"This is……"

The moment Zhao Lu saw the bison, he grabbed the monkey.

Then he stared at a place not far from the bison. There was something unusual there!

The monkey was a little confused at first, but after Zhao Lu looked over, he immediately began to tremble.

This was a natural reaction after seeing an animal that frightened him.

At this time, Zhao Lu's body was also shaking.

Of course, he was not afraid, but he was holding back!

"I really want to laugh... but I can't laugh... what should I do? It's so uncomfortable……"

Zhao Lu's body was shaking constantly, and he was having a hard time holding it in.

Finally, he took a few deep breaths and finally recovered.

"I didn't expect to meet three white moles here!"

Zhao Lu smiled.

His thoughts were already flying, thinking of the happy night he and Chen Chen had not long ago. After a while of distraction, Zhao Lu finally came back to his senses.

He first quietly drove the monkey away.

Then he stared at the three predators not far away.

The three predators were snow-white with a few black stripes, very beautiful.

They were extremely rare white tigers!

In Zhao Lu's previous life, wild white tigers had completely become extinct, and this creature could only be seen in zoos.

But in this world, it is clear that wild white tigers have not yet become extinct.

"The white tiger is a variant of the Bengal tiger. It is not an albino Bengal tiger, but a genetic mutation that has caused the hair to turn white, but the black stripes are still there. It is very rare.

Albino tigers are pure white, without black stripes."

Zhao Lu quietly pointed the camera at the three white tigers not far away," and Bengal tigers generally live alone.

So the three tigers in front of us should be a tigress with her two children, learning to hunt~

Judging from their size, these two tiger babies should be almost adults.

It is very difficult for white tigers to survive in the wild.

After all, their color is too conspicuous.

But these three are still alive and well, what does this mean?

This means that these three tigers are very strong!

So, I need to be careful."



Or a white tiger!?"

"Holy shit!

This is the first time I’ve seen a white tiger!"

"It turns out that the white tiger is a variant of the Bengal tiger...

I thought it was a separate species!"

"Mystical beast!

Mystical beast!"

"The big devil's situation today was really strange, he encountered several big battles!

It was really exciting to watch!"


Zhao Lu's live broadcast room was unusually lively today.

There was no way, today was really too exciting.

It was much more interesting than the boring house building in the past few days, so the audience was also very excited.

However, Zhao Lu didn't have much time to think about the things in the live broadcast room.

Because, the three white tigers moved!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

The three white tigers rushed out like arrows from a string, their light blue eyes exuding cold murderous intent.

The three bison lying on the ground to rest stood up immediately when they saw this.

They did not choose to attack, but chose to escape.

After all, what they saw in front of them were Bengal tigers with very terrifying attack power.

Moreover, there were three of them!

Immediately, a chase began below.

The bison were running wildly in front, and the white tigers were chasing wildly behind.

"Really smart~

No wonder it can live until now."

Zhao Lu sighed softly.

Because of the special color of white tigers, it is not suitable for them to approach prey little by little.

Because once they get close to the prey, they will be discovered because of their eye-catching color.

If you want to catch prey, you can only enter the predation state in advance and have a chase with the prey.

The speed of these three bison can be said to be relatively fast, but not as fast as these three mutant Bengal tigers.

So after a while, the two tigers caught up with the bison.

And attacked the bison.

Compared with lions, tigers' attacks are more skillful.

They will bite the neck of the prey more skillfully, bite hard, and rely on their cleverness and attack on the prey's neck to knock the prey to the ground.

Lions generally rely on brute force and weight to force the prey to knock down.

The two Bengal tigers in front of them have successfully knocked down their prey.

The bison kept struggling on the ground, but became more and more powerless, and finally stopped moving completely.

""So fast and so powerful!

Worthy of being a tiger!"

Zhao Lu exclaimed, then turned her head to look not far away.

The third tiger was still chasing the third bison.

Originally, it had successfully pounced on the bison, but because of its lack of skills, the bison broke free.

Then it was hit by the bison again and was directly injured, so that it still has not caught the prey until now.

This tiger is obviously a young tiger, and its hunting skills have not been mastered yet. It is completely inferior to its brother, which eventually led to the failure of hunting.

Seeing that the bison was running farther and farther, there was no possibility of catching up.

So the tiger gave up the chase.

Turned to walk towards his mother and brother, wanting to get some meat to eat.

Although the mother tiger roared at the little tiger twice and rejected its request for meat, under the little tiger's constant coquettish offensive, the mother tiger finally gave it some meat.


I didn't expect the little tiger to act like a spoiled child~"

Zhao Lu sighed as he looked at the tiger in the distance, then turned around and chased in the direction of the last bison.

He was not interested in snatching food from the tiger's mouth. After all, the meat was already dirty, and these were also the exclusive cute things of White Mole, so it was better not to bully them.

"If three tigers attack me together, can I handle it?"

Suddenly, this thought popped up in Zhao Lu's mind, and then he shook his head and drove away this thought.

Then he ran quickly in the direction where the bison left.

Javan bison are nocturnal creatures, so Zhao Lu was not worried that the other party would run away.

In addition, he has special tracking skills, so it didn't take long for him to see the bison again.

However, after seeing the bison, Zhao Lu smiled bitterly again.

"What happened today?"

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