This group of macaques has a total of about one or two hundred or even several hundred macaques. It can be said to be a very large group of macaques.

Faced with such a number of monkeys, even a tiger will not be able to gain any benefit. Of course, it is hard to say if a group of tigers come.

But under normal circumstances, there are not so many tigers.

If a python encounters such a group of monkeys, it will probably be beaten to death directly.

Even the monkey-eating eagle that Zhao Lu just encountered would not come to the monkey's nest alone.

Zhao Lu really couldn't think of what kind of animal would come to cause trouble.

However, he was not surprised that the monkey was attacked.

After all, monkeys are sometimes really mean.

Once a tiger was lying on the ground lazily basking in the sun, but suddenly a monkey came over, grabbed a branch, patted the tiger on the head a few times, and then ran away.

The result was really miserable, but the meanness of monkeys is really deep in their bones.

"Maybe they are here for revenge~"

Zhao Luqing couldn't help but imagine.

After a moment, he knew what kind of people came!


More than 20 gorillas!"

Zhao Lu was stunned, then turned and left.

Each of them was 1.7 meters tall, and the leader was nearly 2 meters tall.

It was obvious that they were not easy to mess with.

He was not afraid of a single fight, but if he was besieged by more than 20 gorillas, he would have no confidence.

Although he had become stronger, he really didn't know how strong he was.

"I wonder if I will be able to fight a group of gorillas after I digest the second strengthening potion?"

Zhao Lu's second strengthening potion has been almost digested.

It is estimated that it will take a few days to digest this strengthening potion.

He feels that this strengthening potion is much more difficult to digest than the first one.

However, the increased strength and physical strength are also a lot!

Now he has not felt what tiredness feels like for a long time. He has endless energy every day and is extremely strong.

It is easy to lift a large stone weighing hundreds of pounds.

"I don’t even know how much power my punch has now?"


Just as Zhao Lu was daydreaming, the macaque group was in complete chaos.

Groups of monkeys, under the command of the monkey king, began to gather and attacked the gorilla.

A dozen monkeys surrounded a gorilla and started fighting.

However, although the monkeys had the advantage in numbers, they were too small and were no match for the gorilla.

The gorillas roared and waved their fists wildly, hitting the small monkeys around them one after another. However, the monkeys rushed back quickly as if they were not afraid of death, and jumped onto the gorilla.���The monkeys started to attack.

There were also a few more flexible monkeys jumping on the ground, attacking the gorilla's weaknesses.

For a moment, blood splattered and various shouts were heard everywhere.

Zhao Lu, who was there, didn't pay any attention to the monkeys and gorillas.

"What a grand occasion!~"


"Wow wow wow!

Big scene, big scene!"

"I never thought that I would be able to see a battle between monkeys and gorillas!"

"Holy shit! That was bloody!

I saw the monkey's arm being pulled off!"

"It’s so scary!"

"I didn't expect that the master could encounter such a big scene.

I have never seen such a scene in other live broadcast rooms!"

"It's worth it!

I'm not working at work, it's really worth it to watch the live broadcast here!"

"So exciting!"


The barrage in the live broadcast room instantly flooded the screen.

Everyone likes to watch the excitement, and the big scene in front of them is a very attractive and unique excitement.

However, this has nothing to do with Zhao Lu.

He is pouring the monkey wine from the coconut shell into his bamboo cup.

After all, coconut shells are really inconvenient to carry.

However, as soon as he put the monkey wine into the bamboo tube, he felt his pants being pulled again.

Looking down, the monkey came again.

At this moment, he was looking at Zhao Lu with pitiful eyes. Seeing Zhao Lu looking at him, he raised his hand and pointed at the gorilla not far away.

It seemed to be asking Zhao Lu to help save the monkey.

Not far away, the monkeys were at a disadvantage.

Although there were many monkeys, they were too small.

Their attacks were really not too strong for the big gorillas.

Although several gorillas were injured, many macaques had died.

If the macaques did not have foreign aid, I am afraid they would have to abandon their nests and escape.

However, Zhao Lu did not want to be a foreign aid in vain.

He looked down at the macaque, imitated some wild boar sounds with his ventriloquism, and then made a gesture to take me to find it.

The monkey scratched its head, then shook its head.

Then it looked at Zhao Lu pitifully again.

Zhao Lu was not moved at all, and imitated the call of the bison again, and made a gesture to take me to find it again.

This time the monkey seemed to understand what he meant, and then nodded vigorously, and pointed to the gorilla not far away.

"This is because you have never seen a wild boar, but you know where the bison is?"

Zhao Lu was delighted.

Although the bison was much stronger than the wild boar, the bison had much more meat than the wild boar!

As for the strength of the bison, he didn't care at all.

"This deal can be done."

Just when Zhao Lu made the decision and was about to make a move, a gorilla standing at a height of 1.8 meters suddenly rushed towards Zhao Lu.


The gorilla seemed to feel the threat from Zhao Lu, so he wanted to drive Zhao Lu away.

However, the strength in his hand was not small.

Before the gorilla arrived, a strong wind blew towards Zhao Lu's face.

At the same time, a disgusting bad breath suddenly hit Zhao Lu, almost making her faint.


It's a poison gas bomb!

You broke the rules!"


However, what responded to Zhao Lu was another even more foul-smelling poison gas bomb.


"Big event! Big event!

The master and the gorillas are fighting!"

"It's terrible! It's really terrible!"

"The gorilla that attacked the master was a silverback!

That was King Kong!

He would die from that punch... and if he was bitten by those fangs, his skull would be shattered!"

"Rescue! The program team is rescuing!

There are so many gorillas, the master will definitely not be able to defeat them!"

"Not to mention so many gorillas, I feel like even the King Kong in front of the master can kill the master……"

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