"In the past, we always thought that Big Pineapple was just a passing typhoon, so no matter how strong it was, it would not be a big problem.

It would not land on Youmeng Island, so it was not a big problem."

A diagram of the typhoon appeared on the big screen, and Yin Feng sat there and began to explain slowly.

"But recently we have discovered a very bad situation.

This big pineapple will be upgraded to a strong typhoon when it approaches Youmeng Island!

At that time, the areas on the island may face gusts of 12!

In addition, the relevant data has become clearer. Let's take a look at the big pineapple's forward map."

As he said, the picture on the big screen changed instantly and became the big pineapple's forward map.

It also specifically marked the wind force level generated by the typhoon during its advance.

"This map is similar to the last one, but there are some minor changes.

For example, last time, we estimated that the place with the strongest wind on Youmeng Island was the southeast corner.

But after this more accurate judgment, we found that the entire east side of Youmeng Island will be affected by strong winds!

The area closest to the east will face a force 12 gale!

And the area closest to the west will also face a force 10 gale!

It can be said that this typhoon is very strong!

My simple program team notified all the contestants to move to the west."

"We have already started doing this."

Cao Bin explained with a smile,"In addition, our temporary rescue station on the island has been built.

The relevant rescue materials provided by xx Group have also arrived.

Our staff will be on call 24 hours a day, and if there is a problem, we will immediately start rescue."

"That's good."

Yin Feng nodded."In addition, it is recommended that participants stay away from the seaside, hillsides, and low-lying areas.

When strong winds come, be sure to pay attention to falling objects in the air."

""Okay, Professor Yin, we believe that our contestants know this."

Cao Bin responded with a smile.

The program team would not inform the contestants in such detail.

If they were not afraid of causing some negative news, they would not even want to inform the contestants of the coming typhoon.

After all, this is a"desert island survival" program, and typhoons are also one of the normal tests of nature.

"After receiving the news of the approaching typhoon, our contestants also took corresponding countermeasures.

Some of them began to build more solid shelters, some began to migrate, and some chose to give up.

Others joined more powerful contestants and formed a strategic alliance!

It can be said that the Eight Immortals crossed the sea and showed their magical powers!"

Cao Bin smiled and directly changed the topic and entered the time of today's program

"To be honest, choosing to build a more solid shelter, or migrating, or giving up, these are all normal reactions I can imagine.

And directly joining a stronger player, forming a strategic alliance, and starting to work for other contestants, just to get paid for a meal.

This kind of behavior really puzzles me.

Although it is really difficult to survive in the rainforest, there is no need to do this, right?

Once you follow an unreliable boss, you may be in an embarrassing situation of being cheated to death by the boss.

Even if there is no embarrassing situation of being cheated to death by the boss, the boss will not treat you sincerely.

The meal will not be too good!

It is better to go out and be self-reliant!

Now, let's take a look at the contestants who followed other players!"

As soon as Cao Bin finished speaking, the camera switched to the big screen.

At this moment, on the big screen, a group of people were eating hot pot.

It was Zhao Lu and the other four.

At the same time, their voices came out


Your steak is really delicious!

This is the best well-done steak I have ever eaten!

Others say that well-done steak is not good, dry and tough, but after eating this steak, I found that what they said was all bullshit!"

"Yes, boss!

It smells so good!"


Actually, they are right. Well-done steak is indeed not as good as medium-rare steak in many aspects.

However, we are eating bison now. If it is not cooked well, it may contain parasites."

Zhao Lu said with a smile, and then raised the glass in her hand,"Cheers!"


The four of them clinked their glasses, drank a sip of Monkey Wine, and then continued to eat steak and hot pot.



Cao Bin was a little embarrassed at the moment, and he finally understood Xiao Lin's embarrassment at that time.

However, there was one thing he was better than Xiao Lin, that was thick-skinned!


It seems that Liu Deli and Hu Xin are very smart.

They chose a very strong and friendly boss. Let us congratulate them!"

Cao Bin smiled and completely forgot what he had said.

"However, I believe that this situation is very rare.

Moreover, the players who seek to join the strong are not just Liu Deli and his group, there are many other players who choose to join the strong.

Let's take a look at another player who joins the strong!"

The next moment, four men appeared on the big screen.

They were also eating.

However, what they ate was completely different from what Zhao Lu and the others ate.

"We need to save food when heading to the west of the island.

After all, prey is not easy to hunt.

Let's do this for today, have a good rest, and we will continue our journey tomorrow."

Gu Xi swallowed the palm tree heart in his hand, then waved his hand and turned into the temporary shelter.

While everyone else was still outside, he carefully looked around, then quickly stole a few pieces of meat and put them in his pocket.

Then he walked out with the cup as if nothing had happened.


"The most terrifying thing is to follow a boss who deducts money like this!"

Cao Bin shook his head and made a summary speech

"At present, there are only two groups of people who choose to rely on the strong. Will there be more and more players who rely on the strong in the future?

I am not sure, you can continue to pay attention to our program, time will tell us everything!

Well, let's take a look at a group of very unlucky players!

They chose to migrate, but because they lost their way, they put themselves in danger!"

As soon as Cao Bin finished speaking, Xiang Mo and Mo Xi appeared on the big screen.

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