour sauce~

It is similar to the hot and sour sauce of the previous dish, but a little different.

"Try it all~"

After that, he picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

Following Zhao Lu in picking up his chopsticks was Liu Deli


Liu Deli just put a piece of fish into his mouth and said"Hmm" in a very intoxicated way.

His face also showed a very comfortable expression.

"The fish meat is tender, the fish skin is soft and crispy, slightly sour and spicy, and has a hint of the fragrance of lotus leaves~

It's so delicious!"

""Hmm~ Delicious, delicious!"

Xiang Mo stuffed the fish meat into his mouth frantically.

The only word he could say was"delicious".

"Here comes the third dish!

Mushroom squid soup~"

Zhao Lu smiled and raised her hand to scoop a bowl of soup

"This squid soup is a common dish, but it tastes very good and fresh.

There are not only shiitake mushrooms in it, but I also put some other mushrooms and some wild vegetables. It is guaranteed to be delicious.~"

"Hmm~ Really fresh~"

Liu Deli took a sip, then shook his head, tasting it with an endless aftertaste,"This squid is so bouncy, so delicious!~"

"It’s almost time for the fourth dish~"

After Zhao Lu finished her soup, she pulled Hu Xin to the stove.

Together, they took the two large casseroles off the fire, and then put the other two pots on top.

"This is cat shark stew.

There are too few ingredients, so it can’t be braised.

Shark meat is fishy and the skin is sandy, so it needs to be boiled before stewing.

I used water with some thatch roots to cook the shark meat together, and then peeled the skin.

Put the peeled meat in a casserole, add other small fish, shrimp paste from chopped shrimps, and mushrooms and vegetables to stew.

Add some sauces, and finally this cat shark stew is made.

Eat it while it’s hot~"

Zhao Lu likes to calculate some time when cooking.

Do some steps that need to be looked after first, and then you can eat while waiting.

Every time you finish a dish, another dish will be ready.

In this way, each dish can be eaten when it tastes the best


This is the first time I eat shark meat like this~

Not bad~ Not bad~

Fresh, smooth and tender, with a slight spicy taste, it's really delicious~"

""Hmm! Delicious, delicious!"

Xiang Mo was sweating profusely while eating, but he still kept stuffing the meat into his mouth.


I like this shrimp paste the most!

There are some fine ginger in the shrimp meat, and it tastes very good!"

Looking at everyone sweating while eating, Zhao Lu also smiled with satisfaction.

He likes to cook and also likes to watch others eat the food he cooks.

After several people wolfed down the stew, Zhao Lu slowly walked to the stove.

"Next, let’s eat the main course for lunch today!"

"Hard food?"

Zhao Lu didn't say anything, but took the pot off the fire, and took out the saber inside.

And poured all the hot water on a newly made chopping board.

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