
Zhao Lu frowned when she heard this.

This was Xiang Mo's voice.

She was so anxious, obviously Mo Xi was in trouble.

"I'll be right there."

Zhao Lu put on his clothes and went out.

He didn't bring any medicine because he didn't know the other person's condition.

"what happened?"

"I do not know……"

When Xiang Mo saw Zhao Lu coming out, he immediately became confident and jumped over and grabbed Zhao Lu's arm.

"Quick! Save Mo Xi!

She didn't know what happened and fainted!

I saw her covering her chest before she fainted, maybe she had a heart attack!"

""Let's go."

Zhao Lu picked up Xiang Mo and rushed to their room.

Mo Xi was lying on the ground, in shock.

Zhao Lu didn't hesitate and put Xiang Mo on a chair beside him, then squatted down to check on Mo Xi's condition.

As a result, he was relieved immediately.

"How is it? How is it!?"

Xiang Mo saw Zhao Lu's expression suddenly relaxed, and a glimmer of hope suddenly arose in his heart, and he quickly asked

"It's nothing, not a heart attack.

Just a stomach cramp."

"Gastric spasm?

That's great!"

Xiang Mo took a long breath and patted her chest,"It's good that it's not gastric spasm! It's much better than heart disease!"

She said it twice before realizing that there was something wrong with what she said.

So she quickly changed the subject.

"Why did she have a stomach cramp?

Also, how could a stomach cramp cause dizziness?"

"She has stomach problems. She didn't eat much a while ago, but she has been eating a lot recently. The typhoon is coming and the climate is changing, so she has stomach cramps.

This is not a big problem, and it can be cured slowly.

As for fainting due to stomach cramps, this is normal.

You may not have experienced stomach cramps, but some people say that the pain is comparable to the pain of giving birth."


As Zhao Lu was talking, she massaged Mo Xi's acupuncture points, and she woke up soon.

"Xiao Xixi!

Are you awake?

I was really scared just now!

Fortunately, you are okay!"

"Thank you."

Mo Xi was stunned for a moment, then he reacted and nodded to Zhao Lu to express his gratitude.

"It's okay."

Zhao Lu waved her hand,"Drink more honey water and rest well.

I'm short of a few herbs now, so I can't make them for you for now.

I'll help you find some after the typhoon passes."

"It's okay, don't bother me. I know my stomach problems, so don't worry about it."

Mo Xi waved her hand and refused immediately, her eyes a little flustered.

It felt like she was afraid of owing someone a favor.

"Who doesn't have stomach problems these days?"

However, she was afraid of owing favors, but Xiang Mo was not afraid.

Xiang Mo grabbed Zhao Lu's hand and shook it vigorously.

"Thank you very much!

If you have any questions in the future, just let me know!"

"You're welcome~"

Zhao Lu smiled, didn't say anything more, and strode towards the door

"What a nice person you are!"

Xiang Mo looked at Zhao Lu's back and gave her a nice person card.

But for some reason, she blushed when she gave out the nice person card.

"Ah! He actually hugged me just now!"

At this time, Xiang Mo just remembered what happened just now.

She couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

This made her face even redder.

"What's wrong with you?"

Mo Xi looked at Xiang Mo in a daze, blushing, and suddenly became a little confused.

"It's okay, it's okay~"

Xiang Mo shook his head in panic and changed the subject.

"Why don't you want him to treat you?"

"I don't want to owe him too much, otherwise our cooperation will not be able to continue."

Mo Xi waved his hand, then stood up.

He walked to the stove, made a cup of honey water, and drank it in small sips.

"I've already said it!

Our conditions are not good!

Too unreliable!

It's better to just work honestly~

It's not bad anyway~

So, how do you feel now?"

"It's ok. I'm much better.……"


"What happened to Mo Xi?"

As soon as Zhao Lu returned to the room, he saw Chen Chen standing at the door, looking at him with some concern.

"I'm fine.

I fainted from stomach cramps."


Is her stomach problem so serious?"

"It's OK.

There are many people with stomach problems these days, it's normal.

The thinner the girl, the more likely she is to have stomach problems, the busier the man, the more likely he is to have stomach problems.

For example, you have some mild gastritis."

"This is……"

Chen Chen smiled a little embarrassedly.

Her family was poor, and she never ate on time before going to college.

After going to college, she often had to work, so she didn't eat on time, so she got gastritis.

However, there are many people with stomach problems, and as long as it is not very painful, generally no one will take it seriously.

"It's okay. When the typhoon is over, I'll go find some Chinese medicine and take care of you all."

Zhao Lu waved her hand and said nonchalantly.

Then she went to wash and cook.

Breakfast was still a variety of delicacies made from beef.

After the meal, everyone continued to work.

However, today's work was a little different.

The three girls continued to twist the ropes, while Liu Hu and the others began to weave fish baskets with vines.

Zhao Lu even started to cut wood and make oars. After making four oars, he followed Liu Hu and the others to make fish baskets.

The six of them chatted while working.

They were very happy.

However, the people in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded again.

"The master is so efficient!

I feel that the master is faster than Liu and Hu combined!"

"I only knew that the master was fast and strong, but I didn't know he was this strong!

He was faster than the two of them combined!

Isn't that amazing?"

"What a terrible efficiency!"


After seeing Zhao Lu's efficiency, the people in the live broadcast room immediately started to discuss.

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison.

Although we knew that Zhao Lu was very strong and fast before, there was no comparison, so many people did not know how strong Zhao Lu was.

Although digging a pit���Zhao Lu had compared himself with others on trees, but many people just regarded it as the strength.

Now, everyone is doing fine work, so naturally they can compare who is more efficient.

However, Zhao Lu didn't care about it at all.

Because he had something more worth paying attention to at the moment!

He suddenly had diarrhea!

But he didn't care at all, but was very excited.

"I actually encountered such a thing! ?"

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