The rain kept falling and the sky was very dark.

This was similar to Zhao Lu's mood.

"Do we really have to live a life without cooking again?"

Zhao Lu was very worried.

Because there was a crisis that had always existed in their camp, and it had never been resolved.

That was the oil crisis!

"There is too little oil!"

It has been rainy all the time.

The sky is also very dark.

In Zhao Lu's windowless room, it can be said that there is no difference between day and night.

It is all equally dark.

Therefore, if you want to live normally in the room, you need to light a fire for lighting!

But if you want to work in the room, you need to light a lot of fire.

Otherwise, with just a little fire, you can't see anything clearly.

But the problem comes again.

If you want an open fire, you need to burn firewood. Once you burn firewood, there will be smoke. If you want to exhaust the smoke, you need a chimney.

But each room has only one chimney, and you can only light a ball of fire in the corner of the room. Fire.

So it was embarrassing.

The room was not bright at all, and nothing could be done!

In order to solve this problem, Zhao Lu made a lot of oil lamps.

When working normally, she worked with many oil lamps.

And places like the toilet, which are not suitable for lighting fires, have always been illuminated by oil lamps.

But the problem came again.

They have very little oil, and they usually have to use it for cooking, so there is even less.

Fortunately, Liu Deli discovered the macadamia tree, got a lot of macadamia nuts, and made a lot of macadamia oil.

Otherwise, it would definitely not be enough.

But even so, their oil is almost used up now.

"Are we going to return to the era without oil lamps?"

Zhao Lu was a little worried.

Without oil lamps, we can only gather around the fire and do some simple work.

Although we can still survive, the quality of life will be greatly reduced.

""Forget it, let's do this for now, and we'll talk about it later~"

Shaking her head, Zhao Lu stopped thinking about this headache.

Instead, she turned and went out, started to wash and cook.

After a hearty breakfast, a new day began.

Because it was windy and rainy outside, today was still a day of indoor work.

Zhao Lu and Liu Hu started to weave fish baskets with bamboo strips, and the three women were still twisting ropes.

The six of them chatted while working.

"The typhoon has been here for a day, and there are still 261 contestants. Isn't this incredible?"

Xiang Mo was surprised.

"By this calculation, the typhoon lasted for one day and only eliminated 17 people!

This is really too few!

It's unscientific!"

"Maybe the remaining ones are stronger?"

Chen Chen replied with a smile, and the two small canine teeth were even cuter under the oil lamp.

"With my brother here, I think we can definitely win!"

"That's right!"

Xiang Mo's eyes rolled around, she was thinking about how to stay in this small team.

"Judging from their tone, they have completely regarded us as their own people at this moment.

It seems that if we discuss with them about staying here to work, there should be no big problem.

This is good news!"

Xiang Mo's eyes showed a little excitement.

But then these excitement disappeared, replaced by helplessness.

"But I don't know what's going on with Xiao Xixi, I just want to cooperate with them.

But, that place is really too dangerous!"

Xiang Mo was a little helpless

"Zhao Lu and the others will definitely not agree to cooperate when they hear what that place said, and then Xiao Xixi will definitely give up directly.

Then she won't be able to take good care of her body.

It seems that I have to persuade her again in the next two days."

Xiang Momomo made a decision in her heart.

Just when she was in a daze, she suddenly heard Chen Chen asking her a question

"Xiang Mo~

How is your leg now?"

"Much better now!"

Xiang Mo nodded repeatedly,"The wound has now subsided and scabbed.

I didn't expect it to heal so quickly!"

When she said this, she couldn't help but glance at Zhao Lu. Her eyes were full of admiration.

"After the scab falls off, apply the body lotion I gave you. As long as you don’t have scar-prone skin, generally speaking, there will be no scars left~"

Zhao Lu listened to their conversation and said casually


Xiang Mo's eyes lit up when she heard this. Scarless was really great news for her!

Suddenly, the way she looked at Zhao Lu changed again, becoming more admiring.

At the same time, she was also a little curious, wondering what else Zhao Lu didn't know.


The morning passed quickly.

At noon, there was still a very sumptuous meal.

However, during the meal, everyone discovered a problem.

""Brother, why are there fewer lights?"

Chen Chen looked at the room with some confusion.

In the past, when eating, many lights were turned on, which made the whole table very bright and atmospheric.

But now there are only two oil lamps on, which can only ensure that everyone can see the dishes and will not eat food into their nostrils.

"Something went wrong.

I was just about to say something."

Zhao Lu said slowly after hearing this.

"We are running low on oil now.

So, we need to start saving oil.

After lunch, everyone went back to their rooms to work. As for lighting, we can use the firewood in the room.

When the typhoon is over, we can find something that can provide a lot of oil, and then continue to use oil lamps on a large scale.

Zhao Lu announced this measure helplessly.

There is no other way. The oil is really not enough now.

"So that's it~"

"OK! No problem!"

Everyone responded after hearing this. They didn't really care about the lack of oil lamps.

After all, how many people have oil lamps to use on a deserted island?

But they didn't want to, Zhao Lu felt a little uncomfortable.

"Where can I find some oil?"

Sitting on a chair in the room, Zhao Lu fell into deep thought.

"Brother~Don't think about it~"

Chen Chen turned off the camera and sat directly in Zhao Lu's arms.

Then he turned off his camera as well.

"Anyway, everything is ready now, and there is plenty of food, so we don't have to rush. It's also very generous to relax for a while.~"


Zhao Lu also laughed when she heard that, and then put her head close to Chen Chen's ear,"Then what do you want to do?"

"Do nothing!

You've been fooled!

Cluck, cluck, cluck~"

Chen Chen laughed like a hen, kicked the ground with his legs, and rushed out of Zhao Lu's arms.

"You still want to run?"

Zhao Lu turned into a big devil and wanted to get up and chase him.

However, at this moment, suddenly there were voices calling for help from outside.



Zhao Lu raised her eyebrows and stopped playing.

"Is someone in danger?"

Chen Chen stopped when he heard this, and then turned to look at Zhao Lu.

"Brother, please save her!"


Zhao Lu nodded, and then strode towards the door.

Although he didn't know who was asking for help, since he heard it, he could show some"humanitarian care".

As long as it wasn't someone who had an enemy asking for help, Zhao Lu would help as much as possible.

So he opened the door.

Then, a naked girl rushed directly into his arms.

To be precise, she was blown into his arms by the wind!


Sexy typhoon, send people online! ?

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