In Chen Chen's opinion, these two people must want to help work here for a long time.

In order to stabilize everyone's hearts and for greater safety, she proposed signing a contract.

In her opinion, signing a contract is definitely the best way to establish a cooperative relationship.

The two people disagreed, which means that they have other ideas in their minds.

It is very likely that they have bad intentions!

Want to do something behind the scenes!

However, just when she was a little confused.

Liu Deli spoke.

As soon as he spoke, he made Chen Chen blush.

"Madam boss, when we said no, it wasn’t that we didn’t want to sign the agreement, but we felt that we couldn’t just sign one agreement."

"After the agreement is signed, it is legally binding.

But we can still break the contract.

Once we break the contract, we will often meet in court and sue each other.

Even if you win the lawsuit, we can still use many ways to refuse to pay and keep delaying.

This is very unreliable!"

"Therefore, we cannot just sign an agreement, we need another way to assist."

Liu and Hu said one sentence each, finishing what they wanted to say.

Then they looked at Chen Chen quietly, waiting for her reply.

However, Chen Chen did not reply, but was in a daze with a red face.

"Lady boss?"


Who is your boss lady!?"

Chen Chen finally reacted.

However, this reaction was a little wrong.


Zhao Lu coughed twice and then asked,"What do you mean?

How do you assist?""

"Use the help button and follow the program rules to get help~"

Liu Deli touched his almost bald head and said with a smile.

"This help button has a call option.

This is not only for when you want to quit, but also for when you need help.

However, in my opinion, many people don't know how to talk. After pressing the help button, they start waiting for rescue and then get eliminated.


So, we can directly ask the program team for help and let them put shackles on us.~"

"Still... can it be like this! ?"

Chen Chen finally reacted at this moment, and said in surprise


We are willing to help you, the boss, and then let you lead us to victory. We are willing to share the final half of the bonus.~"


Zhao Lu couldn't help but be impressed by the two people's powerful flattery skills.


Zhao Lu nodded, and then the few of them finalized the agreement with the help of the program team.


After dinner, several people started to work.

Zhao Lu first taught the three of them how to make paper.

In the past few days, a lot of paper pulp has been cooked.

However, because they have been busy building the house, the tools for making paper have not been made.

Last night, Zhao Lu stayed up a little and made the tools for making paper.

So today, he started to teach them how to make paper.

Papermaking is the most difficult part of the papermaking process, but it is not too difficult.

��After practicing a few times, they all learned how to copy paper.

Chen Chen was left copying paper by himself, and the other three went to the"construction site" to continue building the house.

Today's task is very simple.

It is to complete the prototype of the"palace".

Put up all the wood.

Then wait until the weather is clear tomorrow, and then you can inject lime mortar into the wooden frame.

If the house is made of pure wood, the workload is too large. It cannot be completed in a short time.

Moreover, a pure wooden house may not be able to withstand a typhoon.

At present, there is no material and cement cannot be made, so Zhao Lu can only choose to use lime mortar to fill the house.

As lime mortar is often used in ancient buildings, the viscosity and hardness are good, but it is not waterproof, so it can only be worked on sunny days.


A busy day passed by.

At about 6:00 p.m., the basic construction of the"palace" was finally completed!

At the same time, the cement mortar raw materials needed for tomorrow were prepared.

As long as these raw materials are mixed tomorrow, they can be used.

"It's really a magnificent building!"

Hu Xin said with admiration as he looked at the"palace" not far away.

Although it is only a prototype made of pure wood, you can also see what it will look like after it is completed.

"Yeah, the boss is awesome."

""Okay, stop filming and go eat."

Zhao Lu waved her hand and walked towards the shelter, starting to select ingredients and cook.

Dinner was still pork.

There was no other way, a total of more than 100 kilograms of pork, it would take more than a few days to finish.

However, now it was almost finished.

"Not bad, I finally managed to finish the pork before it went bad.

However, it's time to replenish other things.……"

Zhao Lu found that the breadfruit was almost finished, and some fruits were also consumed a lot recently.

"Looks like I need to go get some more supplies today."

Looking at the sky, it felt like it was still early, so Zhao Lu planned to go get some more supplies.

They had dinner a little early today, and Liu Hu and the others also left early.

So Zhao Lu said hello to Chen Chen, and went out with the bamboo basket on his back.

He went to the banana forest first. He hadn't been to this place for a long time, and the bananas were much more ripe.

Although some of them were eaten by some animals, it wasn't a big problem.

After checking and finding that no other contestants had been there, Zhao Lu headed for the mango forest.

After that, it was the breadfruit forest. After checking all these resource points and finding that there were no accidents, he picked up the ripe fruits and went back.

"It's really good to raise some small animals.

At least, the fruit consumption rate can be much faster~"

Zhao Lu sighed.

The role of these little guys is not only to help consume unnecessary ingredients.

In the near future, they will play a more powerful role!

"Too many resources is not a big deal!

No wonder in ancient times, when there were too many resources, people liked to raise things.


Zhao Lu sighed as she walked forward.

But after packing up her things, she found that Chen Chen was gone.

"The three Pokémon are still there, where did Chen Chen go?"

Zhao Lu frowned, feeling a little strange.

Chen Chen usually doesn't go out.

"She probably didn't go too far. After all, the three Pokémon were there, so she wouldn't be gone for too long."

Zhao Lu couldn't figure it out, but he didn't rush out to look for her.

In his mind, Chen Chen should be back soon.

So there was no need to go out.

So he started waiting. As a result, a long time passed. It was already late at night, but Chen Chen still hadn't come back!

"Something happened!?"

Zhao Lu stood up with a gloomy face.

He realized something was wrong.

"What on earth happened! ?"

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