The night on the deserted island was spent in such a storm.

The next day, it was still a rainy day.

However, the wind and rainfall were significantly reduced.

Everyone knew that this was a sign that the typhoon was about to pass.

At the same time, it was also the beginning of a great harvest!

So, many people got up early and set out to pick up fish.


Zhao Lu got up very early. He got up before daybreak.

After instructing Chen Chen on some things, he went out with a bamboo basket on his back.

He did not call other people because there was no need.

It was still dark outside and it was raining. It was pitch dark outside.

Because of the strong wind and heavy rain, it was not convenient to use torches.

Only someone like him who had been strengthened by strengthening potions could go out to pick up fish in such darkness.

Zhao Lu walked all the way to the beach, picking up fish on the ground as he walked.

Although he had been out very early, some nocturnal animals were out earlier than him.

So there were only traces of fish in many places, but no fish meat.

This was also the main reason why he got up so early.

"Fortunately, I got up early, otherwise when it gets light, the birds will come out to snatch my food."

Zhao Lu looked at the bamboo basket that was already full and sighed silently.

There were not only fish in the bamboo basket, but also fresh seafood that had died not long ago.

As for the seafood that had died a long time ago, he didn't want any of them.

In this way, he had already picked up a bamboo basket, which shows how much seafood there was on the ground.

"This is probably more than 100 kilograms of seafood.……"

Zhao Lu looked at the sky which was already slightly bright and the birds chirping everywhere, knowing that he could not pick up any seafood.

Once the birds came out to look for food, there would be nothing to pick up.

But he did not care. He had already obtained more than 100 kilograms of seafood, and his main harvest point was in the big pit by the sea. The ones he picked up on the ground were just extras, so he was not depressed. He quickly returned to the shelter and found that everyone had woken up and finished washing.

So Zhao Lu began to assign today's tasks.

"Chen Chen, you and Xiang Mo stay behind.

Use saltpeter to freeze the seafood.

Xiang Fangfa, you and I will go find the macaque king and ask him to help find oil fruits.

Lao Liu, go dig a cellar. I will help you dig later~

Lao Hu, you and Mo Xi go to the beach together, go to the big pit we dug last time, pump out the sea water, and collect the seafood.

Okay, let's get started!"

After assigning the tasks, Zhao Lu took Xiang Fangfa to the macaque group.

But before they had walked for long, Zhao Lu became depressed.

"How about I carry you on my back?"

Zhao Lu was completely depressed watching the"PING value girl" who kept lag when walking.

That feeling was really as disgusting as when you were playing a game and encountered a teammate who was lag.

Everyone was dead, and his skill just came out

"The"PING value girl" is similar to this kind of teammate. She gets stuck every time she walks, and often bumps into trees. She occasionally trips, but Zhao Lu grabs her in time.

Two minutes later


Xiang Fang's face turned red.

She was a little reluctant at first, after all, she was too embarrassed.

But after thinking about her"problem" and the fact that her body was exposed, she temporarily let go of her reserve.

"Never mind, I'll just carry you on my back...

I've already hugged you, so it doesn't matter.……"

"The Ping Value Girl comforted herself.

Two minutes later, she felt like she was flying.

It was just like the first time she rode her father's motorcycle as a child.


"Does this kind of person have the ability to communicate with animals?"

Zhao Lu was skeptical about the"communication" ability that Xiang Fang said.

He didn't believe that there was such a"nonsense" ability in the world, but when he thought that he had such a"nonsense" system and Xiang Fang had such a skill, he didn't think it was"nonsense" anymore.

So, he took Xiang Fang with him to try it out.

"We're here!"

Zhao Lu rushed all the way, and it didn't take long before she arrived at the macaques' nest.


"The master's stamina is really good!

He can run so fast while carrying a 80-90 kg person...

He is definitely a track and field master!

If he joined the national team, I wonder how many gold medals he would win!"

"Please note that the master did not even take a deep breath!

This kind of physical fitness is simply not human!"

"I feel so sorry for classmate Mole."



When the viewers in the live broadcast room were lamenting Zhao Lu's abnormal physique, Zhao Lu had already met the Monkey King again.

The Monkey King still had that lazy expression, but after seeing Zhao Lu, he focused his gaze on Xiang Fangfa behind him.

Then, the Monkey King's expression became a little weird.

It first frowned in a very anthropomorphic way, then climbed up, with its tail erect, and came to Zhao Lu, sniffing Xiang Fangfa.

Zhao Lu was not surprised to see this situation.

Because along the way, other monkeys looked the same.

"Old Monkey, long time no see~"

Zhao Lu greeted him and then put down the method.

"I'll introduce you to a new friend. I'll find a way."

Zhao Lu said, and then she pointed to the girl with the Ping value."


The monkey king nodded, as if he understood what Zhao Lu said.

However, his eyes were still on Xiang Fangfa.

Zhao Lu ignored him.

He just wanted to see Xiang Fangfa's special ability, so he stopped talking and waited for the"PING value girl" to finish.

The monkey king was not in a hurry, just wandering around Xiang Fangfa, and looked around vigilantly from time to time, as if guarding Xiang Fangfa.

Zhao Lu was stunned.

Two minutes later.

Xiang Fangfa finally responded.

She slowly squatted down, then raised her hand and touched the monkey king's head. Have fun reading books on May Day! Recharge 100 to get 500 VIP points!

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