"What should I do?! What should I do? ?"

Chen Chen was very panicked at this moment, leaning on Zhao Lu's arms.

His eyes were full of fear.

Not far away, there were roars from time to time.

The roars that sounded from time to time were indeed very terrifying in the rainy night.

"Let's turn on the camera!

Otherwise, if something goes wrong, the production team won't be able to come to the rescue.……"


Wasn't someone shy just now?

And he acted like he was going to be angry with me if I didn't turn off the camera?

I thought you wanted to be with me in the rain, but what happened?

It turned out to be a hug?

False happiness~"

"You are disgusting! You bastard!~"

"Mr. Mole, it’s such a beautiful day, shouldn’t we do something?"


The beasts around seemed to be affirming Zhao Lu. After he said that, Zhao Lu roared, as if to show his presence.


That's it!

The jaguar!

It's here again!

Hurry up and turn on the camera!

This is not a beautiful scene at all!

This is clearly a wild animal on a desert island!"

"You asked me to turn on the camera, why didn't you turn it on?"

Zhao Lu patted the little head huddled in her arms and said with a scientific meaning:"Also, this sound is obviously not a jaguar.~"


Isn't it?

No wonder you're not scared~"

Chen Chen heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that. He patted his chest and punched Zhao Lu in the chest again.

But the force was really like a massage.

"Of course not, this is probably a tiger, right?"

"So that's it~

It's a tiger~

Then I'm not afraid...

Tiger? It's a tiger!

It's a tiger! ?"

After Chen Chen realized what was going on, he was completely stunned.

The tiger is known as the jaguar's older cousin, so it's obvious that the tiger is much stronger than the jaguar!

"Don't be afraid, it won't come out, and even if it does, don't be afraid.

I'm here."

Zhao Lu shrugged indifferently, then waved the torch in her hand, pointed to the small animal on the tree not far away and said,"Look, that's a cat monkey.

It has a flying membrane covered with hair on its neck, forearms, hind legs and tail, so it can glide between trees.

It's quite interesting, but it doesn't have much meat, so there's no need to catch it!"


Don't change the subject!

What if a tiger comes?"

"Mole Sue, look, there is a glass frog on this tree!

This is a very rare species.

Its back is gray-green, and you can't see it if you don't look carefully.

Moreover, its abdomen is transparent, and it is precisely because of this transparent abdomen that it has such a name."

"Huh? I saw it!

It's so small!


Don't change the subject!

What if a tiger comes?"


The rain forest is very lively at night.

Because most of the small animals here come out at night.

Mole, look at the tree over there!

That big cat is a clouded leopard!

I didn't expect that we would encounter this!

You are so lucky!"


Hearing the word"clouded leopard", Chen Chen was startled and shouted loudly.

The clouded leopard not far away was also startled, then kicked its limbs and disappeared the next moment.

"Don't be so excited.

Clouded leopards are much weaker than jaguars.

Moreover, this creature is very afraid of people.

Generally speaking, it will not appear in front of people.

We are really lucky to encounter it."

"I'd rather not have this kind of luck.……"

"Don't be too scared. Generally speaking, most wild animals won't attack people.

The same goes for tigers and leopards.

Just like the tiger just now, its voice is more of a warning than a real attack.

Otherwise, you would have been dead."

"But just in case!"

"So don’t stay too far away from me in the future~

By the way, do you know how a jaguar roars?"


"What are you talking about? It sounds like snoring. It sounds like snoring. It sounds fierce."

"So scary?"

"Do you know how a cheetah roars? It sounds very fierce!"


"Why are you roaring? I'm not fierce at all!

I'm just meowing ~ hahahaha!"


"Is it silly and cute? Does it not match its appearance?

But it is indeed very cute."

"Is it so magical?"

"No, look, there's a palm civet over there.~"

"Where where?"

"Yeah, ran away"

"It's a fast runner!

I haven't seen a palm civet yet!

But is it a relative of the palm civet?"

"Yes, they look very similar, but civet cats have painted faces, and they don't.

So they are easy to tell apart.~"



The two chatted as they walked.

Chen Chen's mood gradually improved.

However, as they were walking, the honey bear on Zhao Lu's shoulder suddenly moved around.

At the same time, it kept making rapid noises.


Zhao Lu stopped immediately after seeing this, then looked at the honey bear, and the next moment she turned around and walked towards the east.

"What's wrong?

Did something happen?"

Chen Chen suddenly became uneasy again.

"It's ok, it found some good stuff~

Let's go and take a look~"


How can you understand its words?

And how can you make it so obedient!?"

Chen Chen was immediately curious when he heard this.

"I’m a veterinarian~"

Zhao Lu smiled but didn’t tell the truth.

He couldn’t say that he had maxed out his animal taming skills and became the most powerful animal tamer in the world, right?

""Brother, you are so awesome!"

Chen Chen looked at Zhao Lu with some admiration.

What she liked most was Zhao Lu's omnipotence and knowledge of everything.

Under the guidance of the honey bear, the two of them soon came to the three big trees.

Looking at the big trees in front of them, Chen Chen suddenly felt a tingling sensation on his scalp.

"This... This is too scary, isn't it! ?"

The trunk of the tree was full of small black balls. They were densely crawling all over the trunk and branches.

Some of them had broken, and a lot of sticky liquid flowed out of them, which looked very disgusting.

It was like countless insect eggs!

"What is this! ?"

"This is a good thing!"

Zhao Lu's eyes lit up, and she gently patted the honey bear's head to show encouragement.

"Our quality of life can be improved again!"

"Quality of life?

Is this related to quality of life?!

But it looks so disgusting!"

"Of course~

Do you want to be more beautiful?

Do you want to stay young forever?

Do you want to live forever?"


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